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Luan Mao posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 1:35am

Carnsarndablangit, I coulda sworn the trojan horse was in the Iliad - the horse was used in taking Ilium, so of course it would be in that book. But according to Wikipedia it was the Odyssey. Dangit, it's not good when the fact-checker gets his facts wrong.

As for posting schedules and sport schedules, if it doesn't already have the feature, you should enhance your site software to allow for scheduled releases. This would let you set a story to publish Saturday evening even though you'd be glued to the TV, beer in one hand and giant "We're Number One" foam finger in the other, or whatever Brit pro sports fanatics do to demonstrate their fanaticism.

Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 1:10am

keep up the good work

Chiyo posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 12:23am

Somehow I expected a bigger blowup from the former friends but I guess an immediate Buffy punch then blocked by Faith would cool the rest off. That combined with Willow being only at "season 3" level means short of a full moon no one could take on Faith and live physically and you've shown repeatedly that verbal sparring is not the scoobies strong suit.

Loved the chapter and really looking forward to the conclusion. You write Harmony particularly well - shes likable. Much like Faith I'm not sure why I like her since I remember many Harmony's from high school but I like her just the same.

red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2014 12:02am

I'm still surprised how much I'm liking Harmony in this story, and I really hope she survives graduation. Gotta love Faith's attitude about things, informing Xander they are getting to second base was a hoot!


erbkaiser posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2014 11:12pm

I like pretty much everything about this chapter.

The blessed water pistols idea is pure genius. If the canon Scoobies had only had a brain....

keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st July 2014 4:43pm

I’ll notice that you didn’t tell us Xander’s scores…

I wanted to know who would have to dress-up for the other! ;-p

Thanks for the new chapter!

I hope to read more soon!

bjon66 posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2014 12:05pm

Ha, GEDs must be a lot easier now.. When i took mine several years ago,, 8 hours a day for 3 days.. I like this story, a little different than the normal BTVS story...

Oldhope001 posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2014 8:35am

I love this story and that is my favourite poem and poet too.

Well done on another awesome story.

red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 3:42pm

I see that Fleur decided to take her leave of this story, unfortunately *GRIN* I still think Fleur, Xander and Faith would be an extremely interesting combination of personalities, too bad I have zero idea what sort of story (besides my usual *GRIN*) I could tell with the three of them.


gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 3:31pm

Brilliant as usual. I really enjoyed the little glimpses of Xander's professional pride. Faith's study guide to poetry made me smile and the teacher in me rejoice. Hank is a nice character, but he does feel slightly stencilled but the inclusion of his family took the edge of the über-philatrophist thing. Why you used Harmony eludes me, as she's the epitome of Airheadedness, but that may of course be why.

I would really like to see when Faith delivers on that bet. Not for smut, but just to see how you would treat these characters in such an immediately intimate situation. Would they revert to goof and sexdoll? Would it get all awkward? How would their more adult selves deal with a situation they avoided in order to grow up?

Anyway, i salute you, and eagerly watch my alerts for the next installment.



red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 2:42pm

Enjoyable update, and I agree, The Mayor was probably the best villian of the entire series. It was an interesting look at Harmony this chapter, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with her character in the next couple of chapters.

Glad to see they passed the GED, I know that really means a lot to Faith.

I'm a bit nervous about the confrontation that is bound to happen between Buffy and the others and Xander and Faith, hopefully that can get through the graduation ceremony first.

See you next week


Hansi_Rahl posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 7:50am

Great story!

4rm36uy posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 7:26am

Very nice story and in line with your usual quality. I"m looking forward to reading more of it and seeing how it oges for them.

J0nas3 posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 3:06am

Great story, I'm enjoying it a lot, I just...can't seem to get that first math problem to add up right. I'm not that bad at math, am I?

TheWickedTruth posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 1:22am

Great chapter, can't wait for more.

Virgil posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 1:21am

I really like this and am hoping for a happy ending. Thanks for writing it.

Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 29th June 2014 12:41am

cool chapter. wonder when Bleach, Brain Dead and Hooker (Buffy, Willow & Cordy) will look for Xan or is it out of sight out of mind.

keep up the good work

Chi Vayne posted a comment on Friday 27th June 2014 9:15pm

You have really captured what I feel is a major aspect of Xander's personality, the need to believe he is of use. Faith is harder for me to get a handle on, but I see this as a perfectly plausible reaction.

Chi Vayne posted a comment on Friday 27th June 2014 8:58pm

Nice start. Something that could have happened if Faith had be talked to when she was most vulnerable.

Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Wednesday 25th June 2014 11:53pm

This was really enjoyable, thanks for sharing with everybody.
