Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Second Year
Part 2
By Jeconais
jgkitarel posted a comment on Sunday 28th February 2010 7:43pm for Part 2
Good work, as always.
You know, this almost reads as a dark comedy version of a satire, as you seem to enjoy pointing out the very follies of many of the characters.
I do so enjoy this, and I can't wait to see what Harry and Wednesday do to the Dementors.
Puidwen posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:50pm for Part 2
love the fics. a good fresh new take on the harry with adams concept.
Elton Denson posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 3:32pm for Part 2
I have to say that these stories of yours are truly enjoyable. I have read all of them in the site and in some way enjoyed them all. Several of your abandoned writing I would like to see more of. Most of your completed writings I have recommended to friends.
Thaks for letting me step into your minds world(s) for a while and giving me many good chuckles. Often I could not wait to see what would happen next.
Also, your use of dialogue/interchange between the characters is often great.
Have a Blessed Day,
Elton Denson
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 7:54am for Part 2
Also, I really liked Snape wincing and explaining that he'd actually been teaching; and of course Dumbledore being dim and Snape reflecting that one day he'd snap and punch him.:)
Also, the fact that it's told from Snape's perspective really gives it that extra something to make it uniquely interesting.
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 6:22am for Part 2
I love the relationship developing between the Addams and Snape. Also that Ginny is getting into things so easily. :)
TheSunburn posted a comment on Wednesday 17th February 2010 11:19am for Part 2
Wonderfully written and engaging, I don't think I have felt this excited about a series in a good long while. Year Three is shaping up to be wonderful aswell, I do hope you put in some more Lurch(Always been my favourite Addams) and maybe a Severus vs Minerva arguement about Harry.
Cheers -Sunburn
71_scorpio posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 1:19am for Part 2
I know that you mentioned being dissatisfied with Y2 because it was a "rehash", but I don't agree. There were eough differences to avoid that with enough simularities to provide "points of reference". I happen to think that changes should be a bit slow, gradual and subtle. And they are. This is a reflection, I think, of eveyone's expectations of Harry changing instead of Harry being so very different from cannon. (though he is) In truth, some things have to happen, because they are introduced by people outside Hogwarts and thus Harry's influence. Hence, the diary showing up and Umbridge being the one the Ministry sent. How Harry reacts to those things is perfect (for who and what he is in this story), so great job. I can't wait to see what's in store for Y3.
Forever&3moreSeconds posted a comment on Monday 15th February 2010 1:13am for Part 2
Wow, this is amazing! I sooo want to be Wednesday. Please post the next year as soon as possible - I'm looking forward to it.
Ruth =)
irishfighter21 posted a comment on Friday 12th February 2010 5:47pm for Part 2
Awesome chapter, I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Silo posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 6:59pm for Part 2
are you going to update today
Sheyd posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 12:15pm for Part 2
I'm in love with both years! It's great! Thank you for marvelous job!
Can't wait for next ))
BittersweetAlias posted a comment on Saturday 6th February 2010 1:20am for Part 2
Absolutely love it! It's perfect, Severus is awesome in this and Draco... had me rolling and laughing. Gotta love Wednesday =D
00_Knight posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 2:38pm for Part 2
Taunting Riddle like they did, and the bit about zombies and brains still makes me smirk just thinking about it. As for your "I wasn't truly happy with Year 2, because it felt a lot like a rehash of year one," Pfftt. I enjoyed it! I can't find anything of yours that I could even possibly dislike.
Pretty much it comes back to the fact that your posting again! You were one of the first authors I could get into, of HP fanfiction that is, others were just average. Starting with TMW and following your evolution from good stuff to excellence has been a privilege that I cherish.
As for the finish of year two, it was time well spent. Can't wait to see what you bring out in year three!
brad posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 3:39am for Part 2
You might not have been happy with this year/chapter, but for me it was the best one so far. Some of it started to 'click' with me.
Whereas I'm a newcomer to the Addams family, and didn't much like the 'pain is pleasure' motif you/Wednesday pushed in the first year, some of the things in this chapter worked well for me. And I got more of an idea as to what the Addams thing is all about.
(I'm still having a problem with Harry and Wednesday's amoral stance, though. 'glorious' or not, the 'damage' that Pugsley believes they would do if they were 'bored out of their minds' - THE POOR DARLINGS - well, ugh. Definitely not nice, really. But I'm happy to learn more, or be educated. Or see them change.)
Lurch appearing - 'You Rang?' - heh. Even I, with my limited Addams exposure, got that one. :-)
I was afraid that the Harry/Wednesday 'scarring' thing would turn out to be another facet of the 'pain is pleasure' motif - which I really don't like, it seems too simplistic/silly - but I quite enjoyed it, it played out well. I got it. And I must be becoming part-Addams, because I *didn't* think that the tea ceremony was overdoing it. Well, I accepted it in my stride, being mid-chapter.
"Five car crash" - heh. Funny, if you don't overthink it. :-) But these Addams folk are a danger to civilised society, you know!!!!!
The Christmas thing was something else that clicked / worked well. Harry and Wednesday's "letting their guard down" - showing a bit of warmth, some affection - was necessary, I think. For me at least. Otherwise I would have disengaged from your primary protagonists. As it is, I'm starting to like them ...
> "For the last few weeks, we've been hearing something. I've just realised that it must have been a snake .."
*groan* That came over as one big lucky coincidence, ugh.
"Please keep your voice down when we're trying to sneak up on a Basilisk" - "Another few years and seh'll be a true Addams" - Heh!!! LOL. Well, if my Hermione can appreciate the Addams and not think them a menace to society, maybe I can get used to them after all!!
Slightly miffed at the inclusion of tagalong!Ginny as another candidate for the Addams clan. I know I'm biased against her, but she hasn't received as much screen time as Hermione (of course, largely due to being a year younger), yet she's part of the growing Pugsley harem/girl pool. It smells a bit to me. Perhaps just my Ginny bias.
Curious as to he to whom the Addams clan bows?
"Mmmm, big brain" -- more laughs!!! Yes, Ginny has a much smaller brain.
Well, I enjoyed the chapter, even if you think it wasn't good enough. Some good jokes and a few lines that quite conveyed the 'Addams' brand of fact/humour which I dimly recall from the couple of television episodes I've half-seen over the years. And a couple of Harry/Wednesday scenes that I was able to accept and enjoy. Thanks for the chapter!
Zamia posted a comment on Saturday 30th January 2010 5:27am for Part 2
Still one of the better X-overs I have come across. Still getting reruns on Cable here. Different to see Snape in this light. The way H & W are studying suggests that Lily may have had some input into later life. Cheers.
Genericrandom posted a comment on Friday 29th January 2010 4:32am for Part 2
It may have felt like a rehash to some, but when you're rehashing something that won so hard (and rehash so briefly) who cares? Mind you, I don't think it felt like that, but I know what most authors write and most readers read aren't really even remotely the same thing.
Overall, I think year two was a good addition. If it needed anything, it was probably to step away from Snape's POV a little bit more and look into other situations and motivations. Or work Snape into places he wouldn't have otherwise been to add to the background of the story. Motivations to the briefly appearing villains. Less overview and summary (but not much less, since it /is/ an important part of this story's style) more direct implications. Otherwise, take it up a notch and challenge yourself to explain everything that ends up occurring with only the POVs you've already established.
Either way, it was a fun year. More and more insights into the Addams clan, more on Harry and Wednesday which is always a treat, more Snape which keeps working so well in this story and more glimmers of independent thought from British Wizards. Yay.
A good addition. Can't wait for the next part and the beginnings of the real diversions.
Jonez227 posted a comment on Friday 29th January 2010 12:42am for Part 2
my fav. slytherin!harry story ever. i thought it was good even if you felt it was...odd, i guess is a good word for it. can't wait till you release the next one and i hope it makes you happy, cuz a story can't succeed without a happy author to write it.
Silo posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 11:03pm for Part 2
sweet man cnat wate for year 3[u][/u]
Silo posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 11:02pm for Part 2
sweet man cnat wate for year 3
Ryder654 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd March 2010 6:41am for Part 2