Blue Steel
Chapter 9
By Jeconais
Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 9:18am for Chapter 9
Congratulations on finishing your fine story. I enjoyed the blacksmithing as well as the rest of the story. I have a Great Uncle who I'm told was a well known blacksmith arround the turn of the century and I have dabbled with it, mostly in the nature of repairs. I do hope you will be inspired to write more as I have long enjoyed your efforts. All the best to you and thanks for writing. W.
Lokilos posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 9:04am for Chapter 9
Another incredible story Jeconais! I'm so glad you continue to put out quality works like these.
Rob Clark posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 8:26am for Chapter 9
Overall a good story. It has a good finish but leaves plenty of loose plotlines that you can wonder 'What if?' about many things.
spurio23 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 8:16am for Chapter 9
i thought the story was great. Not your usual which is probably what upset the other folks. I liked how he became Super Harry and then once the need was over, he stepped away from that. Nice recognition that Super or not, he was still a teen with all the issues of being a teen.
Thanks for the story.
Pennywise posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 8:09am for Chapter 9
Awesome ending to a amazing story. Loved the concept.
Kilderon posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:52am for Chapter 9
I'm sorry that you've gotten comments about people disliking this story, though obviously everyone's tastes are different. It did prompt me to write this comment to praise your work however. I've liked reading all of your published stories, your style of writing is casual yet polished and makes for an enjoyable read.
Blue Steel has been something that I've been following week by week since I first discovered it. Checking in every Saturday to read the newest chapter. I wish it was longer, but I suppose being short is better than having it overstay it's welcome. I liked that you ventured into what is to me unexplored territory in Harry Potter Fanfiction, I don't believe I've ever read one about Harry taking on a trade like Blacksmithing. The many secondary characters you've promoted into prominance were fun to read as well, exploring them in ways I've never seen before; Daphne was delightfully atypical, and I am sad I won't get to read about the rematch game of Podska.
I encourage you to continue writing whatever you find enjoyable, and not to worry overmuch about how others view your work. Enjoying what you do makes for far better end results than attempting to do the impossible and trying to please everyone. Obviously critisim has it's place, and we should always strive to improve, but please don't forget that the vocal are typically a minority, and that most people who have come to read your work have likely enjoyed it before quietly moving on, grateful, but perhaps not motivated to comment.
Thank you for writing, and for posting your work publically for others to enjoy. I have enjoyed reading this, you have my sincere thanks for sharing. I'll be back to see what you might write next.
RD Cox posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:34am for Chapter 9
I liked this story because it was different, unconventional and wasn't derivative. In my opinion, this was a fun bit of escapism. Thanks for sharing your imagination.
Chris257 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:21am for Chapter 9
a good end to a great tale.
sanbeegoldiewhitey posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:12am for Chapter 9
This story is a tragedy - for Astoria and Romilda. Only Daphne and Fleur were happy. In fairness to you, you were honest from the beginning and classified this story as "No Ship". But my opinion about this story will not change as I have no intention of reading it again as the ending did not make me happy. I am not a critic but just a reader who reads for enjoyment. So that "dispassionate" thing will not happen for me. I have read "Perfect Situations" and Matryoshka Vignettes several times already but this sad story is a one-timer. I am sorry that a story you enjoyed writing really disappointed me.
Silo posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:46am for Chapter 9
i like it i just wish to know who who harry ends up getting with
Anansii posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:35am for Chapter 9
Awesome! This was delightful. Thanks for this - I'd missed your writing.
Secca posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:30am for Chapter 9
A thoroughly good read as is most of your work. Thanks for this gem. You had me checking my inbox each Saturday night/Sunday afternoon looking for the next chapter; definately worth the wait. I would have loved if you had found a way to have it continue, but I think it ended where it needed to.
Thanks again.
amortentiate posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:22am for Chapter 9
I loved this story. Harry getting a family that loves him is far more superior than one where he just does his hero thing.
In fact I would actually love to read more of the same from you. Perhaps a sequel if the muse hits you.
Good job.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:19am for Chapter 9
It funny that Hedwig got some armour, for me I was waiting for it to happen. Hedwig is very important to Harry, so there no doubt that he want his friend hedwig to be protected.
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:10am for Chapter 9
I really like this story, which I've already said, but I am a little confused about the monologuing in this chapter. It makes it feel as though you have a lot of information to share and chose it as a way to wrap things up more quickly, rather than have a tenth chapter and move the story along at a less rushed pace.
One thing I did enjoy is that you had Fleur defeat Voldemort, instead of Harry, even if she can never claim the deed.
Neil Glover posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:07am for Chapter 9
Great story, I loved Harry the Blacksmith and I hope that you will do another chapter or two dealing with what happens next with Harry and his family. 10/10!
ladysavay posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 5:55am for Chapter 9
Brilliant! Funny, sad, terrifying, infuriating, exhausting, touching, but most of all a wonderful, rich, story told by a great bard. Thank you for sharing this with us. It's now on my all time favorite story list. I can only hope you can see your way to find another tale in you, you wish to share with us. This was great!
wiredwizard posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 5:45am for Chapter 9
Thank you for another very enjoyable story! It was a nice change from the usual HP fanfic piece & I had great fun reading it.
Zaion posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 5:35am for Chapter 9
Perhaps the only thing I didn't like about it is not a flaw in the story, but in my own appreciation of stories. I've long since figured out I tend to better enjoy stories that involve the protagonist actually having a proper romance. That said, this feels more real than forcing a romantic solution onto Harry, and I'd at least hope that there will be an epilogue or one shot eventually showing who he ends up with (but even if there isn't I still love the story).
red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 9:26am for Chapter 9