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Orion posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:34am

Great! This is a fun story to read, and I can't help but be as curious as Snape in wondering how Harry came to be an Adams in the first place.

Thanks for writing, and sharing it with us.

Also, love the new website!

Memory King posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:32am

This was a very solid update, probably very much needed to set up some things in later chapters.

Getting rid of Lockhart early is always appreciated, will have to reread the other chapters to see if there's anything about Pettigrew there. It's been quite a while.

Keep writing!

Jeconais replied:

Ron complained in the first part that his rat had gone missing, and that it was probably Hermione's fault.
Of course, I screwed it up, by introducing Hermione's half-kneazle before she had him.

jilumasam posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:32am

A good start to year I have to go back and read year one all over again....

DrT posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:28am

In some ways, Snape setting up Lockhart was one of the most evil things a Snape has done in ff for quite some time.

I did like it, though!

Jeconais replied:

Despite the whole thing being written in Snape's perspective, he is NOT a nice character. It does make him a lot of fun, though ;)

aragorn2008 posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:25am

This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time. Its funny, thrilling and I just cannot wait for the next chapter.

Thank you!!

Anthony May posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:24am

I loved this cross-over and I thought I would hate it. Well done, excellent. I can't wait for more!!!

Ladynero posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:20am

Thank you for continuing this series! I really enjoyed the first story and am looking forward to this year as well.

*Grins* Seeing Harry's life with the Addamses is very fun and interesting.

Thank you again!

Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:17am

You updated! I swear I heard a chorus of Angels singing when I noticed it...

It's great to read about this AU again, and Snape's interaction with H/W continues to make me smile. The anticipation of the Lockart class and duel was well built up and I was smiling the entire time. I was surprised to see Harry be injured by Lockhart's spell though. Wednesday turning her back on a potential enemy seemed out of character for how you've written her. I would have expected her to have anticpated a cowardly attack had she turned her back. It also seems plausible that Harry would have blocked it.

None the less, an immensly enjoyable chapter and I eagerly look forward to the next one. I only hope that your next upload will appear soon.


Jeconais replied:

Snape wasn't the only setting Lockhart up. By allowing Lockhart to hit Harry in the back, Wednesday was able to completely and utterly destroy him - physically and figuratively, with absolutely no recourse from anyone.

Accepting a non-fatal curse was the more Slytherin thing to do.

Davideg posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:10am

thank you for sharing i love this story please update again a.s.a.l.a.

Sardor posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:09am

Whooohoo! Another chapter on one of your stories, I think I have gone to heaven! I hope for more regular updates now and look foreward to more.

GinnyLover posted a comment on Friday 15th January 2010 12:00am

WooHoo!!! I was wondering when you got the site updated how long it would be before you started posting again.

Are you still planning on just doing what is posted on your yahoo group or are you going to continue writing after that?

Potter Thinker posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:56pm

This was an incredible piece of thoughtfulness and insightful picture of the way it should be. I always believed that Ginevra Weasley should have been placed into the House of Slytherin. My biggest inquiry to you is who are you going to pair her with, when, and why. I liked the way you had Harry tell Albus about Pettigrew. Looking forward to more.

pfeil posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:46pm

Um, can we not just leave it at that? I don't understand what you're talking about in the A/N.

(I guess it was Pansy allowing Ginny into the relationship in WKGQ, but I was looking forward to seeing how you handled that, before you decided not to write that part.)

I'm glad to see Hermione being properly Slytherin. I'm curious what that potion did to her, exactly.

amulder posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:44pm

Brr, chilly.

But it is great fun reading Snape's viewpoint on this.

Congratulations on Ginny... I did not see that coming AT ALL. Total surprise. Now, where you are going with Ginny ... I also have no clue at all. Love it.

thanks for writing, Tim. I had a very enjoyable time reading.

yrlastin posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:22pm

I am EXTREMELY happy to see something new from you!!
Great Chapter

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:20pm

And the crowd goes wild!!! Not just more Jeconais, but more Perfect Slytherins!

Congratulations to Harry and Wednesday for not only disarming Molly remotely, but pulling her fangs face-to-face as well.

Glad to see you're still with us; hope to see more soon!

Clell65619 posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 11:03pm

- I love this story, especially the way you use Pugsley as your voice to the readers. And the proto-romance between Pugsley and Hermione is hilarious on so many levels.

- It's odd that you had the Addam's define Hermione as 'normal' given that in most of their incarnations the Addams seemed unaware of their... differences from 'normal' society

- I do have to ask, was there a reason you had Lurch toss the luggage cart out in front of a Porsche 911? It seemed unlikely to me that Hermione would know enough about cars to identify one specific model (even the most beautiful car ever made) and was wondering if you were skewering someone in particular...

Eugene Jacobson posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 10:56pm

Great chapter.

sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 10:56pm

Worth the wait. I hope there's more coming soon :)

Revan posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 10:54pm

holy s*** this is fantastic, i really enjoyed this, the way that Molly and Lockheart was put in their places was truly both amazing and as far as i'm aware orignal. I am glad that your posting again to be honest i've lost a lot of intrest in the HP genre, but your fantastic works are one of the few gems that continue to draw me back and entertaine. i felt the charaters where spot on, just out of intrest did the events of the first film take place or are they not used? Once again thank you so much for this wonder piece of work, and here's hoping that you continue to post.