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kcgx23 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 9:45pm for Part 2

Great chapter, I look forward to the next one, its a shame Draco won't be there for them to torment, but there's still Ron and Percy.

superseastallion posted a comment on Tuesday 26th January 2010 9:06am for Part 2

Very Good chapter, have liked the first year, and it was good for it to be continued.

twinheart posted a comment on Tuesday 26th January 2010 6:18am for Part 2

Personally I liked 2nd year...some of the same plot elements, but much more unique, with all the appropriate results and paybacks we all wish had really occurred in the original books. Looking forward to third year and more of Harry's history. Such fun!

klidster posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 10:25pm for Part 2

This is easily one of my favorite WIP fics right now. It does such a wonderful job exploring the various personalities. And the humor? Oh, my. I was actually laughing out loud and pounding the table a few times during this chapter. I can't wait to see where you take the next chapters, but boy do I look forward to it. Great job!

BloodRevan posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 11:36am for Part 2

Despite your own unhappiness with this story, I, personally, did enjoy it, as a good Addams family crossover.

One thing, do me a favor. The line, "Harry's going to defeat Voldemort/the Dark Lord," from Chapter 1 of this story, and several others, please... never use it again.

It's become something of a cliche in your stories'. As have the way the other characters act after someone says it. And it hurts, seriously, every time I read it.

And as I found out on the Harry Potter Fanfic Update thread on The Fanfiction Forum, I'm not the only one who thinks this. Although if they say anything, it probably will not be very polite.

GinnyLover posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 9:17am for Part 2

They would bow to Death? Makes sense that the Addams would only bow to Death :)

McHunter posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 4:35am for Part 2

Nice story, can hardly wait for the next part...

Mfg. McHunter

drgonzo2 posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 3:59am for Part 2

Most Enjoyable! I eagerly await developments for year three...

Don't worry about year two feeling like a rehash of year one, after all, that's pretty much down to JKR recycling the plot of PS for CoS. If you try to preserve anything closely resembling the original plot in your story, then you're kinda stuck with the piss-poor storyline that JKR used...

Cheers... G

frankocsic posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 3:08am for Part 2

I also thought about who Harry and Wends would bow to after reading that phrase. My first thought was their parents, Gomez and Morticia. But why would they, anyway. Hmm..

I actually like Snape here. He just seems so normal/human compared to Harry and Wednesday. It's fun to see him so unnerved. And I should've thought about Draco right off, with the heir business. He was too quiet the whole story prior to that. Can't say I'll miss him when he goes to Beauxbatons on their third year. But he does add a little something to the story, being the most vocal/obvious antagonist to H & W. Other than Ron, of course. If they weren't so stupid, I'd give them props for standing up to the Addams kids. I mean, they are having independent thoughts. Stupid, but independent. lol.

This is a great sequel, improving on the first. Awesome job. I can't wait to read the next one.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 12:05am for Part 2

Great fun read here, really enjoyed how things went with Harry and Wednesday and the other characters. I really liked that while Hermione is calming down a bit, she is still herself as well, considering the fun she had at Christmas, that and Ginny seems to be settling in nicely also. Good to see Molly brought back down to Earth a bit, and will be curious what their taunting and rule of Riddle will mean for him when he tries to come back again.

steve coburn posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 9:42pm for Part 2

Thanks for a fantastic story keep up the good work i hope to read more soon,

Crys posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 8:01pm for Part 2

I think I rather like Pugsley. Fun and direct.

> What could you do with direct access to Lily, James, and the Afterlife?
Me? Not much beyond actually learning what happens after death. Harry and Wednesday? Not a clue what they could accomplish.

> Who would Harry and Wednesday bow to?
God (if there actually is one), and Death.

> Will Snape ever stop lurking in dark corners so he can watch what goes on?
Where's the fun in that? It's a worthless tactic against the Addams, but seems to still work against everyone else. 'Sides, he seems to enjoy it.

Talk about slapping down Umbridge quickly . . .

The Bloody Baron is taking orders from Harry without complaint?

Entertainng Christmas presents. Though the potion used on Hermione isn't something I remember from previous chapters. Ah, well.

Nice chapter. Thanks.

Rage and Light posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 11:43am for Part 2

This was an excellent chapter and I really enjoyed it. I am very pleased to see you back writing. I look forward to more from you


crocket posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 11:09am for Part 2

brill hope story carries on in this manor

minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 4:34am for Part 2

Was it the kicks or the spells that Wednesday cast on Draco that made him an eunuch? Looks like Ron's going to remain a perfect bone head for the rest of the story. Will Percy grow up? Now, I'm curious on how they would handle the dementors. Does this mean that Lucius's going to try for another heir?

kyoshi posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 4:08am for Part 2

This is my favourite story of all time. I can't wait for a shoot out with the Death Eaters. I'm hoping Harry is going to have another girlfriend. Keep up the good work! Best Regardes

Grace Cole posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 2:15am for Part 2

I think Year 2 was very interesting. And I can't wait to learn more of Harry and Wednesday's history in year 3. Keep up the AWESOME work!!!

T.Zukumori posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 2:09am for Part 2

I love this series. Can't wait to see what happens in year three.

Do keep up the good writing,

Orion posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 1:07am for Part 2

Great! I'm a big fan of stories where a small change to canon at the start of the story (or just before) leads to cascading changes as time and events progress. While Harry joining the Adams Family is certainly not a small change, I'm very happy with the fact that everything different can be traced back to that change (or changes that resulted from changes that resulted from . . .)

As for whom Harry and Wednesday would bow to? That is something potentially very scary to contemplate.

Thank you for writing, and thank you for sharing it with us.

joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 12:46am for Part 2

Story's still entertaining, thanks.
But, Harry and Wednesday are nothing more than walking dei ex machina. They fit well within the Gary and Mary Stu/Sue mold. You promise to show more of their history. Maybe we can see a believable explanation of how they got so insanely powerful and knowledgeable -- that doesn't involve 100 years of time travel. ;-)

We also don't have a protagonist to care about. Snape? Puh-lease. Pugsley might be OK, but he really doesn't get enough focus.

The bond cost Snape nothing?!!! It only risked his very life on a fool's errand. Snape's very lucky that, so far, Draco's peril can be said to come about due to Draco ignoring orders. Snape would never take such a risk -- especially for no tangible gain.
That part of the story makes absolutely no sense.

*Loved* the way the twins handled Ron (foot stomping, etc.). LOL.