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silenceberry posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 6:32pm for Part 1

Yeah! A new chapter and like the other two it was great. I am happy to know that you have taken up the story again. I cannot wait for the second chapter. Love it!

The Seeker posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 6:28pm for Part 1

Well, I've finally come out of the shadows in order to review this fabulous start to the kids' third year. You are absolutely on top of your game with this chapter. Your Snape is one I've not seen before, where you've retained the ascerbic wit but made him considerate, a good mate, and finally, a teacher. Harry and Wednesday, especially in her two iterations, remain incredible characters. The secondary players are well dilineated and come to life on the screen. The humor used was among the best you've ever done, and it's well integrated into the chapter. I don't know Pinhead at all, so I really can't comment on him, other than to say he's as scary as hell. Brilliant start to their third year.

Alex00 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 6:23pm for Part 1

Great stuff

Davideg posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 5:51pm for Part 1

thank you for sharing this fantastic chapter please update again a.s.a.l.a.

supergirl3684 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 5:43pm for Part 1

Too great to see this up! Pinhead scared me! I kinda wished *I* had, had a calming potion! I thought this was brillaint. I liked how you had Wednesday showing emotions for Harry. The conversation about Harry was nicely done too. Harry's abilities are something I've wondered about and I know you've hinted towards that question in the other two as well. I can't wait for the next part!

Kaerion posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 5:21pm for Part 1

This update was a very nice surprise, and I'll keep my fingers crossed, hoping that your planned schedule will work out. I'm honestly surprised at how accurately you managed to portray Pinhead, and how much you did him justice, considering how little screen-time he had, but that's just yet another example, in a long line of them, of how you've positively surprised me with the quality of your writing.

Other than that, you still have an excellent grasp of the characters, and your writing is still as enjoyable as it's always been. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the great work!

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 5:07pm for Part 1


This seamless blending of several worlds is brilliant, and I love it.

Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 4:32pm for Part 1

Very good keep on writing.

Snag posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 4:15pm for Part 1

Dammit. Now I have the Hellraiser tune stuck in my head. Curse you!

I liked the 'normal Wednesday' notion that she'd act like a regular girl for Harry's birthday.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 3:58pm for Part 1

Another great start here, and will be curious if we'll see any of the fallout from this potion, as well as what will happen next year with not Pettigrew about? Glad to see Pinhead show up at the party, as well as seeing Harry for one day, be the lad he could've been had Dumbledore decided that on he knew what to do, as no one else could possibly have the answers he had. Liked the part with Hermione and Ginny still taking calming potions, and look forward to the day when they become so immersed in the family that they don't need them anymore.

Slytherin66 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 3:39pm for Part 1

Thank you for the new chapter it was fantastic the baby Nundu was cool but the Dark Pope was best of all.

Harry's party was fun and the gifts were amazing the gift from Pugsley was very nice. I felt a little sorry for the Veela but the outcome of her actions was never in doubt. Gomez and the spear contest was funny.

I liked Severus Happy and less bitter I hope he gets the lady he wants and life would be easier for him if Draco ends up dead.

It is good Remus is happy, I look forward to the next chapter and what happens with the potion.

Silo posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 3:32pm for Part 1

good to see u updatting agen i hope u do some thing about the person posting your stuff on

WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 3:30pm for Part 1

Interesting start. So, they have some kind of deal running with PinHead; that is beyond gutsy...or maybe stupid. I wonder what would become of Voldemort should he mess with PinHead and his minions; probably not pretty at all.

Natalie posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 3:22pm for Part 1

this is a brilliant story. it's so different from anything else i've read. great work.

KDDR22 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 2:36pm for Part 1

really enjoyed the continuation Thanks David

Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 1:56pm for Part 1

Great to see more fanfiction from but wow this story got Hellishly dark, Hellishly quickly. I suppose Harry and Wednesday needed something more of a threat than Voldemort. Although, from a gag Philosopher Stone that explodes to Pinhead well, that's certainly progress.

I look forward to reading more.


Lee Dickie posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 1:54pm for Part 1

A most welcome update, with some very imteresting sights into Harry and Wednesday's relationship. And very surprising turnout for the party.


amulder posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 1:50pm for Part 1

"All remaining errors..." I only found two very minor ones, so I won't mention them.

I do enjoy reading the Severus point of view, it makes for an amusing and interesting perspective. I'm not fond of the Pinhead stuff, so I'll just skip over that. I liked how Harry quickly divined Sev's love interest, and that he would make allowances for that in his plans.

I liked the Quidditch comment. I can just imagine Sev going into a minor daydream of the blood and mayhem that would result from Harry and Wednesday attempting to play Quidditch. I doubt they would take direction well...

Thanks for passing this on, it was a good read.

It does make me wish that Ishtar would publish some more of her own Addams family crossover. It was also brilliant in a much different way. I hope she is okay.

thanks, Tim!

DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 1:40pm for Part 1

My, that was intense, and Pinhead was certainly unexpected! As usual, great characterizations! Can't wait to see the results of the potion

Iraelus posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 1:29pm for Part 1

A very interesting chapter. I really enjoy reading this story, & can't wait to see what else you have planned for this story