The Object Lessons Trilogy
Watching Grass Grow
By Jeconais
Michael Foerster posted a comment on Tuesday 14th February 2006 12:43am for Watching Grass Grow
In one word: wow.
Good plot, good writing (style, spelling, grammar, ...)
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2006 11:09am for Watching Grass Grow
Final - - Well past excellent. The chat between Harry and Dumbledore might have been even better than the final battle.
I loved it.
The idea of a Gryffindor being so affected by a Ravenclaw is fascinating. And since Harry is the hero of the tale, that change is most obvious. But the changes in Padma are there also, and I like how you've written it more subtly, yet made it clear.
Great Draco revenge, at the Three Broomsticks and after the battle. Thanks also for letting Ron punch him out first.
the-ravenhaired-one posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2006 6:13am for Watching Grass Grow
i really enjoyed this story - it was seriously cool. also, though i didnt want to, i found a lot of similarities between me and luna. thank you for making me admit there was a problem, and even though it didnt work out for me i'm glad that for ron and luna it did.
Raye posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 1:09pm for Watching Grass Grow
Why can't Harry in the book be more like this. I thought this was one of the most amazing fics I've ever read. Ron isn't a complete idiot. Hermione isn't annoying. And Harry isn't some CAPSLOCK screaming moron who thinks that everything is about him. Great I tell you.
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2006 4:45pm for Watching Grass Grow
I just finished reading this for the second time. This has got to be one of the best fanfics I've ever read. It brings tears to my eyes everytime. It wasn't the ships, the pranks or anything like that that makes it good, although the interesting ships certainly added something. The plot was marvelous, and Harry's new attitude was perfect. great work. I'm sad to see this one done, but I realize it served it's purpose.
syamx posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 5:32pm for Watching Grass Grow
great story. great dialouge. gave me a wierd smile on my face for the next half hour. i just loved it.
James Benfield posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 4:02pm for Watching Grass Grow
Great story! Another one that touched me. Keep up the good work.
Wytil posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2005 11:53am for Watching Grass Grow
Actually you needed a 4th section "Meeting the Parents". That has been done by some authors in a very funny way.
Robin Westerly posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 3:55pm for Watching Grass Grow
Interesting new style.
I have never met people who talk like that but hey i would like to.
And you mentioned Hagrid!!!!!!!!!YAY!!(Am I obsessed)
Thankyou for yet another wonderful story.
You make me smile
Ike posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2005 3:13pm for Watching Grass Grow
I just found this story on your site, after reading through White Knight, Grey Queen. I was just wondering, by any chance do you read David Eddings? He happens to be one of my favorite (real life) authors, and, well, your whole explanation of the difference between light and dark is almost exactly the way he eventually ended up descibing them. Though it took him 10 books, instead of three, to get there. Awesome story, man, awesome story.
Ian Zellmann posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 11:26am for Watching Grass Grow
Personally, I truly do not care about the pairing as long as it's a nice story. And you have the gift of making great stories, whether they are comedy, romance, angst, etc.
Hagrid posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 9:42pm for Watching Grass Grow
With great tenderness and humor, that is how it seems to me that you finished off the old school evil.
Logan_macLeod posted a comment on Tuesday 8th November 2005 4:27pm for Watching Grass Grow
I have to say that I love how you write dialog. It is so enticing
Rewzone posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 11:51pm for Watching Grass Grow
Well I must say this is one of the best fics that I have read to date. And while I do not ship Harry/Padma I did truly enjoy reading this fic. I hope that you continue to write more fics which I have no doubt will be as outstanding as this one is.
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 4th October 2005 9:35pm for Watching Grass Grow
Absolutly brilliant... need I say more?
Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 13th September 2005 12:17am for Watching Grass Grow
Just read these three chapters, and I loved them all. A nice mix of humour and the best kind of fluffiness :).
Ginger posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2005 2:02pm for Watching Grass Grow
please, what happens next?
Cycla posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2005 5:46am for Watching Grass Grow
I think that was the best chapter of the three in this story. I liked how Harry formed his own Order of the Burnt Bird with his friends. Also I thought the fact that Luna hit Voldy with a tickling charm was priceless, and so Luna at the same time.
The fight scean was well done I thought a little short but well done, and I liked how Harry punished Ferret Boy.
It seems so funny that it took all of Harrys' friends to bring down Voldy. With all of them doing alittle something to the Big Bad Snake Dude.
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 23rd July 2005 3:01am for Watching Grass Grow
Excellent story.
TheHard posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 5:44am for Watching Grass Grow