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kb0 posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 2:11am for Part 1

Yeah, a new chapter in this saga. I was looking at the home page the other day and bemoaning the length of time since your last release. :) I really loved the scene in Albus's office with Molly. Truly well done. The scene with Narcissa was amusing; there was no need for an Unbreakable Vow for "Keep your head down Draco and for Merlin's sake, don't mess with them!" ;) Of course, watching Wends destroy Lockhart put a smile on my face, as the fraud got what he deserved, and then some.


Jeconais replied:

Nope - that's why Snape was willing to take it - there was no need. If someone offers you something, you don't turn it down.

Narcissa plays a more important part in the 4th year.

And, just to be rather out of place, I read your Harry Potter - Kidnapped, story, and thoroughly enjoyed it - and am slowly making my way through the other things you've done. Some very enjoyable stuff there.

SassyFrass posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 2:09am for Part 1

Very nice update! I especially enjoyed Snape setting Lockhart up. The 'confrontation' with Molly was very interesting as well.
However, I'm also curious to know when you'll give us the promised addition to 'White Knight, Grey Queen.'
Looking forward to more.

Jeconais replied:

Sorry - nope - I've changed the AN in WK,GK to explain this a little. That place is dead.

gdbessey posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:57am for Part 1

I have been greatly looking forward Year 2, and you did not disappoint (other than not writing a whole lote more).

I thought it especially interesting that Harry doesn't even consider Lily and James parents (I hope we get to eavesdrop on one of those sessions with Grandmama).

It's a wonderful twist to the standard HP story, and I'm waiting to see Year 3.


Silo posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:52am for Part 1

i hope to see more soon it has been to long sence u updated last

Meg posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:51am for Part 1


Thank you for sharing this, Tim. You may not be happy with it, but it certainly brightened my evening and let me forget my problems for a little while.

At some point, maybe after I've re-read the first two parts, I'll post a proper review. Kids need showers, phone calls need to be made, and my little peaceful bubble was burst again. :)

But thank you again. I really can't tell you what perfect timing this was for me, for you to post this, as I really needed that break.

*hugs* Meg

Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:47am for Part 1

This is a good chapter, I like that Hermione really good friends with Pugsley. I like that Ginny is in Slytherin and she could be very good friend to Harry, Hermione and the Addams kids, Wednesday & Pugsley personality seem to be closed to the The Addams Family (TV series) from the 60's. I used to watch the the rerun of the Addams family in 70's

Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:35am for Part 1

wow oh wow. what a way to return. there are probably imperfections somewhere but if so, they were not at all noticeable. wow. now if you could just fix the fixture that requires us to get a new password every now and again although the old one was perfectly serviceable. i would forgive you this but for the fact it took minutes to go thru the password process so that i could read this gem. thanks again. it seems perfect on the first pass.

Cathar posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:32am for Part 1

very very nice and enjoyable. thank you for continuing the story.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:32am for Part 1

*laughs hilariously* Yes, that was quite the start to Harry's Second Year. I see that Severus is capable of learning; one wonders if he's capable of learning enough. I rather think things should be quite interesting this year, especially if the Diary gets hold of someone (I'm not at all certain that a Slytherin Ginny would trust it so easily). It's a good start and I'm looking forward to more.

BTW, welcome back, it's good to see new work from you.

Jeconais replied:

Oh yes, someone has the diary... and it's all a set up for a poor joke in the 4th year.

Darryn posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:22am for Part 1

Thankyou, I'm enjoying reading this.

Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 1:07am for Part 1

Thanks for updating.

This series seems more of a character study than anything else.

The story from Snapes viewpoint is always entertaining. It definitely allows sarcasm to flow.

The setup of the duel with Lockhart was original and one of the more entertaining scenes that I've read in HPff in a while.

I do hope we get a little more back story on Ginny and on Hermione's summer visit.

Looking forward to the next update.

Jeconais replied:

Hermione's summer is on of the few things that I don't expand on.

However ... .

Year three starts with Snape visiting the Addams.

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:45am for Part 1

Hey I was pleaseantly surprised to see this update....I've been hoping for one but face it your track record for updating is not too great! but then again I compare your story This Means War against all hp fanfiction....

I at first was confused at the way you were presenting this when the first year of this story was more along the way the adams or wednesday would act, but then I got into this and saw what or where you were going and I for one am glad that you decided to post this, now instead of 10 years from now!!! I just hope the next installment happens this year!

Orion posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:34am for Part 1

Great! This is a fun story to read, and I can't help but be as curious as Snape in wondering how Harry came to be an Adams in the first place.

Thanks for writing, and sharing it with us.

Also, love the new website!

Memory King posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:32am for Part 1

This was a very solid update, probably very much needed to set up some things in later chapters.

Getting rid of Lockhart early is always appreciated, will have to reread the other chapters to see if there's anything about Pettigrew there. It's been quite a while.

Keep writing!

Jeconais replied:

Ron complained in the first part that his rat had gone missing, and that it was probably Hermione's fault.
Of course, I screwed it up, by introducing Hermione's half-kneazle before she had him.

jilumasam posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:32am for Part 1

A good start to year I have to go back and read year one all over again....

DrT posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:28am for Part 1

In some ways, Snape setting up Lockhart was one of the most evil things a Snape has done in ff for quite some time.

I did like it, though!

Jeconais replied:

Despite the whole thing being written in Snape's perspective, he is NOT a nice character. It does make him a lot of fun, though ;)

aragorn2008 posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:25am for Part 1

This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time. Its funny, thrilling and I just cannot wait for the next chapter.

Thank you!!

Anthony May posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:24am for Part 1

I loved this cross-over and I thought I would hate it. Well done, excellent. I can't wait for more!!!

Ladynero posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:20am for Part 1

Thank you for continuing this series! I really enjoyed the first story and am looking forward to this year as well.

*Grins* Seeing Harry's life with the Addamses is very fun and interesting.

Thank you again!

Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:17am for Part 1

You updated! I swear I heard a chorus of Angels singing when I noticed it...

It's great to read about this AU again, and Snape's interaction with H/W continues to make me smile. The anticipation of the Lockart class and duel was well built up and I was smiling the entire time. I was surprised to see Harry be injured by Lockhart's spell though. Wednesday turning her back on a potential enemy seemed out of character for how you've written her. I would have expected her to have anticpated a cowardly attack had she turned her back. It also seems plausible that Harry would have blocked it.

None the less, an immensly enjoyable chapter and I eagerly look forward to the next one. I only hope that your next upload will appear soon.


Jeconais replied:

Snape wasn't the only setting Lockhart up. By allowing Lockhart to hit Harry in the back, Wednesday was able to completely and utterly destroy him - physically and figuratively, with absolutely no recourse from anyone.

Accepting a non-fatal curse was the more Slytherin thing to do.