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Ariel Schnee posted a comment on Friday 19th July 2019 3:40pm

*Looks at the title* *Waves* Hello Lionel Richie fan!^_^

WyrdSmith posted a comment on Sunday 25th November 2018 1:27am

I was sure there was no way you could write Harry agreeing to this that would be believable, not overly-irritating and not sickenly honorable. I almost closed it midway through, when his inner monologue shifted toward cooperating. I’m glad I didn’t.

You gave him reasoning I could live with, because his altruism is actually selfish. That’s human! Adding in the whole muggle beats pureblood thing made it even a little satisfying. I would have enjoyed a moment when Harry mentions depriving Cho of the several orgasms like the first time, and watching Cho visibly reminisce and get aroused before getting a "caught" look and staring at Draco, who would know all the signs of an aroused-Cho and would not be amused.

Still... you did great. Thank you!

nounours4 posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2018 12:50pm

Spécial, but i like. I do a cure of Jeconnais. Next...

Bleeb90 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th May 2016 8:41pm

It's beautiful, I loved it.

Himanshu.99 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th March 2016 8:03am

Another one of the great story that you wrote. Completely AU.

Madrid05 posted a comment on Monday 10th August 2015 4:25am

can i ask who harry end up with? lovely story and very real!

SteveC60xcjkas7rwlsg23 posted a comment on Saturday 4th April 2015 6:18pm


I had read the one about Cho where she ended up as Harry's girlfriend.

Then read how you had commented about the way you treated the character of Cho much differently in that fanfic than in this one so read this one.

Of the two I think that this one has a much greater effect on me.

I can see why you were invited to participate in this 'invatation-only site.

I am looking forward to reading the rest of your work in the comming days.

Best regards!


(I also got to finish the Blue Steel finally and it was great. As a person who worked in (and would almost give up my left arm to do so again) a metallurgical lab for a number of years I really enjoyed the reference to working in metals and how they're worked to achieve the properties needed) One of my,"If I were to win the super-mega-gonzo lottery... plans is setting up a metal working shop.

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 10:06pm

Well, that was weird.... *rolls eyes* I'm not sure I'd have been as merciful as Harry; I might even've called out Draco and ended the Malfoy line forever....

Katy Muhle posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2014 6:26pm

Nicely done

Nytefyre posted a comment on Saturday 19th January 2013 6:15am

Veery interesting - Weasleys passing around GFs, Cho and Draco, HP the sperm donor... Lots of interesting ideas well executed and a nice look at the aftermath in a believable way.

Thanks for posting.

kstchr posted a comment on Tuesday 17th July 2012 5:27am

Interesting, yet shocking. I really was having a hard time getting over the fact that Harry might've considered having sex with Cho again...thank goodness he thought of IVF! I liked his talk with was long overdue, and I'd think it was a balm to his spirits.

Fic Chick posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2012 2:24am

I liked this. It was very intelligent.

CrimsonRayne posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2012 12:31am

urgh. right or wrong, the fact that he accepted it is disgusting. but not unexpected from a canon pathetic harry.

LordSia posted a comment on Wednesday 11th May 2011 8:29pm

Nice. This is the sort of short-story that really makes you think - love it. Keep up the good work.

Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd January 2011 6:33am

Interesting idea. I'm excited to see where it goes. Great job!

loretta537 posted a comment on Saturday 24th July 2010 9:23am

this was interesting, now is harry going to find someone for himeself?

Abraxan posted a comment on Friday 9th July 2010 1:59am

Hmm. Since Harry knows about in vitro, I would expect him to say Draco should be tested first. If he had any viable sperm at all, he could be the father. Interesting story.


The Resident posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 5:41am

You're right, not the normal thing I'd expect from you, but an excellent story nonetheless. We all grow and change... some for the better, some not. I have always held you in high regard as an author and this story has done nothing to change that. Keep up the great work and write what pleases you; it's the only way you enjoy it. I'm just happy you choose to share it.

Ryder654 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th March 2010 2:11am

It was different from your normal style but good none the less. I really liked the roaming Harry idea. keep it up plz :)

cephis posted a comment on Monday 1st February 2010 3:17pm

I liked it. Draco is beleiveible as not a creep and I can see Harry taking one for the team like that