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Kali_Potter posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 12:42pm

I love this sooooooooo much, it's so awesome.

Aelita posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 6:02am

This was really good and I love the solution at the end! I think you should write a sequel where Harry finds somebody he really likes.

Autumn posted a comment on Sunday 9th September 2007 10:05am

This was so well written. I actually love Harry and Cho and you've added Draco in the midst so it's even better! I hope you are planning on writing a sequel

crazyP posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 5:28pm

WOW!!!!!!! What a great story, I can't wait to read the sequel!!! I never knew you could right like this, I had only read your This Means Wars, but this blew my mind.
You should do more stuff like this... you write it well

potterfrkintx posted a comment on Monday 6th August 2007 3:45am

That.... was by far the best post war fic I've read in a long time, no matter that it was only one chapter! :D Fantastic work Jeconais!! Keep it up.

scribbler posted a comment on Wednesday 25th July 2007 9:27am

I can't imagine why this earned a mature rating. There's nothing here that justifies it. I like the story very much, though, and I appreciate the time that you took to write it.

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Tuesday 17th July 2007 5:37pm

Wow... Draco and Cho - wanting Harry to father their baby. Unexpected!

Great option that Harry came up with. I was screaming "GO DO IN VITRO!" and, voila, they did. Smart boy!


lenny posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 9:31am


Lady_Hope posted a comment on Friday 8th June 2007 1:36pm

i really like this story. it's interesting and different.
i'm not sure if i like this one or alone better from the trilogy.gooooooood jooooooooooooob.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 7:19pm

That was an excellent, and original, story.
I normally hate Harry/Cho, but love your other stuff, so decided to give it a go. I'm really glad I did. Fab job.

Yo posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 8:20pm

Wow. I never fail to be amazed with the plots you devise. Hmm, you would think Cho should have noticed the pendent Harry pointed out. Either way, I think it is time to read more from this series.

LoVeBiRd posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 11:36pm

haha! omg i never really liked cho but this made me laugh even tho its not supposed t be funny!! but i do think that cho and Draco are good together for some strange reason that i dont know myself! i like it. LoVeBiRd xx

Lady_Hope posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 3:26pm

that was really good.
i liked the solution harry came up with and basically the whole story.
im reading the sequel ASAP.
you are such a great author!!!!!!

Jabe Washburn1 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 9:23am

I never know what to say about a story like this. I think it was very well written, but I just hate Cho so much that I always end up with a negative view of any story where she is a prominent figure. You're right, though: It's not what I'd expect from you... and that's not a bad thing. I love your writing, but I do think it's a good idea to shake things up from time to time...

wimvincken posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 10:47pm

Beautiful story.
Well done, excellent. I read also the other stories, which are in my opinion chapters. The full story is truly amazing.

Yayness posted a comment on Monday 5th February 2007 4:40pm

That is so wrong on sooo many levels.

willowbeecat posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2007 7:05pm

Interesting. And the reactions were so... Harry.

Ben10 posted a comment on Friday 29th December 2006 10:10pm

That showed a new side of Harry for me

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Thursday 12th October 2006 2:24pm

'I’m helping you as much for the person I want to be, as I am for person I was.' -- Good line.
Interesting twist.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 26th June 2006 5:55am

That was really different but interesting all the same. I feel really sorry for Harry - this whole thing did a number on his head. Good story.