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gtgrouch posted a comment on Thursday 4th June 2015 4:46am for Going For A Glass Of Water

Light, fun, amusing, and well-written. Worth a read!

Mionefan posted a comment on Saturday 12th October 2013 3:05pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

A really excellent start to a story that has just the right amount of humor and suggestion in it.

gara5289 posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2012 5:14am for Going For A Glass Of Water

First of all great chapter. And secondly, if only McGonagall was even half as useful as in this fic. Also way to go Ravenclaw.

forrestgreen117 posted a comment on Sunday 24th April 2011 5:18am for Going For A Glass Of Water

Start getting As? Um, perhaps Os or even Es? So easy to forget they use a different grading system. Regardless, it was a happy chapter ending on a good note, with just a slightly bad turn of phrase.

Slytherin66 posted a comment on Friday 26th February 2010 5:37pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Really good story I like Harry/Padma the more unusal couple are the most interesting and Harry/Ginny or Granger can get very boring. This couple was a nice surprise, but the very thought or Ron and Luna is scary for the good of the mental health of the fanfic readers Ron should never have children or have sex.

I liked Minerva in this story.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 26th November 2009 10:10pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Outstanding chapter, enjoying the story very much.


wcm posted a comment on Saturday 7th November 2009 4:34pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Sorry, but I just have to ask, have you seen Wagner's opera Die Walkure? Because that is the ultimate example of twin incest.

By the way, I think this is my fav. of your fics.

delrusant posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 10:43pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

LoL, nice challenge and yes after reading your other stories neither title, predjudices nor introduction notes that are not appealling would stop me from trying to read any of your stories.

DtH posted a comment on Monday 11th May 2009 12:47am for Going For A Glass Of Water

Well, this is all Crys' fault. He posted in my Live Journal that I could write a story with the summary of "Harry goes for a drink of water," and people would read it. ...

i cant agree with you, since writing good stories your own fault, and not crys'

Personally i think thats what crys meant. you write good fics, even if the starting point is boring

Mionefan posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 2:43pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Well, that is a good one. I'll have to bookmark this one and read it again.

Spidey posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 12:19pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

This is really good although the pairings a little odd but i do love something new

joeBob posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 1:12am for Going For A Glass Of Water

Fluffy but adequate.

Spidey posted a comment on Sunday 1st June 2008 8:45pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

He definitely was right, i guess we readers have to thank him coz you wrote another story. And now i have got the secret to amke you write andddddd that is to challenge you with an impossible idea hehe.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 12:04pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Based on that comment, Ron’s career as a diplomat for the Ministry of Magic seemed assured.


Sadly, I expect that's actually true.

HopelessFan posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2007 3:15am for Going For A Glass Of Water

I don't remember if i commented here already but i wanted to say: yes, you could write a story titled "Watching grass grow" and people would read it.

this is one of my favorite stories too :-p

darthloki posted a comment on Thursday 12th October 2006 8:00pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

Thought it was particularly funny that McGonagall was inviting him to place a bet.

From what he could tell, Hogwarts had some sort of curse - so that as soon as people hit sixteen - or fifteen in Ginny's case - they went opposite sex crazy and started to live real life soap operas.

Try going to an all-girls school. Horrible.

Eye twinkling had actually been a lesson he'd taken with Dumbledore. He'd always thought that it was natural, but it turned out that it was a part of Occlumency, and he'd enjoyed learning how to do it.

That just cracked me up.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 2:30am for Going For A Glass Of Water

I think Draco and Voldemort going for it would be a lot more disturbing. The idea of where the conversation between Harry and the Professor could have gone from the shower is incredibly entertaining, but I’m also very glad you didn’t take us there. Loved the betting book and Firewhisky. Eye twinkling as part of Occlumency was my favourite though. I love their banter — it’s so quick and clever. Plus you know that the Draco bit makes me love Padma forever. Laughed my head off at the end of Harry’s weird list of friends. Fantastic beginning.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2006 9:55am for Going For A Glass Of Water

Ch.1 - - I like the fact that you have done so many different Harry and Whoever fics. This is one is 'vintage-Jeconais.'

I'd like to see a Harry and Millicent. Seriously. I have known several girls outgrow their baby fat and harder looking faces in early teen years to become not great beauties, but uniquely attractive in indefinable ways.

A good partner can bring the best out in someone, and being cared for improves anyone's appearance.

Maybe I should write it. It is the weird twist kind of thing that could tickle my muse.

Back to your H/Padma. I really like it! Just a brilliant set-up, and loads of potential. It is finished at three chapters, but it could be a longer tale to rival Gray Queen.


Robin Westerly posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 3:17pm for Going For A Glass Of Water

um. Interesting and different. But why no explaination of background, such as where powers come from?
Having said that I a m too methodical and I love it!

Bethany posted a comment on Saturday 20th August 2005 5:44am for Going For A Glass Of Water

*grin* your friend was right...

Loved this story, as well as all of your others, and I honestly can't wait to see what comes next from your amazingly talented mind.