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Mikee posted a comment on Wednesday 8th October 2008 2:39pm

What a fun story. I am so enjoying the way you've characterized everyong -- especially Severus.

I tried to mark author alerts, but can't remember my password, and can't find how to request a reminder of it ... sigh.

Oh well ... I do hope you'll update soon.

Thank you.

foreceflow02 posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 8:30am

So when is Second year coming out? I can't wait!!!

Shadow Lighthawk posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 12:00am

It surprises me how much I enjoy this. I feared it would be like every other AF/HP crossover I've ever read (admittedly, that's a small number, but they've been uniformly superficial and farcical), but this has been delightful.

I think the biggest problem I have with AF/HP crossovers is the superficiality of them. You're the first author in my experience to dig into the essential philosophy of the Addams Family and show why pain and misery can be desirable things.

The dynamic between Harry and Wednesday is fascinating. There are undercurrents in everything they say and do, an understanding and an intimacy that would be out of place between any two other eleven-year-olds. In a way, I pity Hermione. I'm old enough now to know just how inseparable opposites are and Slytherin enough to accept that the pairing of opposites is the way of the universe, and Hermione is too young and too Gryffindor to really grasp the concept. She might one day come to grips with it, but I'm not sure she'll ever really understand. On the other hand, I sympathize with her, because I'm Gryffindor enough and conventional enough that I can't truly embrace these concepts, even though I understand them in the abstract.

Another dynamic I find interesting is that between Harry and Wednesday and Pugsley, not to mention their relationship with the rest of the world. I think Pugsley is, in many ways, their interface with everyone else. He can understand them and translate accordingly, and the way he brings together his Addams heritage with his comparative normality is really rather remarkable.

My favorite thing about this story is the way you've bounded and framed what is really a series of vignettes in Snape's POV. It gives the story a wonderful continuity, not to mention how it provides an avenue for exploration and explication. It's very clever, and I don't think you could have made a better choice for POV character.

I'm looking very much forward to reading the next story in this series.

Andrewsquill posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 5:15am

Oh, excellent! I enjoyed this chapter very much. It provided some depth of reason for their personalities.

I'll keep an eye out for the sequel.

Great job!



Andrewsquill posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 4:43am

Okay, that was absolutely brilliant. I haven't laughed aloud like that in ages when reading a story.

I can't wait to finish the next chapter!



under_score posted a comment on Friday 19th September 2008 4:00am

Wow, I haven't read something this intense in a while. Keep up the good work and turn out more chapters to this crossover which seems so much darker than the light hearted cartoon that the Addam's family was.

kyoshi711 posted a comment on Friday 12th September 2008 10:07pm

Love the story. I would like to have more Gomez and his wife in more scenes. You portray Gomez really well. Like to see the Griffs go after Harry, mostly Ron.

spidercrossing53 posted a comment on Friday 12th September 2008 5:45pm

This is an interesting story. It is well written, and it is entertaining... but I am not sure how much I like it. This is largely due to the fact that I do not like the Addams family movies or cartoons very much. This reduces my overall enjoyment of the story to some extent. However, I did find a fair amount of enjoyment in this story and if you write a sequel, I will definitely read it.

Silo posted a comment on Thursday 11th September 2008 9:43pm


la13 posted a comment on Saturday 6th September 2008 5:08pm

I love this! I like that you're not afraid to push the boundaries for morality for Harry. I'm very intrigued to see where you take Wednesday as well.

Dareycow posted a comment on Friday 5th September 2008 7:58pm

Just a quick side note. Can all the people in the great hall who saw wednesday kill the troll now see threstals? Troll = sentinant creature = dead. Or is it only human deaths that allow people to see threstals? Just a side node, not important :D

CoyoteScion posted a comment on Thursday 4th September 2008 3:20pm

want to see more soon

gameon85 posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 3:30pm

Update plz?

Hemotem posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 5:31pm

Okay this was something that I wasnt expecting but find myself unable to stop reading it and enjoying what I read I thank you for writing this and hope to see more in the near future.


ctattrie posted a comment on Monday 1st September 2008 12:01pm

Fantastic. I look forward to reading more.

freakyone12345 posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 4:46pm

whens the new story going to be posted

Yar posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 3:10am

Outstanding - I do so enjoy the "silent but deadly" humor of the Addams.

Minor nitpick, though. The words monkshood and wolfsbane have the letters n, o and s in common, leaving either a six letter difference (if you count the ones you'd need to change in either word to get the other) or a ten letter difference (the number of unique letters in both words).

Like I said, minor - and that's about the worst I can point out. Thanks for making my day more fun.

Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:48pm

This is singularily unique. I am very curious to see where this goes.

sleep when your dead posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 3:32pm

love this story can't wait for the next chapter

Silo posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 4:52pm

hey are you going to update this today