Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The First Year
Part 1
By Jeconais
William Lack posted a comment on Friday 26th June 2009 2:36am for Part 1
Love it - actually laugh out loud funny!
looking forward to more - much more
Thank you so much
donroho89 posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2009 12:54pm for Part 1
dennisud posted a comment on Friday 24th April 2009 3:10pm for Part 1
I love this and of Hary can't haev wednesday and Hermione well Pugs a good 2nd. what about Pansy? would she try for the Pugster too!
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 23rd March 2009 9:46pm for Part 1
Fascinating. I am beginning to enjoy this fic.
ShatteredRhapsody posted a comment on Monday 26th January 2009 11:21am for Part 1
*stares blankly at the screen before rolling off the chair*
Oh, wow. I never would have considered this kind of crossover, but I like it. ^_^
Impossible Green posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 11:10am for Part 1
Absolutely delightful.
I look forward to reading the next chapter and more after.
Andrewsquill posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 4:43am for Part 1
Okay, that was absolutely brilliant. I haven't laughed aloud like that in ages when reading a story.
I can't wait to finish the next chapter!
Yar posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 3:10am for Part 1
Outstanding - I do so enjoy the "silent but deadly" humor of the Addams.
Minor nitpick, though. The words monkshood and wolfsbane have the letters n, o and s in common, leaving either a six letter difference (if you count the ones you'd need to change in either word to get the other) or a ten letter difference (the number of unique letters in both words).
Like I said, minor - and that's about the worst I can point out. Thanks for making my day more fun.
Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 6:48pm for Part 1
This is singularily unique. I am very curious to see where this goes.
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 4:16am for Part 1
Hehehe, I copied a bit to quote for my review to point out some of the parts I liked, but then looking at it I realized that I'd copied most of the chapter. Let's just skip that and say 'Amazingly well done!'.
ed king posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2008 9:57pm for Part 1
oh dear. and I thought Buggs was bad. :) this is GREAT. Thanks!
Dragen posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 12:08pm for Part 1
Great start to the story mate, through I would have liked to see what happened before they got to Hogwarts. I like the sorting, and how the Hat reacted to the Addams. lol - oh I love what happened to Harry.
Draco should learn that Wednesday, Pugsley and Harry, aren't people to cross. I like how Wednesday handled him, and what Harry and Wednesday did afaterwards.
I like how the three reacted, to the Troll incerdent.
I hope you do another Addams Family crossover, that you have Wednesday, Pugsley and Harry's PoV, with the pairings of Harry/Wednesday.
ShadeHawk posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 11:11pm for Part 1
It's nice to have two The Addams Family/Harry Potter crossovers with each one taking different aspect (from different media) of The Addams Family: Isthar in "Family Values" the family, here the Addamses... ;-)
Wolf550e posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 7:20pm for Part 1
>>When you did step out of line, they fell on you like a ton of bricks, or a series of Bludgers, or an army of killer ants, or any other metaphor that would demonstrate that antagonizing them was tantamount to volunteering to be sent to Azkaban — extremely dangerous and unpleasant, but not completely fatal.<<
Dude, outside of cartoons, a ton of bricks falling on you is very much fatal. Same goes for a series of bludgers (say, ten) and for enough ants of the right species.
anss123 posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 2:46am for Part 1
I can't say I like this. The Adams characters overshadow everyone. They’ve already read the full 7 year curriculum, probably mastered numerous spells, the family know wards more capable than the Hogwarts wards — making their stay at Hogwarts much more of a 'look how much better/smarter/vicious’ we are show; co-starring side-show Voldemort.
One "plot hole". I doubt Snape's questions during the first class are from the 'seventh year' potions book, this since Hermione could answer them (in all likelihood she only had the first year potions book during the summer, and don’t tell me she read six potions books in the stressful time leading up to the first lesson).
Speaking of the perfect slythering I believe JRR pretty much intended that to be Tom Riddle; a decently powerful and charming young man full of ambition (The only downsides being the half blood thing and his tendency to gloat).
MysterioX posted a comment on Wednesday 6th August 2008 5:29pm for Part 1
I had honestly forgotten how good some of your work is after the disaster that was Happily Ever After.
You have made me remember how much I liked the Adams family movies. Lovely combination.
Well done.
vandreadryodan posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 10:54pm for Part 1
I didn't like it at all. It was well-written, of course, but it suffers from that same thing all the generic "omgsuperpow4rharry" fics suffer from. He has no challenges, and when the author tries to present any, they seem artificial and forced. They're only fun for a small amount of time to see what concepts the author thinks of, and then they're just trite and boring. I guess if, for whatever reason, you like reading fics where Harry isn't Harry and has no conflicts worth noting, then this is good. Otherwise? No thanks.
J.D. Nicholai posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 8:12pm for Part 1
Excellent work as always. This is one crossover that I wouldn't have read if I actually read the author's notes beforehand, but you definately have a hook in there.
Oh, and I love how the Snape narrative comments turned out.
Roy C posted a comment on Monday 4th August 2008 7:48pm for Part 1
ROTFLMSAOPIMP!!!!!OMG and I thought that Ish needed therapy for even the concept, you did pass over a few things that could have added even more hilarity ti this fic but alas I do not have the mastery that you do so I will just enjoy.
Silo posted a comment on Friday 10th July 2009 6:17pm for Part 1