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sepiwraith posted a comment on Saturday 2nd August 2008 2:14am the funniest fic i have ever read and i pray that you continue

*Victoria Heureux* posted a comment on Saturday 2nd August 2008 1:16am

OMG Is the most interesting and gloomy fic I`d ever read!!! love it hahaha!! can`t wait for more :p

Alan Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Friday 1st August 2008 6:44pm

THIS IS EXCELLENT!! Abso-bloody-lutely the most hilarious chapter I've read to date!! And i've read a lot of naruto fics too! I just love how you are portray Harry and the Addams! Keep up the great work! Looking forward to the next chap and the insaneness that you will think up next in this x-over XD

liquidfyre posted a comment on Friday 1st August 2008 10:54am

sniffles and whines as he waits for an update

while i know you didnt say you would update weekly with this one like you did with yer fairytale i was quite hoping

any word on when we can expect an update pweeeeeeeeeeeease??????

goddessa39 posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 6:49pm

Oh! And what about Daphne? She's good to add your own character to, but can't she see how Snape is pretty much not helping her? No one could be as stupid as Draco.

goddessa39 posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 6:47pm

Yes, I am reading this yet again. I can't help it. This fic has caught my interest. I like the voodoo idea, though isn't someone going to complain?

sadomasochist. I do love that sexual perverstic word.

When Hermione was told she would 'fit right in' I had to reread it because my brain sayd 'fright right in.' LOL.

Silo posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 4:33pm

hey where is the update

allankael posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 3:20pm

This is so twisted - which makes it completely amazing!

draconix posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 11:32am

That was beautiful.

Zooxle posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 10:24am

Ha ha this is brilliant, you should make this a complete novel at least to the tri-wizard tournament. Have Harry and Wednesday steal the PS (though i don't know if Addams' can die despite having a graveyard in the back of the yard), accidentally kill the basilisk(the ceiling fell on it or something) when they were trying to improve it's death glare , ignore the whole of third year and completely own the tournament( maybe both of their names came one one piece of parchment out of the fire, and have to compete together) kill maim destroy everything fuck with Voldemort at the rebirth(make him go hide somewhere in eastern Australia scared shit-less or something). Anyway I love the We're evil don't fuck with us, because you will die portraying. I love how Harry will do anything for Wednesday but try to curb her more violent tendencies( for later). Great Idea, Great Story. (Although my favorite story from you is by far White Knight, Grey Queen(Please write an Epilogue to that, what happens between Pansy&Ginny and maybe a one shot of the start of the next year as well)) But first do the Harry/Wednesday fic please. :-)


tashriia posted a comment on Thursday 31st July 2008 2:33am

Brilliant! Scary, but brilliant. I think we should all be afraid for the things that lurk in the recesses of your mind. Of course, without them we wouldn't be so easily entertained.

kyoshi711 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 8:26pm

I absolutely love this story. But I hope you include more of the other characters such as Ron, Ginny, Luna and Longbottom.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 4:29pm

The House of Salazar has no idea what has come to slither in the door. No idea at all. (Obviously, the Hat *does* have an idea....and it's utterly frightened of it.)
On Harry and Wednesday: obviously Gomez and Morticia in miniature. (Except for substituting Spanish for French, Harry could be a more grim Gomez Addams.)
The biggest shocker: no quidditch for Harry (due to lack of interest). Pugsley, however, is interested in the sport.
Quirrel: I wonder if he heard about Harry and Wednesday's Plans for Riddle.
The pro-pureblood faction: Doubtless more than a few of them were thinking of *some* way to take action against either Wednesday orPugsley (or Harry). Then they saw what Wednesday did to the troll. An ickle firstie *killing* a full-grown mountain troll, and apparently without magic? "Oh, Merlin, NO WAY do I want ANYTHING to do with"


potterfrkintx posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 2:55pm

OMG That's great!!! I laughed all the time!! I love the Adams Family, they're so cool!!!!! I think it's wonderful that you've made this fic!! Deffinitely keep up the good work!!!!!

Rorschach's Blot posted a comment on Wednesday 30th July 2008 5:09am

Very nice. There really aren't enough of this cross in my opinion.

romero posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 11:24pm

Oh, this is too good. I can't wait to read more.

Atom posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 9:46am

i can't wait for the next installment! I love the addams family/harry potter crossovers

rogue7 posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 9:47pm

Brilliant story =D

I do hope there is more? This is the first decent crossover I've found for Addams Family, well done.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 8:29pm

I like it.
But do you know if Ishtar will be doing any more work on the Adams Family?

Karasu-sama posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 6:52pm

Fantastic! It woundn't have hurt to flesh out the backstory a bit more, but you make up for it with the screaming vividness and humor of your imagery.

Without meaning to sound like a prat, you and Ishtar need to get more of your respective Addams crossovers out pronto; I'm a huge fan of both! Reading one begets a craving for the other, y'see.