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Celexs posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 4:26pm for Part 2

Awesome chapter, I really like how you had them help out the school with the Partonus. It was something that I havent seen done before and it logically makes sense. Excellent work.


lancelw posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 4:04pm for Part 2

Thank you for the update. Love this story.
looking forward to more of this and all your works.

Love the way you have incorporated pinhead & are keeping Harry's skills hidden for now. Love how that builds anticipation of what he can really do.

looking forward to more.
again THANK YOU.

Greg Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 2:46pm for Part 2

Thank you for posting!
Can't wait for the next chapter.

Kaaz posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 1:47pm for Part 2

You are a wiz, you know that? Thank you for your wonderful writings.
I know writing can be difficult at times, and it takes quite a bit to keep going (as I did have much difficulty completing one). I really appreciate you continuing your stories, and wish you all the best.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 1:31pm for Part 2

I am delighted to see an update!

Slytherin66 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 12:33pm for Part 2

A most enjoyable chapter and read.

A soul destroying potion must be based on something a Longbottom created as Neville destroyed Snape’s soul often in class. I always wondered about enchanted objects for potions now I know you need the knowledge to use them no shortcuts in potions.

The potion was amazing just like an Addams to spit in the eye of infinity a good line ""Our sanity is our own."

A good realisation by Severus and he will enjoy life as part of the Addams Clan and truly belong. A very good insight into Harry and how he came to be what he is and will be.

A funny greeting between Severus and Remus I liked how the meeting went Percy as Head Boy would be a disaster like Ron I think Percy got it because the Headmaster knew or owed the Weasleys. Ron and Percy will never grow out of it, for the good of the world just kill them off and it would make a good read as I never liked Ron and Percy became an even bigger prat when he worked at the Ministry the desire to punch him is so great.

Great name for the hat "decrepit haberdashery"

A big twist regarding Ginny her mums a good cook but nothing is ever said about Ginny and if she can cook Addams style she will always have people wanting it and someone should learn from Grandmama. I can just imagine Severus plotting to get some of it using all his cunning and spare time.
Very true about the secret of Remus, Wednesday dealt with it so simply and easily if those in power know and don’t care the rest will follow.

Well done Ginny she put an end to anything Percy had to say before he started and a more confident and Slytherin Ginny is good. Weasley shouting and ranting seems rather ineffective to all but the most stupid.

Severus as a Godfather is a good one and we get so see a rare or non-existent side of him. The escape from Azkaban would be big news in the Magical world life would be quite mundane given the low population the activities of Fletcher the thief would be big news with so little crime and few disasters.

Dementors at a school was very stupid and potentially damaging to young minds I wonder if given his name Fudge owns the sweet shop as the place will have made a fortune in third year. I have wondered how Wednesday and Harry would react to a Dementors presence the thought of one acting as their servant made me laugh or maybe they would give one to Uncle Fester as a friend or pet.

A Nundu such a cool and formidable animal good thinking regarding the Patronus charm if people think it’s hard to do they will struggle to do it and how people were instructed was very well done and it makes sense it would be hard for an individual to think of their happiest memory yet another person with skill in reading thoughts it would be easier. A bear is a much better animal for Severus thanks for that.

Kingsley was a surprise the bit about his mum made him more human and less stoic the same with Minerva. It must be a great temptation to hurt or arrange an accident for Fudge makes me wonder if there is a pool running to see how he will go.

Fudge in trouble is always good and if the Dementors are negated as a threat the Ministry looses much of their power. A good insight into the three who escaped Azkaban and a good way to end the chapter a cliffhanger but not as mean as it could have been so cheers for that, I look forward to the next chapter.

shane cawley posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 12:15pm for Part 2

Great chapter. Please don't leave it as long as I had to re-read the first chapter.

The growth of Harry and Wednesday as characters is spectacular and I appreciate the difficulties you have in writing this; so thank you for your achievements.
Waiting happyly as i can always re-read the other stories while i wait for more.

BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 11:33am for Part 2

Wonderful chapter - but please don't take so long to update anymore. =( I forgot so much information out of previous chapters that I had to go and reread them before reading this chapter.
So... please update sooner and faster!
Greetings, Baltaine

Genericrandom posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 7:05am for Part 2

A part of me loathes the narrative style of this chapter, because there were at least a few good scenes that I'm sure would have grown into those gaps.

The rest of me is thrilled for a few reasons, including the fact that I'm quite certain it brought the chapter out much sooner than it otherwise would have been, nothing important actually happened during those times (amusing, perhaps, but not important) and it means that we're that much closer to things really moving along.

Before reading this chapter, I went back and re-read the last one. I don't recall if I reviewed that at the time or not, but for the record, that chapter wigged me the fuck out. And by then moving immediately on to this one, it kinda got both better and worse. Sometimes I look at an author and wonder what they'd have been like if they were a 'this' writer or a 'that' writer. I think you could have been a dab hand (at worst) at horror if you'd tried it out. I realize, of course, that Pinhead was basically a paper cut-out, all pre-made just needs setting and dialogue, but you had the foundation there, and lot of the important elements and whatnot. Scary stuff mon, scary stuff.

I liked how you brought about the Patronus prep-charm and teaching the whole school to cast it. That was pretty wicked. Best use of an anti-ministry hidden spell I've yet read this year.

Loved this chapter, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next one when you get to it. Thanks for writing as always, it may be not more than a hobby for you but it really makes my day(s).

Tlcatlady posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 6:53am for Part 2

What a nice surprise to find two updates in my inbox. I've missed Harry, Wednesday, and Pugsley :) TLC

alec_potter posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 6:20am for Part 2

Nice chapter. Really liked the learning and teaching experiences. The unique and interesting perspective of Severus was welcoming.

Orion posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 6:05am for Part 2

Great! Thank you for writing, and thank you for sharing your writing with us.

LifeScientist posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 5:13am for Part 2

This felt a bit more rushed and very far from as inspired as your other posting of today but it still had a lot of power behind it. The growth of the characters and the addition of Daphne to the mix is very very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing where you take that thread....and, of course, any cliffhanger from you is most curiosity-inducing.
Thanks as always for your time and energy on this story--and all of your stories for that matter.

OdinMage posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 5:08am for Part 2

Much like Severus, and others, I want to find out just what Harry is capable of. That aside, the only thing I noticed that is worth noting as a correction is that it is Irma Pince (I think) Prince was Snape's mothers name, Madam Pince is the librarian. That minor error aside, another brilliant chapter, like everything you write. I can't wait for more of this and a few of your other stories.

supergirl3684 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 5:02am for Part 2

YAY! Another chapter! I was so ecstatic seeing the notice in my inbox! It was an amazing chapter! I will admit I was surprised when Severus admited he couldn't cast the patronus but maybe I shouldn't be...great chapter!

bonnie posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 4:46am for Part 2

I'm so glad you're back to writing this, great chapter

Robert Peeples posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 4:17am for Part 2

Great to see another portion to this.

kimcc posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 4:07am for Part 2

I love this story and the emotions that various characters feel and display.

I'm so glad that you updated!

Thank you.

Rob Clark posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 2:47am for Part 2

Very nice part. Still amazed you created a Snape I almost like. :)


Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 3rd July 2011 2:22am for Part 2

I am truly amazed every time an author manages to take such a vile character as canon Snape, and turn him into someone that I can care about and sympathize with.
Once again sir, you have taken impossible situations and turned them into goldmines and glorious works of art.
Your version of Pinhead is one of the scariest beings in existence, yet Harry and Wednesday face him, and USE the power to assist essentially everyone they know outside of their clan.

thanks for this and all of your other wonderful stories - I have read and re-read them since about 2003, they have always been worth the time invested.
Warmest regards
Ken W