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Socelssr posted a comment on Saturday 20th December 2014 3:43pm for Chapter 9

I don't know who those people are you said that didn't like this story- I found it very well done with entertaining characterization and as always a good reason for a powerful Harry. Also loved all of the pop culture references. Thank you for pointing out that the characters are mostly 14 and younger and thus will probably not be finding their twoo luv any time soon. Keep writing amazing fics, you are consistently one of the better writers I've found.

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 9:18pm for Chapter 9

I like it. :)

brad posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 12:12pm for Chapter 9

(Trying my review again with a more modern browser; curious to see if the paragraphs are properly separated this time.)

Good grief, all of the *clanking* in that video! Pretty interesting stuff. My knowledge of such things is now an infinite number of times greater. :-)

Although I had the impression that some knights of some period - maybe *English* knights - had armour that was less flexible, all encompassing gear.

I've said it before, I think ... you REALLY need to invite a guest artist or two to join fanficauthors. To illustrate those stories which have such an overflow of feminine pulchritude. I'm just begg--- sayin'.

Laughed out loud with the chapter where Dobby announced that he'd 'brung it' out of the blue. Good one.

For a few seconds there at the end I thought you were going to go corny and have an ongoing joke with almost every cast member accidentally overhearing Harry's charming prayer to his parents, internally commenting on same ... and each one, in turn, making some sort of reference to Romilda's formidable breasts. :-)

(That was another fun line - Astoria's complaint that the gypsy's bust turned corners 15 minutes before she did. Something along those lines. :-))

Like I said - pictures please. :-)

An enjoyable story that gave quite an 'Iron Man' vibe. Thank you!

brad posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 12:09pm for Chapter 9

Good grief, all of the *clanking* in that video! Pretty interesting stuff. My knowledge of such things is now an infinite number of times greater. :-) Although I had the impression that some knights of some period - maybe *English* knights - had armour that was less flexible, all encompassing gear. I've said it before, I think ... you REALLY need to invite a guest artist or two to join fanficauthors. To illustrate those stories which have such an overflow of feminine pulchritude. I'm just begg--- sayin'. Laughed out loud with the chapter where Dobby announced that he'd 'brung it' out of the blue. Good one. For a few seconds there at the end I thought you were going to go corny and have an ongoing joke with almost every cast member accidentally overhearing Harry's charming prayer to his parents, internally commenting on same ... and each one, in turn, making some sort of reference to Romilda's formidable breasts. :-) (That was another fun line - Astoria's complaint that the gypsy's bust turned corners 15 minutes before she did. Something along those lines. :-)) Like I said - pictures please. :-) An enjoyable story that gave quite an 'Iron Man' vibe. Thank you!

Yamikage posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 2:15am for Chapter 9

I think this is ma favorite between all of your fic. I like it more than Hogwarts' Dawn .I wish i can read a sequel of it or a epilog to know more about their live, business or children. Thank you to let us read this amazing fiction.

DJ posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 10:45pm for Chapter 9

This was a fun read thanks for writting it.

tcl7189 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 8:47am for Chapter 9

Great story!! Loved the character developement!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Dad posted a comment on Tuesday 25th November 2014 7:43pm for Chapter 9

Great, feel good story.

jchangpa posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 7:06pm for Chapter 9

Well, thanks for not been an ass because some of us do not like your story. Until chapter 7 I was thinking that the story was good, then on the next two chapters it simple dye. The main problem , at least for me, is that the story start with two over smart ladies with a crush, then you add his real friend on the loop and the sister of one of the ladies. But sudenly you make one lesbian, as before that was ok, but you kill all relation with his best friend, well all relationship were kill. But what really kill me was the end of LV, it was really anti climatic. So sorry at the end was not a good story for me.

Hytekrednek posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 10:18am for Chapter 9

I for one truly loved this story and enjoyed reading it as I have all of your stories. Keep up the great work. James

kstchr posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 6:26am for Chapter 9

Well, I for one really liked this story. I really enjoyed the banter, and glimpsing Harry's growing feelings for girls in general. Would love to see who he eventually chooses as his life partner, and how their ironworks business venture works out for them!! Have you ever thought about a sequel of sorts to this??

Machelle posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 1:23am for Chapter 9

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I loved this story. I loved the uniqueness of the use of the characters and the introduction of new ones. I would love a few more chapters but, genrally, I want more of everything you write! I saved the last few chapters as a treat for me after a project was completed. Project finished; chapters read; story loved!

ninja888 posted a comment on Friday 21st November 2014 6:03pm for Chapter 9

A well-written story but severely lacking in resolution. I guess it had to be when the story ended with the main protagonist only 14 years of age. Your story started with the plot centered around Harry, Romilda and Astoria. By the time your story ended, Romilda and Astoria were supplanted by Daphne albeit her relationship with Harry was platonic. Even Derek and Victor supplanted Astoria and Romilda. As beautiful as Daphne was, she was not Harry's type. So what is Harry's type? I guess, his type was Fleur but Daphne got first dibs. Harry did not want to choose between Astoria and Romilda because he did not want to hurt the other. So his decision not to choose will eventually hurt both. Many want you to write a sequel. I don't. With Harry's mindset in this chapter, I think the continuation will be just as gloomy.

Manatheron posted a comment on Friday 21st November 2014 3:52am for Chapter 9

Hey, Been reading this story to my wife, and upon completion she had the following to say "That's horrible! He needs a couple more chapters or at least an afterward! He can't leave me hanging like that!" So, from the both of us, well done! I hope to see more from you in the future, Best regards, Manatheron and Shelly

Rhyselle posted a comment on Friday 21st November 2014 3:25am for Chapter 9

I absolutely loved this story. I really loved the smithing, and the armor and how Harry turned the Tri-Wizard Tournement upside down from canon. I wish I could draw because I'd love to have a picture of so many scenes from this tale; especially one of the four champions in their armor going into the maze. The characterization was fun, and I was very pleased with how you handled the OCs and the underused characters from canon.

This is definitely going on my "to re-read" list.

Well Done!

Lighhtwhispers posted a comment on Wednesday 19th November 2014 3:18am for Chapter 9

I very much enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it. Not everything was wrapped up, which means I would love to see a sequel, but stories don't have to tie up all loose ends... just tidied up enough to keep my brain from tripping over them, which you did.

noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 18th November 2014 8:41am for Chapter 9

Nice story. Not your best, but I am so glad to read a new story you've written. Thanks. Tell Jeconais to finish some of his stories.

ralob posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 11:48pm for Chapter 9

I loved the story! It had a wonderful, warm tone that your stories usually have, and it was very entertaining. Never before have I seen a blacksmith!Harry. And I thought your OCs were great. I can't wait to read what you come up with next.

MaMoKe posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 9:35pm for Chapter 9

a huge thanks to the betas but from this random reader also a huge thanks to the writer ;) I hugely enjoyed this story and the fast pace in which it was posted. sure it might not be your most polished grandest story but as I stated earlier it proved a lot of fun to read, I even read some of the chapters @ 1am local time when I figured out that was when they where posted :P so thanks and selfish as I am, keep em coming :)

KenF posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 8:44pm for Chapter 9

another ripping yarn from one of the giants. Thank you for an amazing tale!
