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Abraxan posted a comment on Friday 9th July 2010 7:28pm for Madness

That's the most fun I've had reading a "final battle"! And him naming her freckles is priceless!!


delrusant posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 4:47am for Madness

I loved the Ginny punch that was so relieving the tension built up during the fight. Nice plan for a Flight of Death'S death

joy glennie posted a comment on Wednesday 15th October 2008 2:21pm for Madness

Great story. Just loved the first person style of writing. Very dramatic, but great humour also.

MoineRoseAliceGin posted a comment on Tuesday 1st April 2008 5:43pm for Madness

wow! that was so funny, i love it... i really like d his plan. very awesome indeed

Navnit posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 2:02am for Madness

An impessive modification to the h/g stories i have always wanted to see a more mature side of them both. i realise that you finally started to use blaise as a male character i know you also used him as male in the price which did make me cry alot when both harry and gin died,but i really liked the female Blaise in TMW. looking forward to more h/g stories as that is the only type of story i am interested in. you really should try to write some original works as i really enjoy all your stories.

baumgal2 posted a comment on Thursday 9th August 2007 4:14pm for Madness

OMFG that was one of the strangest things ever, but I loved it!

freshwater posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 4:42pm for Madness

Wow! It sure would be fun to see this done right on video, with appropriate voice over. Loved the act, the bravado and the banter....great fun!

Sond posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2007 4:44pm for Madness

Ow fuck this was absolutely hilarious
I'm a huge fan of sarcasm (something you just don't see enough in fanfics) and I laughed me to tears a couple of times.
Great fic, can't wait to read more of your work

Keep it up,

Robin Westerly posted a comment on Monday 18th December 2006 2:12pm for Madness

Anyway, she’s a B-cup, which actually makes her breasts look big on her tiny frame.

One small point.
The smaller the girl, larger her cup size is. So what would be a B cup on another girl, would be a C or D on Ginny. Hence if they look big on her frame that means they probably are, in bra terms.

I feel it is my duty to educate the world on this point.
Thanks again for the story

Robin Westerly posted a comment on Monday 18th December 2006 2:07pm for Madness

I can never stop rereading this story! I love it so much. I love the Harry you have here; I've never found another like him in any story.
I think I'll join the twins in worshipping him as a god.
Please, please, please used this Harry in another story. I beg you.

Thank you

darthloki posted a comment on Thursday 12th October 2006 6:42pm for Madness

Voldemort looks at the still-prone Potions professor. "The traitor," he sneers.

"Ugly git, too," I agree happily. It’s so nice to talk to people who share your point of view.


I loved that bit. :)

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 11:32am for Madness

Crazy Harry is so entertaining. Wonderful first chapter. I especially liked the teeth and the twins.

xxAnoni posted a comment on Friday 14th April 2006 7:22pm for Madness

If you can believe it, there once was a time when I had never heard of fanfiction. This will forever hold a special place in my heart, as being the fic that introduced me to the wonderful fanfiction world. I may well be your biggest fan. Scary, but true.

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:20pm for Madness

There is reason in this madness...

Bloody wonderfull story. And believable, too.

Rocky235 posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 1:27pm for Madness

I'm getting to read a lot of stories I didn't even know about. They're all good.

Your work really varies. This in first person, another one serious, one comedy, the one with Malfoy and Cho just disturbing. They're all good though.

James23 posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 6:53pm for Madness

that was the funniest story i'v read in ages.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 10th December 2005 9:36pm for Madness

Good heavens, that was hilarious!!!!! Thanks!!!!

Wooster posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2005 5:54pm for Madness

wow. love it. this was amazing. that has to be the most original how-harry-defeats-voldemort thing i've ever seen in my life. and his thoughts are so....ok, let's just leave it at 'your brilliant'

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th July 2005 12:27pm for Madness

Lovin' it!

Louis posted a comment on Wednesday 6th July 2005 6:30am for Madness

You know? I keep reading this story, and it gives me a wide smile each time. I think I'll print it and pin it to my nightstand to give me a good start of the day.