By Jeconais
Shadowface posted a comment on Monday 24th August 2009 7:00pm
Spectacular, I'd love to see this continued.
wendy1 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd August 2009 8:18pm
i LOVE this story! It's been awhile, are you not planning to continue it? Good Addams family crossovers are hard to find. There's one I like that's a C/O with BTVS, mostly though, they just seem silly.
Thanks for writing it with the talent and depth they deserve.
Riven posted a comment on Sunday 23rd August 2009 12:06pm
so when you going to update this?
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 12:18pm
Wow this story is great! I can't wait for the next installment from you on any of your stories. Thanks for writing!
delrusant posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 9:46am
interesting cross over, maybe to SM for me but I can't judge before the rest comes out.
Charles Newton posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2009 11:49pm
Now this is one fantastic series; PLEASE keep it going!!!
Gomez and Morticia were/are my idols.
If I never grow up, I wanna be just like them.
noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 5th August 2009 7:49pm
I wish someone would finish this story
Ron posted a comment on Thursday 30th July 2009 1:17pm
Tim, really wish you could get back to this, along with Dorothy's version. The two different stories take totally opposite directions, but are both entertaining and intriguing.
Harriverse posted a comment on Sunday 26th July 2009 2:31pm
Wholly Molely!!! What an incredible command of character you have over the Addamses. You've done things with them that I couldn't imagine but am so glad you let me peek at. If this only goes on to the fourth year, it must mean that they destroy Voldy then....go off into their sunset. I would love to read more of their exploits. Puglsey is adorable--a mix of Addams and regular mortal. I can see him continuing the family line, but I noticed that you didn't include kids for the gruesome twosome.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2009 9:02am
Someone commented that Riddle seemed foolish and unintelligent (compared to Harry or Wednesday). That is doubtless deliberate, because, if looked at logically, Riddle's espoused philosophy *is* both unintelligent *and* foolish. The purebloods *should* have been following what had been going on with the Hapsburgs (Spanish royalty) and the Bourbons (French aristocracy); both families had been following the same trend (inbreeding), and both families would be ravaged horrendously by genetic disease and death (especially hempophilia) to the point of either near-extinction (Bourbons) or extinction (Hapsburgs). The Addamses *did* notice early; hence their deliberate campaign of interbreeding.
BlackOwl posted a comment on Friday 17th July 2009 10:58pm
i have to agree with 'WTF' by donroho89. It is absolutely out of the ordinary but extraordinarily brilliant! :)
Celevon posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2009 5:13pm
I love it!
Silo posted a comment on Friday 10th July 2009 6:17pm
hey just wondering when u plan to update man it has been almost a year
William Lack posted a comment on Friday 26th June 2009 2:36am
Love it - actually laugh out loud funny!
looking forward to more - much more
Thank you so much
crocket posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 1:35am
brilliant one best harry /addams crossovers i read hope you do finish it
Terry988 posted a comment on Monday 1st June 2009 5:08pm
A nice story. I hope that you will update very soon with the next installment that we readers eagerly await.
KingDark posted a comment on Friday 8th May 2009 10:23am
I recently checked my favo's and found this fic (again) I thought it might have been updated, but apparently it hasn't.
I like the fic, hpxthe-Adam-Family fics are incredible hard to find. Not only because they are difficult to write, but you have to actually know a lot about the cartoon- to pull it off. Anyway, the amount of characterization is incredible. I'm hoping you'll update it soon.
Good work
donroho89 posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2009 12:54pm
Bobboky posted a comment on Saturday 2nd May 2009 5:08pm
Jonez227 posted a comment on Saturday 12th September 2009 12:18am