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netesy posted a comment on Wednesday 27th December 2017 8:53am for The Search For Nirvana

this is the greatest story ever

Scarlet butterfly posted a comment on Thursday 11th September 2014 8:47am for The Search For Nirvana


injnuity posted a comment on Monday 4th November 2013 3:22am for The Search For Nirvana

Eclectic, but really good.

Nytefyre posted a comment on Tuesday 15th January 2013 10:43pm for The Search For Nirvana

It's an interesting take on reaching Nirvana. Luna is a great match - though I'm surprised she hasn't been to the Source already.. Hmmm alternate ending?

Thanks for posting.

Muroshi9 posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2012 7:05pm for The Search For Nirvana

That was a great comidy story.

gara5289 posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2012 4:59am for The Search For Nirvana

The ending was sweet.

michaelsuave posted a comment on Monday 11th July 2011 5:33am for The Search For Nirvana

I've read this before, but still enjoy rereading it. Cheers!

noylj posted a comment on Monday 4th July 2011 12:45am for The Search For Nirvana

Love all your stories.
Still, you have a psycho-muggle out there. Hope someone is competent and picks him up.
Thanks for writing...
Thanks for the updates yesterday...

forrestgreen117 posted a comment on Saturday 30th April 2011 10:03am for The Search For Nirvana

Gosh I love this story. So light and fruity. Makes a wonderfully satisfying snack.

Jonez227 posted a comment on Wednesday 21st July 2010 4:00am for The Search For Nirvana

i have to admit, i might this story better than most of your other ones. i think that's because luna is my favorite character, and, besides, hermione, belongs with harry.

noylj posted a comment on Thursday 15th July 2010 6:46pm for The Search For Nirvana

It takes a buddha to understand a buddha...

Jonez227 posted a comment on Friday 5th February 2010 1:42am for The Search For Nirvana

quite a powerful little one-shot. super!harry, but accidently. quite humorous. and yay harry/luna. she's the only one there who could comprehend what the hell he is talking about.

Nargus posted a comment on Sunday 13th December 2009 2:56pm for The Search For Nirvana

*giggles* This is almost as good as The Inner Eye of Harry Potter. I approve! :D

10twelve10 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 6:20pm for The Search For Nirvana


delrusant posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 12:11am for The Search For Nirvana

original way to enjoy Voldemort curses ;-)
thanks for this piece of writing

Caliiro posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 12:53pm for The Search For Nirvana

Wow this was soo cool. Real origional simply amazing

Sean Brown posted a comment on Thursday 22nd January 2009 6:29am for The Search For Nirvana

Be right back to review later...going to meditate now.

Ah, I've missed your writing. I disappear from fanfiction for almost 6 years, return, and *wham* the good guys have all buggered off. Top notch story good sir. Top notch.

Lathena posted a comment on Sunday 11th January 2009 5:10am for The Search For Nirvana

I loved the upside down thing and defeating Voldie being merely a byproduct of Harry's search. It was very funny.

spidercrossing53 posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2008 12:29pm for The Search For Nirvana

Very interesting story. I like it.

Alimento posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 7:18am for The Search For Nirvana

This is wonderful. I think you should continue with this, I want to know if Harry get's to show Luna Nirvana, or if Luna ever gets to see, or feel, or whatever it is, herself. I want to know who Hermione goes to also.