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in-kinsfire posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:40pm

Very nice, though it was not obvious that they were permitting Snape to overhear their conversations. You did not specify where they were having it, and certainly they would not really be (could be?) ashamed, but still it would perhaps not be for common consumption.

I like the thought of the unforgivables as a summoning charm but despite all evidence of the technical capability in DH and the like, they never seem to have that ability in canon.

Hmm, after wondering whether Harry destroyed the real stone too easily, I started wondering which of the Addams would best like a cursed half-life though the use of unicorn blood. It sounds just up their alley, you know, just to have such a life.

Please continue.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 1:42pm

What a warped story... but still much better then 'Famly Values'. Of course I just can't get enough of it. Harry and Wednesday are just so mature and scary for a pair of eleven year olds it makes me wonder what the future will hold for the rest of us.

As always - I look forward to your next chapter.


Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 12:08pm

As the bloody Brits would say... GOOD SHOW

Looking forward to more chapters....

From a bloody Yank... :)


Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 8:52am

Oh, this story is so much FUN! Congratulations on another success!

rune1806 posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 3:21am

You have made all the players your own in this chapter, well done. Very well writen as always, and you are looking at parts of mankind that are not normaly looked at. Why some enjoy pain,killing, mountian climbing, firefighting, ect is a question most do not even see.

Bocardo posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 2:17pm

This was excellent. Thank you for your work on this story.

Markus Gabler posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 11:45am


I've read now a few of your stories and up to now I liked HOPE the most (a brilliant pice of work btw.) but this tale has the potential to become my Nr. 1 from you.
Keep this amazing work on going, please.

Kind Regards


Hells Angel posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 11:31am

Really, I was reading your author note and I couldn't imagine how someone can complain of too much of the Adams family! They are one of the best parts of the fic! I love them!! =)) (Honestly, they make me laugh like crazy!)

I really liked how you are already divergimg even more from canon! I hope to see mmore of it soon!

Ignoramus posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 7:03am

I don't think you're very subtle about being subtle. Nor do you characterize Albus well. You're too eager about your ideas, and that rushes the events of the chapter.

Even so, it was magnificently entertaining.

PerfesserN posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 6:58am

Bravo! For my birthday you’ve given me a wonderful glimpse into the deliciously dark warped psyche of my favorite Addams, the delightfully precocious Wednesday. I can picture her maliciously smiling while holding a blooded axe.
Gifting Harry with her tears was a stroke of poetic genius. A macabre warm-and-fuzzy; now where did I leave that ball gag. . .

Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 1:10am

wow this story is wondrous please i beg you update again a.s.a.l.a.

brad posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 12:44am

Well, I found this chapter much more enjoyable and entertaining - due to the increased interaction between the Addams children and the school/Hermione, I think - although the pain/pleasure thing threw me off. Are the Addams all sadists/masochists or whatever the term is? Yoiks.

> "I go to school alone, make a few friends, get betrayed by authority figures, lose people I let into my heart, and then I die, and win, and end up in a dull marriage with stupidly named children. It’s a life full of pain, suffering and misery."

Yay! Another anti-DH HP fan I see! :-)

Quirrel/Voldemort revealing themselves in the Great Hall like that just didn't make sense to me. What was the possible benefit/advantage to Voldemort to expose himself? He knew he was weak, and would be facing Dumbledore, Harry, plus the Addams family. It did not compute in my opinion.

I think I enjoyed the most the growing thread of respect/camaraderie between Hermione - representative of we 'normal' folk - and the Addams kids, with Wednesday and Harry actually talking to her, answering their questions. I felt their doing so brought them down from the high horses I felt they were riding until then and made them just a bit more likeable. A bit closer to this reader.

"constructive Pugsley-ism" - heh. :-)

Thanks for the chapter!

Anthony May posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 8:21pm

Ok, I must admit that I thought a pairing of Harry Potter and The Addams Family was the lamest idea - but I now stand corrected and extremely enthralled. I have loved your other stories and figured I would give this a chance and as always - you are the master! Can't wait for the next update.

hayeth posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 7:54pm

While I like the chapter, I just don't feel you did Voldemort justice. He seemed foolish and unintelligent. Your story has potential, but the antagonist will drag the story down to the depths of hell if you make him as retarded as he was in this chapter.

I like the interactions between Harry, Wednesday, Pugsly, and Hermione. I feel that part of the story is well done and the characters are captured better than in Ishtar's version. However, I stick by my earlier statement that the antagonist you showed was highly disappointing.

shimbot42 posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 6:33pm

quote]"I go to school alone, make a few friends, get betrayed by authority figures, lose people I let into my heart, and then I die, and win, and end up in a dull marriage with stupidly named children. It’s a life full of pain, suffering and misery.

best line from a fan fic. ever.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 5:39pm

I don't quite know what to say. That chapter was excellent, but I will never be able to watch "the Addams Family" in the same way again.
The part with Lucius was lol-worthy, as was Flamel's entrance and Gomez and Morticia swanning off to Azkaban for a holiday.
More please!

LifeScientist posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 5:00pm

I had to wait until this point to comment simply because I didn't know enough of where you were going. This is a great job....
Though I'm not as familiar with the Adams Family as I should be, I can see where your characters are and can guess a bit as to where you may be taking them. More importantly, I think I understand where they're coming from a bit and, for fear of sounding a bit too much like Wednesday, look forward to the agony and ecstasy that will come in finding out whether I'm right or not.

shanedude posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 4:13pm

Uh, how much of a role will Hermione have in this fic?

Envy posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 3:18pm

An Awesome story, I really like it^^
Never thought of an Adams Famaly/Harry Potter x-over, but now...*smile*
Really a great story

zxcvb posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 3:10pm

"Snape sat down with the other three Hogwarts Heads of House and the Headmaster in the Headmaster’s office..."

Ack! Alliteration! Please tell me you didn't do that on purpose, did you?

By the way, I don't know if the themes that you dealt with in this chapter are a reflection of your own philosophy or simply made up to create an Addams's family vibe, so to speak, but I found it rather curious that I happen to agree with a lot of what Wednesday said to Hermione... With the difference being, perhaps, that my views of the world do not go to such an extreme sadomasochistic degree.