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kenny posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 8:15am for Part 16

just finished reading this GREAT story just wondering on its status though i hope it gets updated

xalphardx posted a comment on Wednesday 10th May 2006 8:23pm for Part 16

Just got around to reading your BtVS fics and I am impressed. You should continue and finish this one its rather good and it is definitely enjoyable reading.

deloresrenelewis posted a comment on Wednesday 10th May 2006 11:47am for Part 16

When are you going to update? Great story by the way.

Roger Moon posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 5:44am for Part 16

Love it still! Glad part 16 is posted here, as it is not at Xander Zone. Been almost a year, any chance of part 17 being posted soon? Please? I'm willing to bribe!

FairyQilan posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 8:05pm for Part 16

Update? PLEASE?

Scott M posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 12:16am for Part 16

Ooh...finally getting some things resolved. :-)

Ian Major posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 8:19am for Part 16

Okay, I have re-read this story four or five times now, and I really really want to read the rest of it. Hope to see more soon! (in case you didn't guess, I love this story).

Jacey posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 1:24am for Part 16

more wild horses! :D:D:D
can't wait to read the next chapter.

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 7:45am for Part 16

Let's play what special powers can Orb of Isis give Xander. But let's not forget that he has one ordinary eye, which on the minus side means that all extra visuals somewhat lacks depth perception (although mind can and does join image from both eyes, making 3d visualization), especially without image from the ordinary eye (e.g. in total darkness). On the plus side this means that Xander would see (well, without depth perception or with lesser depth perception) even if Orb of Isis is somewhat neutralized, like magic supression field (for bionic, technological artificial eye this could be strong magnetic fields). It sould be good if the extra visuals were not translated into ordinary vision, like false-colors in some astronomical images.

What can be reproduced by technology (and please, do some research): 1.) infrared (heat-sensing), which includes lower infrared emitted in abundance by human body, and which can be detected through thin walls and doors. 2.) light-amplification, which allows to see in low light and very low light conditions (including color vision in dark). 3.) ultra-violet, which probably wouldn't help much besides being pretty (colors of supposedly plain white flowers). 4.) detecting polarization, which helps to reduce glare from light reflected e.g. from road or glass, and with detecting south during day, when sun is not visible due to clouds cover and we have only ambient light. 5.) microwaves, radar and radio range probably wouldn't help much without having source of said radiation: well, one could probably detect police radars when pinging, wireless access points, perhaps active cellphones and old-type high-power active bugs; probably physically impossible but could be use nevertheless would be detection of electric lines, at least if there is current flowing through. 6.) X-ray (roentgen) is useless without source of radiation behind the object.

Magical and beyond image enhancing: 1.) Aural sight like e.g. in Journeyverse or The Crusade, perhaps allowing to detect chronical drug users (weak aura), demon posession, ghosts etc. 2.) Magic forces and ley lines, allowing to detect magic users, spells being cast, curses and magical items etc. 3.) Anatomy/Demon library/weak points detection: ovelay showing weak points (like groin, kidneys and solar plexus in humans) in demon. 4.) Chi/lifeforce/muscle tension detection, allowing to predict hand-to-hand attack, or pulling a trigger.

Other ideas?

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 7:40pm for Part 16

Aaaaargh... leaving at cliffhanger like that. Update, update, please!

RedPhoenix_2k3 posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 1:41pm for Part 16

Wow! I must admit that this isn't any of the pairings that I thought about while the series was airing. Guess I was thinking of Dawn in the same way all the other characters were, like a kid. I really like this fic. The build up between Xander and Dawn is believable the way you write it and they seem to attract the right friends.

The only thing that I have any qualms about is the way Xander is almost too perfect. Don't get me wrong, I really like Xander expecially since he was the only 'norm' of the Scoobies. It's just hard to imagine Canon!Xander being this Xander.

Like I said, other than that, great fic. I just wish there was more of it. Any plans to continue?

Chris King posted a comment on Monday 23rd January 2006 6:35pm for Part 16

i love this story so far wish it was stil going would love to see it finished. This si the first BtVS story i have read that i liked i am going to continiue to teh rest of your BtVS stories now.

black_kitten34 posted a comment on Monday 23rd January 2006 2:17pm for Part 16

dear lord, this was the most well written story I've ever read excepting kinsfire which i know is done with taste, yours is just the same. I look forward to the next chapter.

xiera posted a comment on Monday 23rd January 2006 11:21am for Part 16

Very nice, and very addictive...
This is one of the only Buffy fanfics that I've read that I really enjoy. Please update soon, the wait is killing me. =P

Nigel Wood posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 1:07pm for Part 16

OK - for some reason I thought that really good BtVS fanfic had gone the way of all good things (although I could argue that BtVS never attracted the quality of authors that Xena did).

However, it seems that I was wrong - because you have worked your magic on this genre with the all the skill you always demonstrate in the Potterverse.

So "Thank You" for a really high class story with a very neat premise. I loved the chracterisations - although I did spot the odd bit where Dawn/Cordelia channelled Daphne and Pansy (os is it the other way around? afterall Cordy is still the best)


ThunderGod posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 12:51am for Part 16

only a couple more chaps?..and no update...nooooo well..I'll have to sit back and wait..only for a while..cause its good..its twisted the base storyline and made it distintive and enjoyable.


Exarikun posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 9:08am for Part 16

Please finish this! I wanna know more about the Orb and see how X finally gets together with Dawn. Wanna see Kennedy crash and burn too.

Willow seems to be on the good path again, lets hope she sticks to it. About the binding of her powers, will it be a system that allows certain people to release parts of her power when she actually learns some discipline? sort of like, a seal or bind that takes into account her full power and divides it into 20 equal parts. then, as she learn discipline, either andrew, xander or dawn can release on of the parts. that way, willow can, eventually, use magic again, but it's pretty much assured that she has the know-how on exactly what she's doing... just a suggestion.

hope you update soon.

Arkeus posted a comment on Sunday 4th December 2005 9:48am for Part 16

A lot. Hum, you really have Fallingtotemptation!willow. Too bad. i have jumped a few chapter that i will read later, so i don't know if she is planning something with kennedy and has turned all bad, but... But it seems you preferred powerless!willow, at least magicaly wise. You have done a whole new team, havenn't you? Good work :-) a bit scxary, though.

Aristide posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 5:02pm for Part 16

Hi. Look, i know, you could be tired of this story but for god sake, you must complete it! It's too much good to remain unfinished.



Jack posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 7:16pm for Part 16

That's just wrong... I have never watched the show, but I had tried several times previously to get into this story, and could not get past the first chapter. When Kinsfire mentioned he was borrowing something from the story, it reminded me of it, and I gave it another try. I finally got through the beginning, and nearly inhaled the rest of the story! This is good stuff.

There were a few things that went over my head, as I am not a Buffy fan, but I did not have all that much trouble. About the only thing that still really confuses me is the importance Buffy placed on a soul. The term SIT bugged me for several chapter before someone made reference to future slayers, and the reference clicked.

I would have liked to have seen more balance between following the characters -- X got the Orb, and then almost seemed to disappear from the story for a bit.

The only upsetting thing is that I had it in my head for some reason that the story was complete! As I was reading through the last few chapters, I kept thinking to myself "he is leaving an awful lot of loose ends to tie up at the very end," and then ... NO ENDING! Doh!

Aw, well. It will go on my list of stories that are close to complete, but with no end in sight, along with TMW! and a few others.

One last thing... You make me want to actually watch some of the show, but I get the distinct feeling I would be disappointed with the characters compared to your versions.