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noylj posted a comment on Thursday 22nd March 2018 12:23am for Blaze of Glory

So, Bumbles did nothing yet alloed Harry to prep minors for war.

Great man, Bumbles

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Monday 3rd October 2016 6:59am for Blaze of Glory

An enjoyable story but you have progressed in your writing ablities a great deal since this story. Thanks for sharing!

irishbloodinmyveins posted a comment on Thursday 1st January 2015 10:56pm for Blaze of Glory

Loved it!!!! 😁

Fakhruddin posted a comment on Friday 2nd May 2014 5:01pm for Blaze of Glory

Doesn't Snape have a Dark Mark too? Shouldn't he die as well?

Nytefyre posted a comment on Thursday 17th January 2013 6:53am for Blaze of Glory

Some rough phrasing and pacing, but the story is good and fast paced. Thanks for posting.

eekii posted a comment on Monday 26th November 2012 7:49am for Blaze of Glory

Good story. Characters a bit off? Its fan fic! You're allowed. Thanks for posting. :) Ed

ginnyweasley posted a comment on Sunday 7th November 2010 3:27pm for Blaze of Glory

Aww, i love the story and you did really well describing the battle, that can be hard to do, and you didnt make it too mushy that just ruins a story sometimes ;D A great story

loretta537 posted a comment on Saturday 24th July 2010 11:09am for Blaze of Glory

this was a good story

SiriusSalazar posted a comment on Monday 23rd November 2009 7:03pm for Blaze of Glory


juice14 posted a comment on Thursday 10th September 2009 12:13pm for Blaze of Glory

I wouldn't say your characters were off. Rather it seems that you went over the top to make everything extra ... good. No deaths, everyone working together, alls well that ends well and all that. Very high standard of writing though. Glad to see the English language used well to express thoughts. Would that I could do half as well :)

darksidhe posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 9:42pm for Blaze of Glory

No Fair!!! You made me cry at the end.

Seriously, thanks.

Illusia posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 3:58pm for Blaze of Glory

I also stumbled on your story here
Seemed a bit rude that no permission seemed to be asked.

joy glennie posted a comment on Tuesday 14th October 2008 2:04pm for Blaze of Glory

This was brilliant. His speech at the end had me crying (and I have NEVER done tht with a fan fic before). Also his "speech" to Charlie was beautiful too.

adun007 posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 3:40am for Blaze of Glory

I'm slightly interested in knowing when Harry told the professors and also letting you know that according to cannon Hermione's patronus is a otter not a bear. thank you for all the great fan fiction that you have written

Aberbadger posted a comment on Saturday 26th July 2008 9:43am for Blaze of Glory

i don't know about the headless hunt, but if the ghosts decided to hold a highland games, draco could easily be the caber!!!

The Great Phoenix posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 10:14pm for Blaze of Glory

"In other times this was his greatest desire, his personal fantasy, having Ginny Weasley in his bed, willingly laying on him. This wasn’t those times; her words had wormed their way through his defences, opening him to her completely. He looked down at her , into her deep brown eyes and paused."

If she's laying on him, then how is he looking down at her?

ilovemyhubby posted a comment on Saturday 28th June 2008 3:19am for Blaze of Glory

wow i loved it!!! please write more harry/ginny ships as i cant read anything else
also you are such a talented author please dont let your skills go to waste.

bunny posted a comment on Saturday 19th April 2008 2:14pm for Blaze of Glory

wow. I was sooo close to tears when I read his speech. It was amazing. As you are an amazing author. This story is different. But it's special. Those would be great words for REAL leaders, hell, I might steal them one day! And for the sake of your fans, WRITE MORE! Personally, I think you should be an author. Like a real real one. Unless you are? My older brother recommended you, since he thinks of you as a god. He likes to read. But you should definitely write more. Thanks for writing this wonderful story. Maybe J.K. should take some pointers from you!

Kaaz posted a comment on Friday 4th April 2008 12:02am for Blaze of Glory

What a wonderful story!! Excellent work, and I enjoyed it very much.
I especially liked Harry's speech at the end.

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2008 12:29pm for Blaze of Glory

Well, the title is completely misleading, and I hope you know this, but aside from this, I loved it...