Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Second Year
Part 2
By Jeconais
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 5:02am for Part 2
Excellently done. As someone who has never watched more of the Addams family than the time Scooby Doo and the Gang visited them, I'm glad that your story is done in an easily understandable and accessable way.
I look forward to the next installment of the Perfect Slytherins.
moon_pup posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:55am for Part 2
I can not wait till year three with black.
Celevon posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:48am for Part 2
Really got to love those Addams! I think Harry and Wednesday should only bow to each other, and only with respect for each other. Don't change anything about those two. It is a pity that the kids can't do something to both Ron and Percy that would frighten them so much that they stay completely away from Harry and his friends the rest of their years at Hogwarts.
madrymon posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:41am for Part 2
I liked year 2 can't wait for year 3
Cynrom posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:21am for Part 2
Absolutely great!
Chris :)
nimaj25 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:18am for Part 2
Woohoo. Love it. Please continue.
Meg posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:13am for Part 2
Bed is futile. Blender is better. ;)
OK, I gave my standard, sort of no-thought thank-you review for part one of this. Part of that was because, as I stated, hell of a lot going on, couldn't process, thankful for something to sink into-ness at the time. The other part was, as I also stated, becuase I wanted to read it again as a whole, and not just...judge, for lack of a better word... the new part after being away from this universe of your for over a year.
That being said. While I enjoyed this Addams twist on an accelerated/twisted canon, I can see why you're not happy with it. I don't presume to know your reasons for the dissatisfaction, but for me it was flat.
I'm actually torn here, because overall I've been totally tickled with nearly everything you've written, and usually even where the "critics" come in and complain, I'm just in love with the story line. I know your writing style and your weaknesses, and I usually just don't care about those so-called weaknesses, because the tale is amusing and touching and imaginative and I can get sucked in... and that's what matters, right?
This second year, though... OK. In my opinion, I think it did what you wanted it to, and that was, correct me if I'm wrong, move characters where you wanted them to, get some background in that you wanted us to know, deal with some canon that you wanted out of the way and then...?
For me, from you, it felt wooden. I LOVE that so much of this is from Snape's perspective, but these two parts felt more like I was being told what was going on rather than showed. Yet I read though Second Year as a whole, and there's plenty of dialogue. I don't know what it is, exactly. Your notes for both parts aside, there was just something here that felt "filler". And it's hard to put what it was into words, because I did really enjoy these two parts, and the uniqueness in how the canon situations were dealt with, but....
I did NOT feel like this was a rehash of Year One by ANY means. Based on your notes, maybe it was more of an enjoyment of setting the scene in Year One and then being impatient with Year Two so you can get to what you really want to show us in Year Three and on?
I don't know. Regardless, thank you for posting this. :-) It was, again, a wonderful break from the real world for me, and now I sit here trying to finish my review as the hubs trys to brush the teeth of one of the cats, who's yowling pitifully. And that is the story of my life lately. Guilty though I may feel from my unusually critical review, it's still kept my mind off...bluh.
I very much look forward to what you've hinted at in your end notes. :-) Thank you, Tim. *hugs*
Renzo7 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:04am for Part 2
Awesome work!
Very entertaining chapter, as always. Keep it up, I hope you update soon.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 3:58am for Part 2
*laughs* Ah, yes, a very distinctly Addams twist to dealing with life. I thought that was a most excellent Christams present for Severus, though I daresay that Voldemort's spirit wraith was not at all amused. I have to wonder if there was any "bleed over" to others bearing the dDark Mark. A fu n chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one as you cover the summer and the start of Year Three.
Anthony May posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 3:28am for Part 2
I never thought I would enjoy this cross-over as much as I have. You have made this story absolutely fun and entertaining. Thank you. You are a master!
Tracy0652 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 3:02am for Part 2
I really enjoy this story - the difference of the characters, and the different spin on Harry's personality; Snape thinking for himself; Ginny and Hermione in's just great, and each chapter is very eagerly anticipated. Thank you very much!
Connielam posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:58am for Part 2
This is such an awesome and original story. I love seeing events from Snape's point of view, can't wait for the next chapter!
romero posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:51am for Part 2
I enjoyed the way you gave the events an Addams' twist in their solution. Nice present for Snape..having the mark removed. I laughed at the conversation in the Chamber between Harry and Tom. Minerva telling Albus off at the picnic was great. Loved the Tea ceremony that Harry and Wednesday were having as part of the apology. Glad that Umbridge was dealt with. I'm curious who Harry would bow to and how the Addams came to have Harry.
Rubel posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:01am for Part 2
Once again neat. Good characterization and kept things as believable as a story involving the Addams can get. So how long till some decides to talk to Slytherin directly to find out if he left any other interesting surprises in the school.
jilumasam posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:57am for Part 2
Awesome!!!! Now I'd better stop ignoring my housework and clean my house now that the party is over!!!!
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:49am for Part 2
Please! More, more, more! This is really good!
holyknight posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:38am for Part 2
Beautiful......The only thing that we need now, its for Harry to pull a Mamushka with Snape of all things, as a sort of adoption into the Addams Clan......
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:34am for Part 2
"Harry was already at breakfast, without Wednesday change..." Missing 'for a', I believe.
Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Darryn posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 1:30am for Part 2
This is still one of my favorites. Well written Addams Family stories are both rare and enjoyable, I particularly like the interaction between Harry and Wednesday. Thanks.
howard kammerer posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 5:24am for Part 2