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gadriam posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 11:31pm

Actually, this felt like TMW, edited by Rorshack's Blot. Brilliant, but twisted. I'd love to read more of it. You would get room to play, the setup made for interesting personal dynamics, and it hinted at a closer cooperation than the TMW. This story wouldn't have it as Harry's show and a schoolful of extras, this would be a true joint venture. With Harry as more of a flying joker in the deck, than the queen of the board, there would be an incredible number of subplots to choose from.

Just my two cents.


matthiasblack posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 10:25pm

I was laughing about Ron and his vocabulary and even more about Harry's explanation. It did make sense in a Harry way though and he got two hot birds out of it. Quite nice and another one shot to follow it up wouldn't be amiss.

Jonathan Northwood posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 10:22pm


I like the implied tone of quiet desperation when McGonagall ups her point offer to get Malfoy's injuries addressed.

Vongsawat posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 9:53pm

but one has to wonder where Harry found that spell to extract stupidness =P even if it was for a short while (or was Pansy acting..) owll, wtv =P loved it.

skulLXeon posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 9:10pm

well, i gotta say this was funny. =D good job and see you around...

DaZZa posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 8:34pm

All I can say is - Tee Hee. :-)

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 7:45pm

You know, when I saw the title Ron's "Stupid" I expected a few different possibilities, the above story was none of them, and so much better than expectations. Great drabble, thanks.

Memory King posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 7:15pm

Amusing as hell. Nothing much else to say, however.

Loopy Dane posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 6:56pm

chuckle... thanks, I needed to use my smile muscles.

drew2 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 6:27pm

dear jeconais
please stop saying how bad your drabbles are. they are better than 90% of the fan fiction out there.

Lady_Hope posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 6:25pm

not bad not bad. i was cracking up at the stupidness part. but i must admit that i really dont like the harry/pansy pairing. i mean, in WNGQ i could deal with it cuz it was a drawn out thing and yuo got used to it. but in this i nearly choked. so not my fav but i wouldve loved it without the pansy thing.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 5:24pm

I don't care what you say, It's still good for a laugh or two.

It reminded me a little of 'Make-a-wish' by Rorschach’s Blot, but could also be seen as a prequal/sequal to 'White Knight, Grey Queen' (great story by the way, read it twice all the way thought and going for a third time).

You provide a much needed service to the HP universe by continuing to write such 'fun' stories.

I look forward to your next installment.


PS I wouldn't say not to a followup on 'HOPE'

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 5:14pm

Well I thought it was fun and often that is enough. Thanks for writing. W.

kjd posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 4:49pm

even if it is just a randmm idea, i think it is as good as your stories not in the "Drabbles and Ideas" section

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 4:28pm

*Laughs hilariously* Well, that's one way to get the whole school united behind you, and it's such an underhanded way of dealing with Draco, his father, and their connections with Tom. Bravo!!

A beautiful set-up, well delivered. This is a great, personally-made, Christmas (or whatever) present; thank you.

Alorkin posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 3:32pm

That was funny! Hermione premonition turned out to be correct, but not as she thought it might. Being a H/Hr shipper, I usaly don't read other ships, but your unexpected threesome between Harry Pansy and Lavender, will make for a nice sequel, perhaps as they discuss how to rid the world of a pesty dark lord, over dinner.


Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 3:14pm

ROTFLMAO! This was nicely done!

Carlos posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 3:04pm

Love it!!

John Wilburn posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 2:36pm

Very funny, but you are correct there is no reason to try and turn it into an epic.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 2:33pm

Heh, you know, that was a really neat fic, ands I liked the way it went, and don't think it really needs anymore, that would just be extra stuffing.