By Jeconais
Rob Clark posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 1:28am
Interesting piece so far.
Bit of a mistake at the end.
Fleur bounced on the spot, and then hurried toward them.
Banner posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 1:27am
That was *wrenching*. Just lovely. Thank you.
M. Scott Eiland posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 1:22am
I've written a fair amount of Xander/Faith stuff, but never tried this particular approach, probably because even though the goal is an optimistic one, the path can be very dark. I like what you're doing with it, even if it is making me wince occasionally at the pain being suffered by all involved (one wonders how they would react to being told "it could be a lot worse" and reciting late third season canon). Looking forward to the rest of it.
Warmest Regards,
M. Scott Eiland
Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 1:13am
again good to see you dip into BTVS. keep up the good work
Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 12:52am
anothr awesome peek into BTVS.
Chiyo posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 12:48am
"Fleur bounced on the spot, and then hurried toward them. ..."
A Fleur/Faith hybrid... have mercy.
On a review note though I really really enjoy this so far. Looking forward to the next part!
*insert pleading for more Wild Horses after this here*
Luan Mao posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 12:23am
re Red's spotting of Fleur's mysterious apperance: @#(*#&#(@. I proofread the chapter twice, plus read it once just because I like it, and I missed it all three times. Global warming is the only possible explanation for this lapse.
re the story: I like the direction it's going, in particular how X and F are dragging themselves up by themselves, with only incidental help from others. Also like how Xander repeatedly turned Faith down for sex. With any two other people, maybe sleeping together wouldn't have mattered, but with these two, at this point in the canon series, it likely would ruin any chance at developing trust.
Godslayer221 posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 12:18am
It's been a while since you've posted a BTVS story and I quite enjoyed this so far. I thought your characterazation of Xander was spot on. Despite them never going into detail about Faith's past, I enjoyed what you did with her character so far.
I hope you continue this.
RaguajBlack posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2014 11:47pm
Very nice story, i'll be certainly waiting to the next part
red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2014 11:19pm
Hey Tim, you may want to take another look at this chapter, unless there is a hidden Harry Potter crossover, because when they confronted the three vamps in the cemetary, Fleur was the one who rushed toward them, and, while I would be interested to see if Veela alure could affect the undead, she seemed out of place in this story *GRIN*
Other than that, good chapter
red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2014 11:05pm
Interesting start, and definately higher on the angst than I'm used to seeing from you. A minor observation, you've got this categorized under Harry Potter and not Buffy, so people looking for this later may have a hard time finding it.
Pai posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2014 2:00am