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wavelink99 posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 1:32pm

It's interesting, personally I liked princess, which I think was your last drabble, more but this was funny also.

When I saw that you had posted something, I had hoped that it was Happily Ever After or a new novel length fic. When are u going to post Happily Ever After by the way?

Anyway you're still one of the best, so please keep at it and post again when you have a chance.

Asad posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 10:01am

It was somewhat enjoyable but not as good and engaging as some of your other fics. You have set too high a standard with your other fics. :D

I would rate this maybe 6/10.

This doesn't even compares to WKGQ, Hope or The Price. I eagerly await your next multi-chaptered fic.

Stygius posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 7:03am

lol.... lovely... though i'm still in shock from all the talking ron did.... i didn't know he was capable of such a feat... congrats... more more more

johnny james posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 5:43am

thanks i needed a good laugh and this short story did just that very funny

rune1806 posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 2:08am

this was great i was laughing from the bat on, well done!!

Schylr posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 10:46pm

lol... That was a awesome and amazing story.

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 10:36pm

Hey it might be drabbles as you call it, but its still damn good and only you the GREAT JECONAIS the defeater of kinsfire and other ungodly and spiteful fakers of the quill could have come up with this little ditty... but personally I would of left the ferret to rot!

razor_M posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 6:11pm

awww, man!! that was beautiful! my mom actually told me to shut up 'cause i was laughing so damned hard! that was perfect!! d'you think you'll continue this, add another chapter, maybe?

daewos posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 5:28pm

Oh come on, you cannot be serious! You cannot possibly leave it at that - we have to see how "this" Harry would deal with the Death Munchers and Mouldyshorts.

Just think how popular you would be if you were to add a few more chapters. What will it cost? (As long as it is not cash)

One of the funniest things I have read in ages

jono74656 posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 3:46pm

I used to think you were JKR in disguise, but with further experience of your work, which just keeps getting better, and hers, which is deteriorating just a bit, I have to say- we have a new champion!

A nice light pallet-cleanser of a story, perfect for Christmas. It brightens my day phenomenally whenever I log on and see an update under the word Jeconais, and works like this only confirm that almost pavlovian response.

I will await whatever you post next with baited breath


Renzo7 posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 2:26pm

Hilarious work... that was truly inspired. Keep up the good work and please update the Harry/Lavender story that your homepage says you're working on. Thanks for the story, this was great.

djbe posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 1:44pm

LOL @ Luna :D

shimbot42 posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 12:19pm


liquidfyre posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 9:50am

Okay then

that was farking hilarious

what sort of bribe would you take to continue that

I am a rather Large hairy male. How bout this if you continue the story i wont send you a picture of my back hair? I have been told that if i wanted and could find someone willing that i could get corn rows.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 9:26am

That was funny. Thanks for posting that.

"This is Ron's Stupid."

What a line!

Tom A.

Nielso posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 7:32am

God that was quite amazing, just loved the entire story. funny with romance but not fake-sappy stuff.

Maybe you could write a side sotry about how Harry got Pansy in on it or was that just something Pansy understood and used?

elked posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 2:12am

this story made me smile on a very depressing day! thank you!


FenrisWolf posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 9:09pm

Very cute; definitely gave me a chuckle. You are still the only writer of Ron/Hermione that I'm willing to read(even JKR finally admitted that she preferred Harry), but then your version of Ron is generally far more grown up than in canon, and half the time ends up 'curing' Hermione of her swottiness.

I don't suppose there's a chance of a bone being tossed to us poor, starvling Harmonians at some time in the future, even if it's just a drabble? Most of your heroines (Ginny, Pansy, Gabrielle) got multi-chapter epics, while Hermione (who at the very least should be acknowledged as the second most likely love interest for Harry, even if canon did go another way) has one little short story.

So if a drabble(or something longer) should occur to you that puts Harry and Hermione together, let it flourish, pleeeease? Don't toss it onto the compost heap with the other ideas you've weeded from your fertile imagination.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 8:24pm

This was hilarious and educational and took longer then usual to read due to looking up every other word in a dictionary :)

webdoc posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 6:19pm


Loved it. Twised, yet entertaining.