Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Second Year
Part 1
By Jeconais
stephen kempey posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 12:06am for Part 1
interesting, a very different second year. poor Thomas Riddle, He will have part of his soul in the hands of those that will use any magic against him.
Rubel posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 12:05am for Part 1
Very nice. I like your portrayal of the Addamses and how they fit into the Wizarding. I definitly want to see how Luna reacts to them.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 10:11pm for Part 1
This is Amazing. Harry in full control. And while he is changing the world will show the Albus is as evil and Voldemort in the end. Those who seek power for the power itself , often becomes ensnared in the seeking.
MadMax666 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 7:03pm for Part 1
Not bad...not great, but not bad at all. The important thing is, you are writing again, after what seemed to be an eternity away!
Now if we can just get Ishtar to pick up pen once more...
chaoticteacup posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 6:24pm for Part 1
Eagerly awaiting continuation. As an avid lover of all things Addams I was very happy to find this and I am looking forward to reading more.
Thanks and Regards
Darak1 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 5:17pm for Part 1
Thank you for this chapter and welcome back to the realm of publishing authors (once an author always an author, you just get to choose on making the work public or not :D )
Rage and Light posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:53pm for Part 1
happy to see you continue with this story verse as I greatly enjoyed the first year
tealover posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:36pm for Part 1
I am really enjoying your style. the Adams family with some magic powers just seems right that it would come so naturally to them. keep the updates coming quickly.
Jack B Nimble posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:25pm for Part 1
I had to re-read First Year, but I'm very glad I did. Funny enough I think I like Pugs the best. His enthusiasm and willingness to straddle the lines, I think, makes him unique. His interactions with Hermione, and the conversation with Ginny were also well done.
I am a bit disappointed that we have yet to actually see Harry in action, but I do look forward to it.
Thank you for all the hard work, and for sharing the results.
Koalasco posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 12:21pm for Part 1
*sobs in happiness*
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for continuing this story. I was started to wonder if you'd given it away for adoption.
I hope the next installment of this amazing piece of work is in sooooooon, and that in the meanwhile you get to your computer and write!!
Cynrom posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 9:46am for Part 1
Personally, I loved the chapter. :)
Chris :)
Aberbadger posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 3:42am for Part 1
Stupid quetion, but why seperate years?
Franklin posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 3:40am for Part 1
Brilliant and welcome back.
brad posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 2:56am for Part 1
Well, you're a man of your word! For yonks now you've been promising us all of your backlogged fan fiction just as soon as the new site was up. And it is; and here's a new chapter! Yay!
I've never read the Addams comic strip so I don't know if their accommodating 'normal' people like Hermione is part of that canon, but regardless, I enjoyed the idea of their doing that for Hermione. And Pugsley too, it seems? I don't know where Pugsley plugs into the Clan, he seems to be the only 'normal' one (as was noted by Snape and others in the previous chapters).
Anyway, accommodating Hermione made a lot of sense and helped me accept the story as 'real', if you know what I mean. Actually, thinking about it, her assimilation into the Addams family - seeing how her holiday went - gives the family a good dose of authenticity, helping one believe that they do exist in the real world, given as how they understand that world and Hermione's normal lifestyle. That worked well, for me.
Hmmm ... can it be that you're going to have Draco grow up, become more of an arch enemy than a joke, after all? And I wonder if he has anything to do with the 'next event' in which Harry and Wednesday make an error? (Finishing on a cliffhanger of sorts, you evil author you!). Maybe it's related to the Heir of Slytherin canon plot.
Dunno what you're going to do with Ginny ... her going into Slytherin was a surprise. Did she somehow meet Harry on the Express, did he say something which made her exercise that 'independent thought' with the Hat? Anyway, her being warned off her crush was a neat bit of nipping one particular bit of canon in the bud! :-)
So typical of Snape to have his own customised healing potion complete with Veritaserum! That was a clever addition I thought.
I'm very peeved with Harry on at least one thing; he knew that Sirius was innocent yet left him languishing in Azkaban? I know you're taking pains to paint Harry as someone whose detachment from the world around him is paramount - who won't disturb others if they don't disturb him - so I grant you that his disregard for Sirius's welfare is consistent with the characterisation you've given him here. I just don't like him - that character - much.
And why did he 'give Scabbers to Wednesday' in the first place? What stirred amoral/detached Harry to do that? If he gave a reason I guess I missed it.
Thanks for the new chapter!
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 2:04am for Part 1
Kee-ripes! Molly Weasley (and Albus Dumbledore!) have been *Merlined* by Harry. And that was after a thorough *dismantling* of Gilderoy Flophart by Wednesday Addams. (Also, notice that Wednesday Addams used nothing more than first-year and second-year spells. I hope the seventh-years took notes.)
On the Addamses' hearse - like the Munsters' grandfather, Gomez Addams is an inventor and tinkerer of the mad-science-meets-Thomas Edison "school". Except that UNlike the Munster''s hot-rod "Dragon Wagon", the Addams hearse owes more to Andy Granatelli than Don Prudhomme - it indeed started life as a Cadillac Seventy-Five hearse; however, the engine was replaced with that from the Studebaker Avanti (which came stock with a 4-71 Roots-type supercharger bolted to the engine); in short, it was one of the original "Studillacs". All the Studillacs were dsigned to be "street sleepers" - literally no hint at the power in their engine bays (it would, in fact, explain the interest in the "Studillac" by one Felix Leiter of "007" fame).
And no; Pansy could NEVER be Wednesday, not even at her best; actually reading WKGQ should disprove that theory.
Stormrizing posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 1:09am for Part 1
Loved this.
bannanacupcakes posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 12:37am for Part 1
Love it :]
Please continue :D
Vipomus posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 12:28am for Part 1
I like it. The Gilderoy bit was enspired :D.
Also love the way you difused Molly.
Curious to see how you continue the 2nd year.
:evil grin:
Wolf550e posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 12:24am for Part 1
Harry getting hurt by Lockhart is inconsistent with the way the characters were portrayed. They can't be both that competent and that incompetent at the same time, simply because it's convenient for the author.
Anya McLerie posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:55am for Part 1