The Flying Thunder God
By Jeconais
Rexnos posted a comment on Thursday 12th May 2011 8:36am for The Flying Thunder God
It's funny. I read your fics and instantly come to the obvious realization that there's no real conflict. Your heroes are insanely overpowered compared to your enemies and the only issue is how much of a lesson they need to get the picture. This shouldn't be good writing. It violates everything I've learned about it and I've been studying it for four years now.
But I love it.
I really can't explain it. Even though there's no real challenge for your awesome character, I keep coming back to read your work again and again. This is at least the third time I've read this fic and I've read hope more than I've read probably any book at all. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for good romance, maybe I just like your characters, maybe I can appreciate a story where the main characters aren't constantly fighting for everything important to them, I just can't put my finger on it.
In the end, this is a great fic and I enjoy your work here more than most real books, and I read a lot.
Thank you,
joeBob posted a comment on Friday 29th April 2011 9:05pm for The Flying Thunder God
csad posted a comment on Saturday 9th April 2011 7:14pm for The Flying Thunder God
You know, Naruto/Hanabi isn't usually a pairing I buy into. I prefer NaruSasu stories (mostly parodies or those ignoring some key canon elements, naturally) or gen stories.
Despite that, there's one immutable fact: It's hard to like Naruto as a character and not like your Naruto stories. Not with your characterisation of him and everyone else in relation to him. (Never any OOCness! Adult characters with actual adult behaviour! No whinging banshees! Those and more are rarities all around.) Your stories give him the respect he deserves. Not to mention you actually utilise a certain amount of common sense (well, as far as that can be applied to a universe like the Narutoverse, naturally) that so many people forget or ignore. Or the fact that you write a wonderful depiction of powerful!Naruto that doesn't seem to be OTT (or at least to me). And how much do I adore a Naruto willing and capable of levelling a village to make his point without angsting a couple thousand words first?
I adore this story for these reasons, as well as your writing style and the language you use (which makes me think I'd read anything you write, no matter the fandom).
All of that made me simply love the Naruto/Hanabi pairing here. Of course it also helps that this story had one other thing I miss in most other Naruto/anyone stories: Romance that is understated but there, without any sort of melodrama. That genre has its place as well when the mood strikes, but an action/romance story where "romance" is far less important than the action/adventure? Is hard to find and thus all the more valuable.
Thank you for this wonderful contribution to the fandom. And may I be impertinent and say that I hope you'll write more in this fandom?
*off to read the rest of your Naruto stories*
darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 27th March 2011 6:55am for The Flying Thunder God
This is completely AWESOME! I love it.
marcelhm posted a comment on Friday 25th March 2011 1:58pm for The Flying Thunder God
well a late review since I missed it originally. I love it! :)
wolfey posted a comment on Tuesday 1st February 2011 4:24am for The Flying Thunder God
Well I actually read a story...A good story...about tsunade making the sannin official positions. where each sannin was incharge of a certain aspect of konoha and that when the hokage died and/or retired the three sannin would be looked at first to take the position
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 31st December 2010 4:22pm for The Flying Thunder God
Just one question...
"But he’s just one man," Ino pointed out. She paused. "Some of the time, anyway."
Is she referring to the frankly ludicrous number of Shadow Clones he can make, or his Sexy technique? ^_^;
Honestly, loved the story. I'm normally a Naruto/Hinata shipper, except when I read your stories. Glad to see you still writing.
keichan2 posted a comment on Friday 31st December 2010 1:47pm for The Flying Thunder God
I liked this story!
It was funny and all around nice to read!
Thanks for sharing :-)
James Baseman posted a comment on Friday 31st December 2010 2:02am for The Flying Thunder God
... AWESOME! Happy Holidays to you sir.
dan26 posted a comment on Thursday 30th December 2010 7:04pm for The Flying Thunder God
Another Naruto/Hanabi story that's good and believeable
David Thacker posted a comment on Thursday 30th December 2010 7:44am for The Flying Thunder God
That was great just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tammin posted a comment on Wednesday 29th December 2010 8:27pm for The Flying Thunder God
Great story. Thank you. I enjoyed reading Ch.5 of "Konoha's Legion" today and I was pleasantly surprised by this story.
darthridian posted a comment on Wednesday 29th December 2010 11:48am for The Flying Thunder God
excellent story, i hope you work in the flying thunder god jutsu and shadow clone combination on Konoha's Legion.
too bad the konohamaru corps. did not stick with Naruto's training here they would have been great.
hope to read more of your excellent writing soon mate.
warthog1984 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 6:25am for The Flying Thunder God
As always, this & your other recent stories are a fun read. Definitely a change from your older style, but just as good.
Not much to add style- or plot-wise, just hope you keep cranking the fics out (but not on school nights, my teachers hate the zombie look).
PS- please consider this a review for Flying Thunder God, Hogwarts Dawn, and Kohona's Legion. The sentiment is similar, and I am very lazy ;).
Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 27th December 2010 5:56pm for The Flying Thunder God
Thank you for the wonderful story and hope you had a wonderful holiday
LordSia posted a comment on Monday 27th December 2010 1:23am for The Flying Thunder God
Abrupt. Awesome to the Nth power though - and I'm still riding the high from re-reading Thousand Shinji and the Open Door, so thank you making it impossible for me go to sleep tonight. Bastard.
ficbob posted a comment on Monday 27th December 2010 12:41am for The Flying Thunder God
Fun read. Thanks
Reminds me of 'Hope'; both are great reads and I enjoy both.
Chiyo posted a comment on Sunday 26th December 2010 9:17pm for The Flying Thunder God
Best Christmas presents ever are fic updates from Tim!
Amazing as always! Really enjoy the dynamic of Naruto being respected. The way you write him lends a lot of similarities to HP in some ways but yet its totally different.
I stopped reading Naruto a few years ago and stopped watching it many (the 100 some episodes of filler was just beyond aggravating). You're making me want to go back to read back through all that I've missed in the last year or so.
GremlinXTJ posted a comment on Sunday 26th December 2010 4:42pm for The Flying Thunder God
Heh, this was a good one. I like the goofiness of it and yet it is not just a silly humor story. :)
NuitTombee posted a comment on Saturday 2nd July 2011 5:54am for The Flying Thunder God