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nonjon posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 8:23pm

Hmm. That was different. The quality and richness of the characters, situations, and dialogue was as always top notch. Well written fic, but not a very pleasing one. It was much easier to not enjoy reading this until the last page or so, which did help redeem it's low likelihoood of re-readability. The situation wasn't a very pleasant one, I didn't like Cho as a person, I didn't like Draco as a person, and Harry up until that last bit had no sense of hope for the future or positive reinforcement of a potential happily ever after. Kingsley was lovely of course. The story had a kind of quality I'd compare to some really well done drama movies. You know it's good but you don't necessarily enjoy watching it or ever want to see it again. At least it had that feel until the last page. Now I'm not so sure I won't re-read this later and enjoy it more without the fear or apprehension of Cho or Draco getting the better of Harry. Hmm, I'm sounding like I have some issues there me thinks.

Anyways, as always, thank you for posting and sharing, and please continue to share your writing. It is much appreciated.

Azrael's Portal posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 7:20pm

When Harry first talked to Cho, my response was "Aw man, another Cho fic." Thank you for proving me wrong. Another great story, from one of the best authors on the net.

John Conner posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 7:16pm

A fascinating story. I wondered if the obliviate was effective when Cho turned up for the second time.

As is usual for your work very well written.

Kelvin posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 6:55pm

Wow, this was certainly interesting story. I never expected the storyline at all. As always this story is excellent, please keep up the good work.

WNabors posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 6:52pm

Huummmm,really different from your usual style.I enjoyed the story none the less.Harry is so giving that I beleive he would do as he did.

pj posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 6:44pm

Excellent!!!! you have style. I have you as my favorite author. you do stories with a different outlook. are you sure you're not jkr?

Rene Otto posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 5:48pm

Another example of your excellent work. I enjoyed this story but was a little sad Harry was alone. But all storys cannot have perfect endings because thats life. Thank you for the effort.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 5:42pm

Hey Tim! Fabulous but slightly moody fic! Thanks for a great read.

John Wilburn posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 5:32pm

Dear Jeconais,
I would like to be able to say something profound, but it's never going to happen. So I'll just say that I enjoyed your story and would be happy to recommend it.
Thank you for a very enjoyable read.

Glen posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 5:14pm

I give up. I've said it before that you continually surprise me with the imagination and variety of your stories. I ain't saying it again. I will just repeat the obvious. You're damn good!!! Sometimes I wonder about you. I get to thinking that you're really J.K.R. in disguise. I know this is only a one shot, but do you think someday in the future (no rush), you might do a sequel? Now that Harry's back, I'd kind of like to see what he does and what happens. Anyway, great job as always.

dave gerecke posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 3:12pm

Doing what's right instead of what is easy.

Steven posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 2:56pm

An interesting approach dealt with in an adult manner. Keep up the good writing.

Anand posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 2:07pm

LOL. From the title, I thought this was gonna be a more adult sorta thing. :) This was a little dark from a personal drama POV, but I loved the sliver of hope and personal redemption there. Oh, and your love of Cho shines through. ;)