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Jason9 posted a comment on Monday 12th February 2018 8:15pm for Rock Star

C'Mon Starlight Cafe Diner's Club! :-D

justjoye posted a comment on Wednesday 4th May 2016 7:58am for Rock Star

I really got a kick from this. Thanks for sharing it

Feno3000 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st March 2016 2:45am for Rock Star

I hate these giant author's notes explaining what should have been told inside the story instead of giving pureblood kids muggle outfits of far too modern nature or letting Albus D rock off to the same music as his 135 year younger students.

The story has ONE giant plus, it shows a Daphne unlike any other i've seen, not that it makes any difference how you call this girl that goes from zero to heroworship in just five knickerswetting songs... It has a big downside too, that is the ridiculous idea and set up of Harry as Rock superstar with sanction of the faculty and everything.

Wolfric posted a comment on Sunday 11th January 2015 12:38am for Rock Star

I enjoyed it. Thanks for writing. W.

sanbeegoldiewhitey posted a comment on Friday 10th October 2014 6:05pm for Rock Star

Music is really magic way beyond what is taught at Hogwarts. I always seem to look at your Daphne as the Daphne of Matryoshka Vignettes and Perfect Situations. And when she was not, I always feel disappointed. But this story is brilliant and this Daphne was like canon Ginny - a fan girl.

Exivus posted a comment on Saturday 27th September 2014 9:52am for Rock Star

I'd like to see a Harry/Astoria one, that's quite the rare pair.

akhtum71 posted a comment on Monday 15th September 2014 1:35pm for Rock Star

hey keep em coming and where do u write more here or

Sonicdale posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2014 8:45pm for Rock Star


This was truly the anti-song fic that I really enjoyed. It reminded me of why I started reading your fanfic in the first place: Great characterization that doesn't give away too much and leaves enough for the imagination to chew on. Good show.

As for the songs, I only wish we had a small omake, maybe, to see how Harry learned to play the guitar and the importance of the Maurader symbols on them. That and any Party!Sirius is a fun read.

Thanks for letting us inside your mind a bit to listen to the stories. My fanfic reading has been wanting as of late, but coming back to your stuff is always a treat. Thanks again.

Great work.

The Seeker posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 6:38pm for Rock Star

What a fun fic! Great job turning the roles, so we didn't get what we saw with either Harry(as the disconnected student) or Daphne (morphing from a stereotypical pureblood into a salivating muggle, complete with her record and gramophone, so much so she didn't even notice the other girls had also asked Harry out and received the same declination and record.)

The best part from a writing standpoint is how you sold the idea that Daphne would end up with Harry at the end. Close to that were your descriptions of how the songs built, especially the highly detailed word pictures of Harry's guitar playing and attitudes while singing and performing. They really put the reader at the concert - front row!

Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 25th May 2014 11:35am for Rock Star

Great fun! I quite like this version of Harry's life at Hogwarts. :-)

Addlcove posted a comment on Sunday 4th May 2014 7:47pm for Rock Star

looking forward to reading the stories mentioned in the AN

keichan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th March 2014 3:25pm for Rock Star

This was a nice idea!

I will confess that, given the title and the summary, I thought that it was Daphne that was a rock star ;-p

Thanks for sharing!

red jacobson posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2014 1:34pm for Rock Star

That was fun! Totally crackish, but still fun. Thanks for posting it.


Jason9 posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2014 1:22am for Rock Star

Fun story, interesting premise (to me anyway, sometimes I'd like to know where you find HP fanfiction that's actually worth reading, besides this site.)

I look forward to seeing your other new stuff!

Lufio posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2014 12:14am for Rock Star

--'{@ Amused by your take Of Harry in a songfic. Excellent drabble. -[ When you had H.P. (a more appropriate rock god name than Harry) talking to the Weird Sisters, I got suspicious as to where you were taking a fic called "Rock Star". Then you started describing the lyrics in broad strokes and narrating the thoughts of a pureblood version of a fangirl. I started cracking up. By the time I read H.P. closing with "Bohemian Rhapsody", I was dying of laughter. Wonderfully done. You took the premise and characterizations of a songfic, but didn't use framework that makes a songfic a songfic. That was brilliant. This fic works well as a short story. It's sufficient for documenting the change in the narrator, which is what drives the story and gives it a beginning and an end. It doesn't really need to be longer. Anything else would run the joke into the ground. The portrayal of a Wizarding World pureblood teenage girl believably transforming into a teen fangirl was quite entertaining. Radical departure from other stories that basically implant fangirls from the modern world world and paste name tags on them. I appreciate the efforts you took maintain the narrator's character background while she morphed into a musician fangirl. It's what made the punchline of the pureblood narrator acting exactly like a muggle at the end hilarious. ]-

DJPotter posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2014 5:34pm for Rock Star

what about Hogwarts Dawn ? And I must say story is beuty as a "Harry with brain" conept!

Lise-ann posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2014 4:24pm for Rock Star

As with all your fics, I really enjoyed reading this one. Sometimes some thing let unpolished makes it even better.

As a sidenote, could you pointme to Chilord's fragment? And I was wondering about the old BtVS fic you found on your HD and were talking about.

Love your work.

meghna posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2014 10:10am for Rock Star

This was great. Thanks for posting!

Hansi_Rahl posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2014 9:37am for Rock Star

Good one! :)

mac_gin posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2014 2:11am for Rock Star

As per usual your throwaways are better than most "proper" fan fic out there. Are any of the songs Harry plays based on / real songs, and perhaps one was "Born to Run"?