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Lordamnesia posted a comment on Friday 19th December 2008 2:24am

Wow, entirely, utterly FANTASTIC! Dark, oh so deliciously dark. You kept very well with how entirely demented and evil the Adamms family really is, even though they never ever come off that way in the end, because no one can find the bodies. Incredible, very much looking forward to the continuation of this story!

Jamey posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2008 7:29pm

I'm not sure why - beyond the obvious - that I'm thinking of The Agony and the Ecstasy, and of the Passion of Christ, but I do feel there is something more than just the pure suffering, and the corresponding pleasure, that is being touched on here.

I'll be a while thinking about it, I fear.

Aberbadger posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2008 6:31pm

will they collect luna to them, or will her attitude be anathema to them?

Katherine Summers posted a comment on Thursday 4th December 2008 9:06pm

Absolutely amazing! I love your stories and it was just amazing how you portrayed these characters. Very deep. Brava!

moon_pup posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd December 2008 6:05pm

wow,a memeber of a yahoo group said this is a good fic and I have to say they are right. I can not wait till you post more

LKK posted a comment on Saturday 29th November 2008 10:39pm

I love it. I love Harry and Wednesday's relationship. Despite the fact that they're both to do with the Addams family, this story has almost nothing in common critically with Ishtar's. This side of them is a nice contrast.

Neil Glover posted a comment on Tuesday 25th November 2008 4:43am

Great story, i read it twice in one season, couldn't stop laughing, i look forward to the next chapter

Impossible Green posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 12:05pm

I especially enjoyed Hermione's and Wednesday's conversation about contentment, agony and exctasy. Well done.

I look forward to more.

Impossible Green posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 11:10am

Absolutely delightful.

I look forward to reading the next chapter and more after.

david bullock posted a comment on Saturday 8th November 2008 6:31pm

I love it. Dark Harry is one of my favorites, but not evil harry. The Harry/Wednesday parring is a unique one and I'm always intrigued by the unique parings. I can't wait to see year two.

noylj posted a comment on Thursday 6th November 2008 1:13am

Hoped for a Halloween update.

pyrobabe7713 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th November 2008 11:02am

so are yo going to update anytime soon? I really am looking forward to this continuing.

bobman posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 6:44pm

Can't wait till more gets posted. And while rereading it I thought about second year, and how, if Wednesday doesn't just get the basilisk to kill Riddle for them, they use some "constructive Pugsley-ism" to take out the basilisk before it finishes emerging from the statue. If it doesn't work for this story, it would make a great one-shot, but I, unfortunately, lack any real talent in writing.

Anyway, this story, though darker than most of your stories, is consistent with the excellence you consistently create.

Phil Coleman posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 5:21pm

Wow. Wonderfully wickedly twisted. Love to see where you take this one...

DarkHeart posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 8:40pm

You should send them to the The Clink Prison Museum. it will raise their opinions of the English somewhat.

Cale posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2008 9:05am

Ah, I re-read this story for the third or fouthr time, and still I feel this need for more. When will you grace us mere mortals with the next chapter, Jeconais? Or are we doomed to forevermore dream about what may have been, what may yet come to be, what SHOULD have been...

I pray thee, do not leave us hanging here, and fullfill our desired for more. More of the Perfect Slytherins.

Raynee posted a comment on Sunday 19th October 2008 4:02am

Can't wait for part 2

Sannah posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2008 5:43pm

Wow! I love this story! I love the Addams, and Harry Potter. This story is one of the best crossoves I have ever read. I can't wait until Year 2 comes out.

kyoshi711 posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2008 12:17am

Super, super story it's so crazy that I like it. This is the second time |I've read it in the last month.

Silo posted a comment on Thursday 9th October 2008 5:40pm

nice i hope u update your fics soon