By Jeconais
WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 5:16pm
This was enjoyable and interesting. I like the way that Harry and Wednesday simply blasted school house boundaries apart. It is funny how their disregard for normality has shifted so many people's views. Looking forward to the next installment.
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:18pm
I love your version of Harry, Wednesday and the rest of the Addams.. When I read this story I picture the movie version of Wednesday and Pugsley but definately the TV version of Gomez. John Astin was perfect for that role.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for the updates
carvell posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 3:43pm
I think that Harry and Wednesday would only bow to Death himself, although how are you going to add the Hallows into this is going to very intresting to read, with Harry/Wednesday becoming the Masters of death what would that mean then?.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:53pm
VERY interesting second year. After Lockhart's destruction, Umbridge is sent in...and promptly gets hammered (by Severus Snape, of all people), leaving Flapped!Staff in his wake (especially Minerva). Umbridge tries to retaliate with a Blood Quill, and against Wednesday. Major error, that. (Two errors, actually; however, Umbridge herself only made one.) Harry nearly unleashes a magic storm, and only the intervention of Gomez and Morticia calm the Furious!Harry down. We find out who made the other major error - Wednesday herslf; she LET Umbridge force her into using that Quill. Pugsley forces Wednesday to realize her goof, and, in typical Addams fashion (Japanese, actually), she apologizes to Harry. (Think samurai, or one of the older yakuza clans. No agai, but not for the squeamish.) Fudge sacrifices Umbridge, and it's off to Christmas, where Harry gives hearts' desire presents (including taking away Severus' Dark Mark). Mrs. Norris is petrified, and Hermione (who is not petrified herself this time) figures out that it's a basilisk. It's not Ginny with Tom's Diary, but Draco. (Ginny herself is under Addams watch; specifically Harry and Wednesday. Wednesday, in addition to Harry, even got Weasley jumpers at Christmas.) Harry and Wednesday (along with a good two-thirds of the school studenta, Severus, Filius, and Dumbles) head down to the Chamber, where the basilisk is taken down in VERY short order. (Even a basilisk bigger than Hagrid isn't proof against over a hundred Stunners, followed by a cannonball to the gut, followed by dynamite in the hole the cannonball left.) Draco is saved, but his rep is utterly toast, along with his family jewels. Gomez' press leaks find another victim (this time, Lucius Malfoy can't avoid Azkaban; the evidence, some of it from Draco's own mouth, is way too damaging). Tom Riddle's reputation is actually in even worse condition than Lucius' is - somehow, all the sordid details disgorged by Shade!Riddle in the Chamber show up in wizarding photos in the Prophet. (I can hear it now; "Lord Voldemort is a WHAT?")
Bad for Narcissa; and worse (in fact, MUCH worse) for Bellatrix and the Carrows. (UNless you have another explanation why Bellatrix is the way she is? She is still in Azkaban at this point; will she get wind of what hapened in the Chamber?)
Entilzah posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:42pm
Thank you for such a wonderful story. So completely different from almost everything else you or anyone else has written, but so startingly consistent within its own world.
Keep up the good work.
Bert Medley posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:26pm
Thank you very very much for this latest installment. We have all missed you in the last few months and are glad to see your most excellent work and the redesigned site!
loatroll posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:19pm
I liked the second year :-) but on the other hand I loved the first year too so a slight rehash of the first year is still really good in my opinion, not that I completely agree to that it's a rehash of the first year.
Great work overall. Personally I'd love some adventures of the Addams family during the summer or something :-)
Really looking forward to more. The only one I cam imagine them bowing to would be Death (the Grim Reaper), but I didn't spend that much time thinking on it.
Mark Safransky posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:53pm
I actually did enjoy Second Year, they made Riddle as well as Dumbledore look like fools. Heck, Wizarding leadership in general was made to look foolish. Wonder if Hagrid will transfer his blind devotion from Dumbledore to the Addams family now that he's been cleared. Love the total destruction of the Malfoy famil as well, they really don't get it. Looking forward to third year, say, did anything come of the Black/Pettigrew situation or did Dumbledore ignore it as usual even after it was proven he knew about the Secret Keeper switch? Well, hope to learn soon, keep up the great work!!
marcelhm posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:31pm
I don't think you have too much reason to be unhappy about this year, the thing is the first year the novelty, of a let's just call them smart harry with friends was there and as you so aptly showed just simple reasoning would've made most of the years events doable even for a 12 year old.
Now you had to continue on the path without making it tedious and since I can honestly say I enjoyed it immensely, I'd say job done. :)
Aku posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:10pm
Love this story, and many others, so thought i would finally tell you. Today brought about an amazing confluence of events that led to me enjoying this chapter more than any other. It arrived on a friday, though i suspect the others did as well. I had enough other updates to read that by the time i reached this one i was finished with my afternoon coffees and ready for a red, or three hence the elaboration, finally i received a belated christmas present of some cadbury roses. A very good night for me indeed. So in closing I really love all your stories but this one in particular. A dark but an ambitious Harry. Only interested in personal improvement and while you may feel the story seems to be repeating itself I personally found it interesting and entertaining. It isn't often that a writer can maintain a characters system of values and still have me unsure of their reaction. So good work and keep it up.
Jezza88 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 10:25am
Good chapter to end the story!
I liked how Harry and Wednesday made Riddle look stupid in front of all the students :P
I also liked how Fred and George tried to make Ron and Percy understand what they did wrong. They are the more wiser brothers.
Interesting information about the Dursleys. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
Keep up the good work, and please try NOT to wait so long for the next part.
AutumnHeart posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 9:59am
A lovely long chapter!
Taking Umbridge out this early was a bit of a surprise, but lots of fun... I assume that means you're not doing a fifth year rework in this story?
I also really enjoyed the confrontation with Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets; removing the 'secret' part of that scenario has resulted in a satifyingly clean resolution.
I look forward to the next chapter, whenever it should appear,
- A.
potterfrkintx posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 9:31am
If I had direct access to anyone in the after life, I'd probably try and pick the most brilliant minds that ever existed and have them attempt to pass on their knowledge directly.... I.E. Julius Cesar, Aristotle, Freud, the list goes on and on. I don't think you did too bad with year 2. I anxiously await years 3 - 7 tho, so get to writtin'! lol
See you in the funny papers!!
wilfite posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 9:08am
Kewl! I love this story, I just wish there was going to be more to it. I can understand why there isn't, owning to Harry and Wednesday being the people they are. I am curious tho-what (if anything) is Albus doing about Sirius? Or is Sirius dead by now? Id really like to know.
Shepherd posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 8:30am
Excellent update. You may not have been happy with year two, but I thought it was exceptional. While the way the Addams family can walk over everyone else is rather unbalancing, their power levels are such that it is to be expected. To give them such power and not unbalance things would be absurd.
Meg posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 8:20am
To answer your questions here....
What to do? Grill the hell out of them, of course. Discover all there could be about how it is to die. What it is that's scary about death. What you could do to AVOID death. What they knew about Voldemort and death. Pretty much anything you could get out of them regarding Voldemort, for that part of it, and then anything you could get out of them for the bloodlines part of it for Harry to tell Wednesday.
H&W would bow to anyone who's respect was earned. They weren't raised by fools, and they give praise sparingly, so I'd say a bow, even a head-bow, would be acknowledgment of either greatness OR a great change in perspective.
And no. Not totally. But, eh, maybe. Goo! On one hand, I can see him always curious as to what the anti-Potter/Addams would be up to, even if all he's do was to quash and craziness. On the other, I can very much see him taking great joy in watching others fail due to stupidity
And to close this, H&W are smart enough to give Snape the thougths he wants to have, but to keep him on there path no matter what happens. I don't think it really matters what I think, shit's going to play out. I can't wait for the ride!
Manuel Lovell posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 8:17am
I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoy reading this story and the year 1 as well. I cannot wait until the next story is up and I really hope it won't be as long a wait!!!
Many thanks and keep on writing. posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 8:14am
Outstanding chapter!!!! It may of felt like a rehash of year one to you but I thought it was freaking outstanding!!!! I'm guessing they bow to the ruler of Atlantis or some god or gods they follow???? My guess is a necromancer maybe!!!! You could do all kinds of stuff with a direct line to James and Lily!!!! Does Harry have an animagus form???? I know its been over done by I think if his dad did then why can't he have one???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)
Nuit Tombee posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 7:36am
This is what I imagine when I think of Wednesday Friday Addams and Morticia A. Addams. I can't think of any living person an Addams would bow to, so I'm guessing that he is either dead or from a different show.
Wolf550e posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 5:45pm