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Hytekrednek posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2012 7:04pm for Chapter 6

As I have said for most of your stories. Keep up the Great Work!!! I look forward to reading your stories and can't wait for the next chapter to come out.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2011 7:22pm for Chapter 6

-laughs uproariously- Well, now, that's a different Second Task and I do believe that it's going to give the Ministry quite the black eye as well as making Harry look very, very good to a lot of folk; that it's also put the Ministry in considerable trouble with other wizarding governments as well as with Her Majesty is even better. I reckon the British wizards are going to get quite the housecleaning out of this. In the meantime, it appears that Harry's developing quite nicely as well as developing quite the network of friends and allies. I suspect, when all is said and done, both Albus and Tom will very definitely rue the day they got Harry involved in the Tournament (and really, it's always good that the villains and incompetents rue their actions as they go down to defeat and humiliation).

Wolf470 posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2011 4:55am for Chapter 6

Cool chapter, I think you tagged the idiocy of the Minister and the Ministry right on the money. Dumbledore and the rest of the wizards need to learn to ASK if someone wants to participate in something like the second task.

santiln posted a comment on Wednesday 28th December 2011 9:01am for Chapter 6

Good chapter. I'm waiting for your next update.

Richard6154 posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2011 6:29am for Chapter 6

Great chapter. I didn't see the Rita situation coming but nicely set up with the back story. Well done and thanks for sharing

Jonez227 posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2011 5:55am for Chapter 6

just to let you know this chapter never appeared on the updates nor does it appear in the chapter lists

Serph Black posted a comment on Saturday 24th December 2011 10:09am for Chapter 6

This chapter dosn't show up in the list and i never reseved the update for it. I had to reread it to find it. just letting you know. Love the story BTW.

dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 24th December 2011 6:00am for Chapter 6

For some reason you don't have this chapter on the list of chapters when you first get to the introduction

Dukakis posted a comment on Friday 23rd December 2011 6:49am for Chapter 6

I really enjoy this story. It started off with humor and some lightness, but has since grown into something more. While I am aware that you are no longer writing up to the "quality" of work attained beforehand, this story remains one of my favorites that you have written. That is mainly because of the premise: Harry grows up by hiring the Weasley twins to set a schedule for him. Who would trust the Weasley twins with anything of such a serious manner, and yet it works out well. I love the humor at the beginning and after Harry has grown, time dilation not being my favorite method of him wising up, the story shifts to a less lighthearted tone. It makes sense, the premise is wonderful, and it retains its humor. I repeat: this is one of my favorite stories that you have written, and I cannot wait to read more.