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Peej posted a comment on Friday 16th October 2009 11:16am for Part 16

I know you haven't post much in a while but could you please see your way to completing this story? This is the best Dawn/Xander story I have ever read.

civred3 posted a comment on Friday 9th October 2009 9:59pm for Part 16

I jioned this site just so I could read this story it is one of the best fanfics I have ever read could you please finish it. If not could you at least tells you aren't going to finish it so we can at least move on.

Ka-ris posted a comment on Thursday 1st October 2009 9:20am for Part 16

I just read this , start to here and want to read the rest

please post the rest SOON

jessicanewby posted a comment on Sunday 6th September 2009 3:53pm for Part 16

This is amazing. I understand that you haven't worked on it for almost five years but this story diserves a finish. It is some of the best work I have written and I even with my extensive imagination what you could write is better than anything I could think of. This is me begging you to finish it!

Jhawksun posted a comment on Wednesday 26th August 2009 8:02am for Part 16

please update soon love this story

DJHaire posted a comment on Tuesday 25th August 2009 9:54pm for Part 16


Just wanted to dop a review for "Wild Horses".

I will admit only finding this story by accident through reviews of another story on Twisting the Hellmouth. I decided to give it a shot and have enjoyed it.

My favorite points:

1) a truly developing X/D relationship
2) Andrew growing up and truly earning redemption
3) Xander gaining parental figures who push him to be his best.
4) XTech Security - Taking the fight to the demons
5) Queen Dawn of Sunnydale High. I wish I had pulled the same during High School.

Personally, I want to see more of this story. If more is on another site, can you direct me there? If not, please post here so I can read!!

-Daniel Haire

JellyFish72 posted a comment on Monday 24th August 2009 11:25pm for Part 16

*pouts* Are you ever going to come back and finish this story? I absolutely love it - I've read it at least 20 times. I want to know how it ends!!! *pokes* Do I need a bribe or a threat?

qbotu67 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd August 2009 5:15pm for Part 16

I'm REALLY hoping that this isn't the last of this story!!!! You really are going to post the last 2 chapters, right?

ryanblack posted a comment on Tuesday 14th July 2009 12:47pm for Part 16

Ihave loved this story forever please update

redhandgrunt posted a comment on Tuesday 9th June 2009 12:31am for Part 16

I must reiterate the need for more of this story. I hope you get back to writing it.

wolfey posted a comment on Thursday 21st May 2009 3:34pm for Part 16

wow great story...hope you update it soon.

Lordamnesia posted a comment on Monday 11th May 2009 11:13am for Part 16

I was reading all your HP stories over and over again when I decided to check out the rest of your stories, and I was impressed. Although truthfully, after I got done being shocked, I couldn't understand WHY I was impressed, because you are just an incredible author all over the place. Keep up the fantastic work!

OlorinBlack posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2009 1:04pm for Part 16

More! This is far more believable than the pitiful outcome Mutant Enemy came up with. And did you see what THEY did to Dawn? Hideous

Was wondering when the videotape would show up.

Ph34r_n0_3V1L posted a comment on Tuesday 10th February 2009 5:20pm for Part 16

Awesome story.

Any chance of an update any time soon?

Draco's Girl posted a comment on Tuesday 20th January 2009 3:40pm for Part 16

Read this a long time ago and I just enjoyed reading it again. I hope to find out how it ends. Thanks for all of the wonderful stories.

Rage and Light posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2008 11:45am for Part 16

Hey man this was a great story and I have check to see if you have finsihed it quite often and so far it's remained unfinsihed and I was wondering if you had any plans to acuually come back to it and just do one more chapter to close it down as it would be a shame to leave it as I happen to think this is one of the best stories I've ready


Ian Major posted a comment on Saturday 22nd November 2008 12:06pm for Part 16

Here's to hoping this is one day finished :)

Matt T posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2008 4:11am for Part 16

Have to say, I've reread this several times over the past few years, and besides the shaky first couple of chapters it is still the best alternate S7 story i've read. I realize that after so long you are unlikely to feel a sudden urge to take this one up again, regardless of how much we beg or bribe, but maybe you would consider posting a... montage? That the right word? Just whatever small scenes you already have from your outline or notes as a conclusion to a damn good read :) The fact i really, really want to know what happens next is totally irrelevant, honest!:P Keep up the good work in any case, mate!

tiberius23 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2008 8:00pm for Part 16

Well, holy crap. I originally got into your Harry Potter stories, and actually have been eagerly awaiting new stuff, so in my daily perusal of the site, decided to go ahead and check out the Buffy stories. Wow. Well played, I must say. Hopin this gets finished sometime, or that if you got a rough draft that I could perhaps read it. Thanks for the stories.

Kailblade posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 12:21am for Part 16

Any chance this will be updated soon?