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ahyanah posted a comment on Tuesday 24th April 2007 3:52am

do contin

CaptainG posted a comment on Monday 23rd April 2007 10:53am

of all the Drabbles and Ideras, I'd say this one held the most promise. It's an untersting concept, one that I don't think has ever been done before.
And lets face it, originality is everything.

It's good, but obviously if you have no ideas what to do with it, then its not worth writing.

I'd certainly be happy to read more though

Fishburne posted a comment on Monday 23rd April 2007 9:57am

BLARGH! I hate Lara Croft.

However, I will say this - its an intriguing bit of work to pull this one off, and so far it looks interesting.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 23rd April 2007 8:32am

Good but not great. It has potential but I'd rather see the Tracey story continued if I had the choice. I kept thinking it was going to be Hermione doing the somersaults and stuff. Good story.

Mad Ant posted a comment on Sunday 22nd April 2007 11:41pm

I had an idea about a HP/TR crossover, but it was started before the whole horcrux idea entered the HP universe.

JVTazz posted a comment on Sunday 22nd April 2007 9:38pm

this one could actually be a good crossover :)

Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Sunday 22nd April 2007 9:25pm

This is the one drabble that i wish you would make into a full story.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 22nd April 2007 9:27am

I like this one, Tim. I can see a future in it, maybe. Maybe even a pairing of Harry and Laura. Could be fun, especially with the indignant responses from the wizarding world and some female friends of his at him not choosing a worthy witch. Of course, that is always between the author and his muse.

Thanks for sharing.

Mike (MoA)