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Rake posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2006 12:30pm

Ok....i'm not goona lie to you...i was a bit put out by the pairing...but it was acctually pretty good and now i have the sudden iritating urge to read other Harry/Luna fics

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 1:58am

Harry on the ceiling is such a charming image. Brit Pick moment: the term is "you’re nuts" or "you’re A nutter" not "you’re nutters". Don’t ask me why — it just is. "Even once, in one of those memories I will need a psychologist to remove, drawled it" had me chuckling. Neville bolting was even funnier, but the winner was getting to the Source and realising you need a haircut. Fantastic ending - I love how you did things in this.

AK posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 5:03pm

Hey one always discovers new stories with you :)
Any chance of you writing more H/L? I like this pairing, it's usually fun.

Anon posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 7:46am

Loved this story!! The bestst eva'!

Amber Dragon posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 5:15pm

THAT WAS VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shuriell posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 5:33am

65% Strange
30% Intellectual challenging
05% Plain Weird

I love it


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 14th February 2006 12:26pm

Very, very different.

But different doesn't necessarily mean bad.

A fine piece.

Nanio posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 10:00pm

It's strange, cute, slightly eccentric... everything a Harry/Luna should be.

phsname posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 11:04pm

wow...this is a...unique? story...

but very funny, and very interesting. Luna turned out so cute in the end...i liked it.


freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 12:35am

Hehe, you're not Indian are you? I'm serious, I've only met a few people who can accurately describe it as you have. Most people think its just bogus . . .

IceBlades posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:26pm

Nice, thats totaly a way that they would get together!! LOL!

great fic

Anna1 posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 12:12pm


Natasha posted a comment on Tuesday 25th October 2005 4:28pm

I love the Luna/harry thing, but seriously, it's not your best effort. It goes by WAY to quickly, and has not a lot of depth. I can tell you don't have too much heart in this writing. Maybe try again in adding more detail? I think Voldemort was defeated WAY to easily, though, reached Nirvana, might work. *Anyone reached it lately? :P*

Tom A. posted a comment on Wednesday 21st September 2005 11:52am

Nice. Very funny imagery, Harry sitting and walking upside down. Snape's thank you was nice, too.

And Luna. I love Luna stories.

Thanks for writing this and sharing it.

Tom A.

Adam posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2005 11:50pm

Now this was a lot of fun to read. :) I enjoyed the way, to him beating Voldemort, was just a by product of what he was actually doing, and that didnt have anything to do with voldy.

graup_hagrid posted a comment on Sunday 21st August 2005 9:04pm

Hmmm - well, a little off the beaten path, but maybe we should expect that with Luna being the leading lady. I wish you had brought her into it earlier, though. It would have been fun having them find it together.

Not my favorite story, but worth reading - thanks for writing it.

Ame posted a comment on Saturday 20th August 2005 6:20pm

Most definatly an odd one.
I like it though, you see so few H/L fics out there...
So will you be following up on this?

Ross posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2005 7:07pm

I thought you were good, I stand corrected, this one's absolutely great. Not much romance as the usual but really funny and genuine..

Anime Ronin posted a comment on Thursday 4th August 2005 7:59am

Hmm, interesting - Luna reminds me of a human and slightly less-insane Dru, but oddly enough she seems to be one of the top three women that Harry could be happy with (Tonks and Hermione being the others, Ginny also as an honorable mention). Liked the way you did the whole Nirvana thing (not to mention the joke about the band) and how Moldyshorts was taken out.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Monday 11th July 2005 11:14am

An anticlimactic climax. Very tantric.