Hogwarts' Dawn
Chapter 4
By Jeconais
hsanders posted a comment on Monday 28th December 2015 12:01am for Chapter 4
This is by far one of the best Super Powered Harry stories I have ever read, but what gets me the most about the story and about your writing is how human and how perfect Harry's speach the headmaster was about what his parents would have thought about Kate, it makes me cry every time I read that chapter. I love this story and have read it at least half a dozen times hopeing that you will write a new chapter soon, as it has been a year!
BAFan posted a comment on Friday 3rd July 2015 4:28pm for Chapter 4
Why were Ron and Ginny hiding in the Common Room Christmas morning? That's one thing I'm missing in this story. We've had Draco acting like the prat he is a couple of times, but nary a word nor sight of Ginny and Ron. Or Neville .
Other than that, this was a beautiful chapter. Loved, loved the Christmas tree!
OriksGaming posted a comment on Wednesday 24th June 2015 11:57am for Chapter 4
Crabbe and Goyle decided to kill their parents and their mothers agree. LMFAO. Beautiful chapter. A lot of humor, some beautiful emotional manipulation(of your readers of course) at the end, and giving Dumbledore redemption, after Harry does something that's actually smart, that he would never do in canon. But still, plausible(I really like using this word lol). I have mixed feelings on Dumbledore but you made me forgive him for all of my imagined slights that he has commited against Harry. Also, your OCs, oh my god. I find myself liking their characters a lot, and even find myself wondering where they are when I think of canon, I've gotten so used to them. I usually hate OCs. As usual, wonderful job, and keep up the fantastic work!
sh8ad8ow posted a comment on Friday 10th January 2014 1:57am for Chapter 4
Excellent chapter really like those last scenes
gtgrouch posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 1:02am for Chapter 4
He really let Dumbledore have it at the end of the ball.
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 4:14am for Chapter 4
Great chapter and the ball was wonderful. The conversation with Albus was rather inspiring and the aftermath was even more moving. Thanks for sharing!
jules3677 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2012 8:17am for Chapter 4
Again, a brilliant chapter. It had me laughing, crying & cheering. The speech you wrote which Harry said to Dumbledore was divine, absolutely gorgeous. Much kudos to you, the author. The rest of the chapter was equally superb.
Halimede posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2012 5:56pm for Chapter 4
There are no words to describe how much I absolutely adore this fic to the umpteenth degree. You're amazing.
BioHazard82 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2012 5:40pm for Chapter 4
Great chapter.
Celebrithil posted a comment on Monday 20th February 2012 4:10pm for Chapter 4
Rules definitely aren't for Harry, are they? I know that's the way the story is supposed to be, but part of me just cringes at seeing him do whatever he wants and takes charge without any consequences or anyone calling him on it - no, people are pleased by his initiatives. You don't give points when a student brings in a giant tree and starts giving out treats to the house elves as if the school belongs to him, Flitwick, you ask him what he thinks he's doing! (Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Of course, the other, bigger part of me is just sitting there, enjoying the light reading.) Nice cameo, Mario. The Ball was very fun, especially the part with Michael. Sinistra was nice as well. The exit, and Dumbledore? Well, it was a good try, and may have worked if a certain student wasn't out of control, but as it is, it totally blew in his face. Not a bad thing, by the way, since he seems to have come to a few realizations that way. I'm glad Harry and Kate will be keeping in touch, too.
Gilberto posted a comment on Thursday 17th November 2011 1:29am for Chapter 4
it blew me away... i grinned like mad and read harry's monologue twice, the end of the chapter with his friends was the icing on the cake.
simply awesome. the story i liked the most of all was perfect situations,and a story named Intoxicating by nos tres reges 'cause i love harry/daphne pairing, but now... this story is up there, together with intoxicating;ruthless revenge;insidous inquisitor and perfect situations.
Congratulations, you are an awesome and incredible author, i ask that you continue like this and if possible do not abandon this story.
thank you.
Padfoot posted a comment on Friday 21st October 2011 9:10am for Chapter 4
I think Lionel Messi and the La Ligua and UEFA Champions, Barcelona have something to say about your 'Real Madrid is the best football team in Spain' remark. Other than that, great chapter and the best Yule Ball scene I've ever witnessed.
kyoshi posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd August 2011 7:10am for Chapter 4
fantastic story.
kyzhart posted a comment on Sunday 24th July 2011 8:34am for Chapter 4
That scene where he describes things with his family was really powerful! I cried sad yet sweet tears. Very well written. This fic is shaping up to be one of my all time favorites.
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Friday 22nd July 2011 3:43pm for Chapter 4
Very good chapter and what a ball at the Ball! LOL Harry really is coming into his own and making such wonderful friend that are quickly becoming his family. Thanks for sharing!
brad posted a comment on Wednesday 20th July 2011 11:48am for Chapter 4
I guess it's been a while since I read the last three chapters because the full-on Harry Hurricane in this one seemed a bit too over-the-top for me to accept (even with my 'suspension of belief' setting turned to maximum).
Gabrielle is very cute though. Even if she seems as amplified as everything else. Exaggerated cuteness is still cute. :-)
Some good thinking went into the Christmas presents, very nice.
The dancing with and kissing Michael just doesn't make sense to me at all and I don't understand why you put it in. Ewww. I'm not complaining about having read it - you had that 'public service warning'. It's just ... why in blazes would a heterosexual male want to do something like that? I feel the same ... contempt ... for Harry on this issue like I do when I read of celebrities doing much the same thing. A few years ago, Madonna and someone? It's nothing more than generating notoriety for publicity, and as such should be given neither. So I don't understand Harry at all here. The plan was for everyone to look at him. What, they weren't before? Or with Kate? hmphhf.
The Kate thing doesn't do much for me either; I've never been convinced of Harry's rush to get laid. Yes, it's more than that, it's the whole social confidence deal, but why did that have to include seduction?
Oh well. Just my thoughts; ultimately I think I'm just drifting out of your target audience for this story maybe, that's all. Or maybe the answer is in the last two sentences. AHA!! I get it now. HARRY IS INSANE!!! Oh my goodness, it all makes sense to me now - because it isn't supposed to make sense - YOU ARE A GENIUS JECONAIS!!!
ED PLATT posted a comment on Saturday 16th July 2011 8:23pm for Chapter 4
Ireally am enjoying this story a lot i love how you are writing everyone especially crabbe and goyle hope to read more soon thanks for posting.
Natalie posted a comment on Thursday 14th July 2011 6:25pm for Chapter 4
great chapter. this is a really interesting story.
Hemotem posted a comment on Thursday 14th July 2011 2:08am for Chapter 4
Wholly Hell Batman!!!!............ One hell of a guilt trip on the 'Old Man' then again it did do what was needed for Harry to grow up and become the man that he is destined to become, without having someone trying to mold him into either a martyr or a weapon.
I do have a question though I know it is early to be thinking along these lines but will Harry and Gabrielle become an item when she is older ,much much older? Or is it a big brother little sister thing?
Thank you again for a great piece of writing and I do look forward to seeing more of this in the future.
MFA posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2018 9:37am for Chapter 4