By Jeconais
bethbif posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:54am
not the biggest fan of crossovers but for some strange reason love harry potter and the addams family, great start to the story will be interesting to see where it goes :-)
Dave0126 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:48am
"How’s Lurch?" Harry asked.
"Delighted that you asked about him. He’s at home; we have some Jehovah’s Witnesses locked up in the dungeon and he’s torturing them for us."
This has to be my favourite part - torturing the JW's.
Excellent, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Preaphis posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:35am
Great stuff, more please!
(I'd rain down compliments on you, but I wouldn't know when to stop :p)
Gaelyn posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:16am
Twisted. Absolutely, wonderfully, twisted. I look forward to your next installment.
BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:12am
I love it!
But your stories are always worth reading, so... I knew I really would enjoy it... *smile*
I love Wednesday - she's an awesome character...^^ she's my favorite.
Thank you for uploading it!
I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
rodrigo2 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:04am
Loved the new story. Hope that you update it weekly. The addams are perfectly portrayed.
Meg posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 3:50am
Teehee at kids and fishheads. Like I said on the forums, mine got strawberry shortcake and TV. Same general idea, but without the threat of those pesky child services people.
You know, of all the things you've written over the past couple years, in HP at least, this comes across as the most different to me, at least as far as writing style, mood, etc...
So, I had to read it twice. :)
I love the contrast between Pugsley and Harry/Wednesday. I mean, I know that's how they're supposed to be, but it's been so long since I saw the movies (and more recent that I read Dorothy's) that Wednesday was slightly less... less... something, in my head. (Couldn't put it into words last night, still can't this morning.)
Most of all, I like that this is from Snape's POV. Getting his internal narration between scenes breaks things up nicely, and not jumping to one of the children's POV's keeps us from knowing too much about them too soon. The way you open the story, along with the chapter title, gave me the feeling that Snape was reminicing. I didn't notice that the first read-through. :)
Overall, I like this. Took a little adjustment, and I'm not quite at love, although a few scenes stood out in the "LOVE IT" category (Wednesday and the Sorting Hat, Pugs with Hermione, Harry throwing the knife at Snape, McGonagall's reaction to the family arriving).
Looking forward to finding out what happens next!
Thank, Tim. :D
ToriCat posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 3:24am
That was... interesting, to say the least.
When is the next part coming out???
Chris Steadman posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 3:11am
I think you may be my hero.
This is twisted. Insane. Warped. Psychotic.
Hilarious. Inspired. Gifted. Psychotic.
It's... beautiful.
I look forward to your next creation!
morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 2:58am
Okaaay....*backs slowly away from Jeconais*
Well, that was different. I think Voldie is in for a shock, not to mention Dumbles, Fudge and Lucius.
What the heck is Sirius going to make of this Harry? Mind you, Remus will be clasped to the Addams' collective bosom. A Werewolf in the family! Excellent!
Sion_Revan posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 2:32am
Hm. I liked some aspects of Harry and Wednesday, admittedly, but otherwise a 3.5/5.
Michael10 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 2:01am
Despite your own misgivings if they are that about writing this, it is a good story in where there are far too little good HP stories. As always even your partial ideas are better than the accident that was book 6 & 7.
Luke Barker posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 1:32am
Can't wait to see more, absolutley brilliant.
Funny, imaginative and well written.
Well done ^_^
Ken Somers posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 1:16am
i love this story keep up the excellent work as always
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 1:02am
I like it. The Addams Family has long been a favorite of mine; so while many crossover stories don't capture my attention, yours and Ishtars are some of my favorites. Thanks for writing. W.
frankocsic posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:53am
another cool story! i'm always a fan of how you portray harry. granted, this is a different harry than the regular princely harrys, but i like him all the same. in a world full of wizards, witches, and magic, you managed to create characters and situations that are even more magical and otherworldy. so, great job mate!
Silver04 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:45am
^__^ absolutely brilliant. I`m very much looking forward to the next part!
Allan posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:42am
that was just laugh out loud funny....great stuff an roll on chapter 2
loatroll posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:12am
You're totally awesome! I loved Ishtar's Family Values, and I absolutely love this as well. These Addamses/Potter children are more.. grown up I guess? More like Gomez/Morticia than Family Values, which also makes sense.
Very very good!
Really looking forward to more!
I laughed over more than one thing in this, truly brilliant.
Apocalypse Thou posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 4:58am