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black_kitten34 posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 4:23pm

oh, that was very funny!!!!!!

avram posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 3:15pm

I really enjoy your Harry- the whimsical, can-do-anything guy with a heart of gold. The only criticism I have is that you don't write nearly enough, as I love reading it.

I may have to reread TMW to get my fix. I read your Buffy and X-Men stuff with minimal exposure to either fandom, because I enjoy your writing so much.

Infin1x posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 1:19pm

This is one of those stories that falls into either the crazy genius category or the extremely stupid category and I just don't know for sure which or if I even care. Great work.

Jujuberry posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 1:09pm

Awww...that was really cute. I'm sad to see it in the abandoned section, but I can see how there's not too much more to do with this idea.

I love the idea of extracting Ron's "stupid" and good for Harry with both Pansy and Lavender.

Thanks for sharing!

cldiva posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 1:04pm

That was hilarious, and thank you for another non Harry and Ginny piece.

Kathleen posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 11:39am

This was quite funny. I enjoyed it, especially the bit when the bat was just a bat. I didn't see that coming.

Verahsa posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 11:21am

Thanks for the christmas gift. :) This was fun, very amusing, still an interesting plot line, and generally what I've come to see as the 'norm' for pieces from you. <3

Oh, the RSS Feed lists this as

"Ron's "Stupid""

vladius posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 11:08am

Great fanfic, amazing as ever.

But, one question:

""Yeah?" Ginny replied, "well, Gryffindors Ga…""
Can someone finish the statement, for me please? @_@

Michael Foerster posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 10:37am

Excellent! Precious! Marvellous!
Ok, it will take a while to calm down the neighbours, but it was more than worth the laugh.

Lathrop Preston posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 10:36am

Oh man that was great!

Please keep up the good work.

Panaka posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 10:25am

Well, the war has been all but won.

The drabbles you wright are almost as much fun as the main big stories.

redquail posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 9:44am

These drabbles are funny and as easy to read as the start of THIS MEANS WAR. So much better than the formal stories that are beta read that I kinda wish that you would put up more of them. Not that I don't like TMW and HOPE and other stories like them but they can come across a bit stiff at times wile these are a verry refreshing and fun change.

gummihu posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 8:54am


I have to tell you, I seldom laugh as much as when I read your stories, I try not to, people might think I'm crazy, lauging like an idiot alone in my room.

aboulhosnc posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 8:03am

I am glad that you are still posting, and this was a nice holiday treat. When I look to read fanfiction usually I look to see if its readable and if the story is good, so your update was a win in my book. I would have loved more luna action as she is the best character ever. Aside from that I am looking forward to your updates preferably the one about the adams family I'm still waiting for that. Anyway hope you have a pleasant holiday.

Fishburne posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 7:06am

This is worth the peruvian fire ants.

Love your work, and damn it, your hair smells terrific!

DrT posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 5:22am

Very cute story. I quite enjoyed it.


Patches posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 4:00am

I took the risk and enjoyed myself immensely! Thanks for letting us in on some of your more bizarre ideas! They are fun! More drabbles Please! Thanks for writing. pms

Sheepstamper posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 1:49am

Nice story and a very good place to end it......Sheeps

ruby tripton posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 1:17am

you are one weird and twisted dude....
i like that in a person!

thank you so much for giving me something to smile at

Heir of Gryffindor posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 11:57pm

I love it! It is completely Harry Potter (or what I at least think of him to be) to come up with such a grandoise scheme out of the simplicity of that bet. In the style of a "smart" Ron, there is indubitably verisimiltude in Hermione's assessment that anything of consequence might happen around Harry.