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Michael63 posted a comment on Sunday 13th July 2014 12:08am

I really liked this story. I don't have a long, detailed review to give, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for writing it, and thank you for sharing it with us.

red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 13th July 2014 12:07am

It was fun for me as well, Tim. Thanks for writing and posting it. and I'm especially glad that Harmony survived. Although the idea of her dusting Angel still makes me laugh. I imagine that Whistler is pretty ticked though *GRIN*


Machelle posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 11:49pm

Fantastic story with "real" characters. I am a fan of bashing but I equally love it when everyone is a super tight " family." This one was a little different but a thoroughly engaging read. But then again, I love everything you write on FFA . Thanks for sharing.

MaMoKe posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 11:38pm

a short shout out to say thanks for a different (in a good way!) story, as I *ahem* hinted at I liked it a lot :)

Godslayer221 posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 11:35pm

This is one of the best Xander/Faith stories I had the pleasure of reading. It was realistic and while I enjoy reading Xander becomes superpowered fics they do get old after a while. Greatly enjoyed and I look forward to the next thing release regardless of what genre it is.

genkitty posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 11:17pm

I really enjoyed this story, thanks for writing and posting it!

bishop1775 posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 10:55pm

This is a great story. I still go back and read the old Buffy stuff every once and again.

erbkaiser posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 10:42pm

I really like how you killed Mopy McVampire (Angel) so off-handedly. If you take the comics as canon, that prevented countless deaths in the future.

Good story. A simple change of Xander not letting himself get treated like dirt and you not just managed to let him grow, but prevented Faith from falling into despair as well.

Lokilos posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 10:36pm

It was fun for me as well. Great work. Glad to see another Xander/Faith story that ends happily.

wolfey posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 10:25pm

I really liked this. i like stories where xander isnt just handed superpowers but works for everything he has. Peobably why I will only read halloween stories where all he gets is memories and has to actually work at it to get the abilities his possession had.

Keats449 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th July 2014 12:48am

"You do," he replied. "But you know the non-broken me. You know the goof-ball, the joker. I am him. He is me. But now I am broken, and he is hiding."

I think the idea of Xander and Faith meeting up under these circumstances and trying to help each other is interesting, but there's some really silly/over-the-top/eye-roll inducing writing in this.

keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2014 3:21pm

"how many nice guys do you know that are a success in politics?" You know what? THIS is the proof that he is evil!

Note: I like your Harmony, too ;-)

Thanks for the new chapter!

I hope to read more soon!

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2014 2:35pm

Much more grown-up than I remember being at that aage. A great read, thanks.

gara5289 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2014 12:58am

You write an amazing Faith, if the show actually went that way I feel like your Faith wouldn't be ooc at all and that's the best compliment I can give.

Michael Foerster posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 1:13pm

Your Harmony (and how she came to be) is great and full of realism. Giles bantering with Xander and Faith gives their relationship (Pseudo Parent / elder Children) a depth, that I miss in most other BtVS fan works. Thanks for sharing.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 12:56pm

I like this Harmony.

gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 8:11am

Lovely, hilarious and surprisingly poignant in places.

I'm now firmly told about Harmony. I just can't help liking her in this edition.

Just by growing up a bit, the Pair moves like giants through their contemporaries. As they are not adults, but not childish either, they achieve a middle ground that's surprisingly elevated. It's obvious now when i see it written but I've never thought of it before.

The big plan is clever, funny, well thought out and completely late-season Xander. Corny, but effective.

Fertilizer explosives are extremely common. I mixed my first batch when i was about 11, I think. Good for moving rocks out of the way for me, obliterating cement trucks for Mythbusters and I assume it'd do a good job on a Mayor as well.

I'm staying tuned. I just have to wait until I'm in front of a proper screen before i read your works, and phones don't count, no matter how smart they are.



bastiaan posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 7:22am

i love this story. i actually keep rereadeing the chapters. it's fun and for me it aint getting boring to reread it.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 4:06am

That was a fun chapter and quite enjoyable as some folks come to realize their mistakes but are unable to correct them. It should be most interesting to see how this "prank" goes down and I do wonder about the improvised explosives and where they'll be placed. The final chapter promises to be an equally fun read.

TheWickedTruth posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 1:59am

Great chapter, can't wait for more.