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Addlcove posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 7:52am for Chapter 1

looking forward to seeing where you take this :)

TheWickedTruth posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 7:25am for Chapter 1

Interesting start, can't wait for more.

tcl7189 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 7:10am for Chapter 1

Great start. I like the different approach!

ladysavay posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 7:10am for Chapter 1

Fun. Smart. Engaging. I loved the addition of these two younger girls into the mix, and I love your interpretation of thier personalities. A 'Harry Potter living up to his best potential' story has always been one of my favorites. I noticed you haven't said much to Ron, yet. I'm looking forward to that, as well as really looking forward to any more of your writing. Thanks.

Puffyboots posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 6:51am for Chapter 1

Great start! I like Romi and Tori...

sh8ad8ow posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 6:50am for Chapter 1

Excellent start to what seems like a new great story can ´t wait for more, specially with you using such underused characters as Romilda and Astoria. Please continue again soon.

Clell65619 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 5:38am for Chapter 1


He shook his head, and opened the chest that was holding his victim. He met the hate-filled eyes of the real Alastair Moody, before he raised his wand. Moody tensed. "Avada Kedavra," he said. Moody jumped, but the curse still hit him.

Crouch turned, picked up his bag, and hurried out the door. He wasn’t hanging around for the I.C.W. to investigate him. They were bloody bureaucrats, and there was no way he’d be allowed to sip from his flask during the interminable interviews they would set.


Albus groaned as the wards reported a killing curse. Could this day get any worse? He popped immediately to the room that the wards reported, to find no one there. He looked around, and spotted the open trunk. He peered in and gasped. Quickly, he jumped in and floated down. Moody was tied up, but was still breathing.

Dumbledore released him, and Alastor jumped to his feet, and stumbled as his fake leg cracked. The retired Auror braced himself against a wall, before pushing off, and punching Albus as hard as he could.

Albus stumbled back, before landing on his bottom. "How, in the sweet name of magic, could you not recognise that Barty Crouch Junior was impersonating me with Polyjuice, did I teach you nothing about Constant Vigilance, you senile ignoramus!"

Albus sighed. 'Yes’, he thought, 'my day could get worse.’"

If the Killing Curse hit Moody, how is he still alive? Is he now the Retired Auror who lived?

Great start. Can't wait to see where you take it. The title is interesting... I'm guessing the explanation for it is still to come.

HopelessFan posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 5:21am for Chapter 1

Very enjoyable - Thanks for the new chapters/stories :-)

Silo posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 4:53am for Chapter 1

nice to see u back and writing i just hope to see more from your other fics soon

Trixtor posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 4:43am for Chapter 1


I'm very happy to see that Harry isn't going to be shacking up with a 12 year old.

Richard6154 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 4:41am for Chapter 1

Interesting and fun start as always with your stories.

I must say I am fascinated in how you intend to work Blacksmithing into the story. I have always enjoyed writer’s explorations of the technology of magic within the world they are using. It seems such a challenge to expand the world but still retain the consistency.

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 3:58am for Chapter 1

I find a interesting story, I think it something else that Astoria Greengrass and Romilda Vane become friends with Harry.

fireball900 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 3:38am for Chapter 1

You know, the 'purebloods don't bathe' thing is almost bashing. Except for one thing; I can actually see them thinking/doing that. Which says a lot about my opinion of them, really.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter of HD, and I'm very happy you've started this story. You getting back into fanfic means I'll have some quality reading guaranteed.

Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 3:32am for Chapter 1

Oooohhh! Promising, very promising. I love stories where others stand up for Harry, and help him out. Wonderful start on what seems to me to be a very Jeconais story - and I love those. Great to see a new HP story from you!

Rob Clark posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:55am for Chapter 1

Very nice so far. Harry will have a legion of gardian angels.

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:54am for Chapter 1

It's not often Miss Vane isn't either a villan or an object of fun. Of course, it's not often that Ron is made even less hygenic than I've shown him a few times. As usual, I look forward to the next chapter.

Larry F posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:48am for Chapter 1

Like, so far. I found myself disappointed that the chapter came to an end. No pairing or pairings for Harry? Ah, well. While I rather enjoy a good harem fic and think the genre has room for lots more, tell your story the way you want to.

dennisud posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:42am for Chapter 1

I was thinking towards the 3/4 mark in this chapter why wasn't Luna's situation dealt with here.

She'd be a good addition given her views and possible powers to Harry in this point.

But I was satisfyed for now on that. Love how the rats are abandoning ship!

Also the cup & the curse behind it has to be dealt with too.

Oh and Even Susan Bones will be a sheep here as well as Neville?

Just asking!


motherjenjen posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:17am for Chapter 1

I just gotta say WOW this is going to be such an amazing story. It already is. Bit im so glad ypure not leaving it as a one shot. I cant wait till next week for the next chapter. Also anxiously waiting for the next chapter of hogwarts dawn. MJ

Brian64 posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2014 2:06am for Chapter 1

Not sure what I want to say first, so you'll just have to accept the ramble for what it is.. :) -Yay! A new story from Jeconais and it's already complete! O frabjous day! Calooh! Callay! -Using some little used characters, especially Romilda? 'Twas Brillig! -No romance for Harry? Shun that frumious Bandersnatch! -More Hogwarts Dawn soon? Come to my arms my beamish boy! -Dumbledore's smackdown of the trio? Loved the snicker-snack!