By Jeconais
Banner posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:44pm
* laughing with a shiver *
Wonderfully in tune with the REAL undertone of the show. The TV milked it for laughs, but those people were truly frightening. I love the kids' characterizations. So many people overlooked Pugsley, but he fit right in with the rest of the family.
Please continue this.
Lady Siren Jade posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:29pm
omg... -rotflmao- Fantastic! I can picture it all so vividly.
D14852001neko posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 12:08pm
Please tell me this is not a one-shot...
Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 11:49am
The story is great. I can't wait until next chapter.
Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 11:40am
Nice work, Tim...keep up the good work!
mara jade posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:58am
that was great!! so funny and just all-round good fun. Please continue!
Skoell posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:44am
hilarious. in my eyes a totally different approach then family values -<cough> which is really too good to be left uncontinued <cough><wink,wink>- but not even a tiny bit lesser....
i hope both stories will be continued!!!
just great work!!
twinheart posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:29am
That's very funny. Weird - like the wonderful Addams'..I liked it!
gennol posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:28am
That is right funny! More More!
Mariposa posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:07am
Twisted! Wicked! Awesome!
(not much of a review but I wouldn't know where to begin, or end for that matter)
irishfighter21 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:55am
Awesome start, I can't wait to see what happens next.
DizzyG posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:48am
Oh please, please tell me there's going to be more of this. posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:32am
Outstanding chapter!!!! I can't wait to read the rest of year 1!!!! There will be more chapters right???? Will we ever find out why Harry and Wednesday are like they are???? Will the story go past there Hogwarts years???? Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!!!!:):):):)
Michael13 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:29am
This is great, I can't wait for the rest of it. It is very believable since it stays true to the Adams family of the movies.
Parrish posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:15am
Brilliant. I adore this.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 9:14am
An interesting concept. A lot more quirky and madcap than 'Family Values', which I have always felt really addresses the difference between being dark and being evil in a very thoughtful way.
That aside, I like how you have written this story. The dark form of Harry, whilst threatening, manages to be only the version of threatening and dark that we are familiar with from 'The Addams Family'. The others of the family are in-character. I would suspect that Morticia and Gomez' magical pedigree is such that the Purebloods of Britain would regard them more as magical beasts than magical humans but that is their mistake.
Overall an interesting start. I'm not sure if I'll keep reading as this story isn't exactly my idea of fun but I might give the following chapters a try just to see how things change (Harry adopting the Basilisk as a pet? You know it's gonna happen).
BenRG's Rating: 7.5/10
kcgx23 posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 8:55am
Great story, I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Mechconstrictor posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 8:33am
Very good story. I look forward to more.
Though, Hermione didn't get her cat until later, GOF, I think.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 8:09am
"They’re supposed to blow things up! They’re supposed to get things wrong! They’re supposed to kidnap their classmates and perform bizarre and unholy experiments on them! How else are they going to learn?"
Love it! Thanks for a very enjoyable story!
Tom A.
SassyFrass posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 1:12pm