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Patricia Lee Finley posted a comment on Saturday 5th January 2008 3:09pm

Who knew that Ron could talk like Mike Wallace on pepperup potion after reading a dictionary?

Alex Austin posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 10:49pm

Hilarious. Does this fit into the category of Super!Harry?

Puck1 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 4:02pm

*Laughing so much that if I had a drink with me, my laptop would be fried.*

kb0 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 11:27pm

Yeah, there were some typos, but you warned us. :-) Actually, that was quite humorous. How long did it take you to come up with "intelligent conversation" for Ron? I had to read some of those twice to figure them out. Luna comment at the end was very funny too.

If only it was as easy as making a bet to get Voldie killed. ;-)

Meghan posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 10:35pm


jdcox61 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 7:08pm

Haha. Great. I'm only doing this because he's staining the floor

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 8:40am

That was very, very funny. I love the way they claim to have extracted Ron's stupid and all the things a Slytherin will do that begin with S. Excellent story.

Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:34pm

I love the story, I wish you would expand it some, instead of just drabble. It was funny and good and I loved it.

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Monday 31st December 2007 1:49pm

That was aweosme!

carlinonthebrain posted a comment on Monday 31st December 2007 1:19pm

well done. very clever and really funny

EricThorsen posted a comment on Monday 31st December 2007 7:19am

I love the idea. It's obviously not going anywhere in its current form, but I love the way that you had Hermione going until she had left. Great one shot.

Aimee951 posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 10:57pm

That was a pretty entertaining idea!

Immortalitis posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 9:21pm

Oh that was golden!

Write more comedy! :D

cmzanna posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 6:13pm

ROFLMAO... of all the plots and twists I've read from you over the years Tim, this one is the one that made me laugh out loud the most -- snarky with a side of salicious humor ;) just what I needed today... thanks!

smog2187 posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 3:46pm

What the... you must have had fun with a thesaurus when writing this piece which had me chortling all the way through. Recently I've been trying to improve my vocabulary but you had me scratching my head over one or two of those words =). The only thing I thought didn't fit was that asking Harry to extract Draco's stupid would imply that he has some, which I can't picture Draco ever doing but as it's just an enjoyable one-shot I won't say more.

Thanks for writing

Dragonmage182 posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 3:28pm

Loved it. God, I can't wait for any following stories/chapters that you come out with. Truly you just reminded me why you're my favorite author.

LDA posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 12:04pm

it was different but enjoyable thanks

bajab posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 1:33am

Damn that was funny.

kutekess posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 1:21am

wasn't malfoy taken to the nurse twice? I loved the idea of extracting someone's "stupid"!

Hoss posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 5:40pm

You got a big smile out of me, Thanks for the cool gift.