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TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 12:20pm

Very good story and I must say one I hadn't thought of. Nice twist.


Lucinda posted a comment on Tuesday 27th September 2005 9:14am

While I admit, I'd never considered Cho and her husband as a pairing, it actually works. I do like the consideration you've shown to cultural and pure-blood bias, even if I find such biases often-unfriendly and illlogical, because they are part of the world. By showing that you paint a more detailed picture of the world, warts and all.

Quite the interesting/ugly/awkward dillema for Cho, and I like the application of muggle science as a solution.


John posted a comment on Wednesday 7th September 2005 10:11pm

Exceptionally well writen with a story line that would put Rowling in her place.

James posted a comment on Thursday 25th August 2005 6:12am

How did you write that title and NOT include a single line from the song? I wouldn't have thought it possible, especially after reading the opening. Using it as Cho's chat-up line would have been funny. Are you the one what's your sign can I take ya home?

Cracking story anyway; I can see that pairing and Draco's ignorance was very well done.

Jared posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2005 1:58am

Well Fuck. Interesting story you have here. Nicely done, just like all the others. However, for some reason, it creeped me out. Just doesn't seem morally right.

len vandiveer posted a comment on Tuesday 12th July 2005 11:44pm

Very angsty, I hope the american doctors don't tell Draco & Cho about the chances for multiple births. ROFL! Nothing like Draco having 5 or 6 red-haired/green-eyed kids running all over.
Of course that will be a surprise you can add in a future chapter/story. Nothing like LIlly clones everywhere.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Tuesday 12th July 2005 5:56am

Twisted. Nice work.

mashimaromadness posted a comment on Sunday 10th July 2005 3:35pm

Awesome. I liked it. Different for you. Nice work!!

Martin posted a comment on Thursday 30th June 2005 11:39pm

While I grant that the story was well written, I feel very... conflicted. I don't think that Cho would be so vain as to underestimate harry so much, especially since he has proven himself as such a powerful wizard. However, Cho and Draco's resoning seems very practical considering their heritage and school house. I congradulate you, Jeconais, on writing such a superb piece.

Tom posted a comment on Thursday 30th June 2005 6:59pm

Very different, but I like it. I was especially entertained by Harry's deft berating of Draco and Cho at the end, as he notes their ignorance of ALL possibilities. However, when it comes to the life of a herder of animals being peaceful, well, tell that to Eumaeus. Heh...

Anyhow, I quite enjoyed it; well played, lad!

Cindy posted a comment on Thursday 30th June 2005 5:35pm

This was wonderfull. Please write more like it. Your description of Lucius' death and Voldemort's end was magnificent and I really believe that Harry could be sorry that he had to kill so many. The bottom line is though that this is one of the best stories of recovery that I have ever read.

Maxennce posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 11:03pm

Don't think that I could be the bigger man and do something like that. I've heard about donor fathers and mothers not being so detached from the children that they've donated to as they first promised. I don't know if I could be that detached. You know, its something thats come from you, its a part of you, and despite you not being there for the entire nine months of pregnancy and birthing, you still feel asthough you are missing apart of yourself, do you know what I mean. Kudos to Harry for being teh bigger man, but I don;t think I could have done it

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 9:51am

Yeah, it was different, but it was a /good/ different. A very OOC Draco, but you can see how he would have got into this position. Cho's solution is, of course, very, /very/ Ravenclaw - all intellect and no emotion.

What did I enjoy the most? That, in the end, Draco /had/ changed totally. He wanted a child, both for political reasons and so that he could undo Lucius' sins. I think that says a lot about the man, and so does his feelings for Cho.

Harry, I strongly advise you to watch "When Harry Met Sally" - You will not be so sure about how much you impressed Cho after that. ;-)

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

K posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 9:24am

Decent story, I suppose. It just didn't seem to have a point really. the characters were there, they did stuff and it just sort of stopped. I know it had a conclusion, harry reached a decision, but it just seemed a little too trivial of a conclusion, at least to me.

stacey posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 7:55am

love it! wow i don't think that i've ever read anything with this kind of idea... but i like it! this could turn into a great stroy if you keep on going with it...

brad posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 7:01am

wow i hope you write a epilogue i think harry and ginny or one of the other's from the da would be a good idea and harry joining the aurors!

HermioneGreen posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2005 5:25am

Interesting fic. I like the way it ended. I look forward to anything else you have to offer.

Thanks eversomuch for the ride.


Payne posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 11:54pm

I have to say that was a weird story, The only one I have seen with that story line.. But like all your other stories it was very well written. So thank you for posting it...But I am sitting on pins and needle's waiting for the next chapter of White Knight....(wink wink)

Patches posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 10:21pm

Very different. I was a little curious when I saw a different story title on your updates page. As always you write a convincing story. This is deffinitely a different slant. I see great possiblilities for you as a writer if that is what you choose to do.
You always make the story seem plausible. I wouldn't think of Cho coming back from the past. I would have never come up with this kind of story line. I can see Harry becoming a little darker after killing Voldemort and you have brought that clearly to the front.
I can't say I like the whole concept but it really gives me more possible stories to consider. Thank you for a defferent view of "Harry Potter"!

Olafr posted a comment on Monday 27th June 2005 8:24pm

Wow. Not at all typical for you. I liked the handling of Harry's loneliness - it could have been the basis for a self-absorbed angst-fest but I was very glad to see you avoid that, while still making your point.

As always, very good writing - I think your sense of pacing is getting better over the years - and while this story is very much stand-alone I'm very glad I read it (and that you wrote it).

BTW, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of WK,GQ.

- Olafr.

PS: Illegitimis non carborundum. ;-)