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Kaaz posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 7:52am for Chapter 1

You know, this is the most enjoyable and original TWT story, to my knowledge (and I have read thousands of stories so far)! I'm looking forward to your future installments, and thanks for your stories.

Nosferatum posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 6:48am for Chapter 1

Well, it's fun and good to read, and in the end it's all that matters. Don't know why you think it's of insufficient quality, though you should know better... Anyhow, if you're going to continue this fic, I personally will gladly read more.

E5150 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 5:25am for Chapter 1

Hahaha, that's awesome. Lookin forward to more.

Tlcatlady posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 3:17am for Chapter 1

Oh I do hope that you keep going with this! It's absolutely hilarious! TLC

jimby posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 2:50am for Chapter 1

Awesome start, loving it :)

snapeangel posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 2:44am for Chapter 1

reallyt great hope a chapter 2 happens soon!

Pyrgus posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 12:17am for Chapter 1

Love it, hope you continue it ^^

brad posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 11:27pm for Chapter 1

Good fun! Regardless of how you feel about your writing as it stands at the moment this sort of thing still fills a niche; it's entertaining, it's fun, it brings enjoyment. Thank you for continuing to write!

The humour was the biggest attraction to the chapter, of course. I guffawed-out-loud, I admit it, when Dobby zapped the twins into the lake. I thought I'd adjusted nicely to the 'Jeconais pacing' of the jokes and everything-happening-to-Harry, but that one was just too sudden for me, too quick. Laugh-out-loud material!

On a more serious note I'm glad you kept Hermione as a loyal friend. But you had me concerned every time - twice, at least - when she'd start a conversation taking Harry to task about one of his decisions (before coming around to his point of view). I could see you doing that as a continuing comedic sub-thread in this story; Hermione continually being ... challenged ... by Harry's activities. Okay, it might keep me, as a loyal Hermione fan and reader, continually a bit on my toes as well, worried that my girl and her friendship with Harry might crack, but hey, every little bit helps to keep the reader engaged I suppose. Even evil teasing by the author.

Exposing a fourteen-year-old boy to a grown woman in the nude is a bit silly; I didn't like that bit. And usually your Harry romances are quite 'innocent' in that regard (which I've always liked). That took me aback somewhat. He's only fourteen years old, for crying out loud! Okay, disabuse him of all the puerile teenage nonsense that we had to slog through in Rowling's sixth book (did you ever get around to reading HBP or DH? Lucky you if not!) but then going to the other extreme and piling on a nude mature woman? Hmmmph.

Still, that was only a tiny part of the chapter, no bid deal, I'm not going to go to town over it. Maybe you could have Sirius come across Kate and 'steal' her from Harry, making the twins realise that they need to have teenage Harry acquaint a teenage girl first? :-)

Thank you sincerely for the chapter; I saved it for my Sunday brunch read. Just like old times! :-)

Angharad posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 10:35pm for Chapter 1

This is such a huge idea! Having Fred and George in this capacity is mind - boggling and yet so obvious. They would be desperate for money at this time and Harry would be equally desperate for some sort of help! It's a great match-up and I look forward to seeing more of this.

Tracy0652 posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 10:34pm for Chapter 1

Hahaha - this is AWESOME! What a riot! Thanks ;)

Chickenhawk posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 10:34pm for Chapter 1

Brilliant. Gred & Forge as advisors to the future Lord Potter. A couple of cliches served and a spin on the GOF plot I haven't seen before. I'm looking forward to the next few "teachers" F&G have lined up. A goblin or swiss gnome for monetary/investment advice perhaps?

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 7:45pm for Chapter 1

Well, this was a fun fic to read imo, and really loved Harry and his torpedoes that are working for him, as well as the junior versions also, and will be fun to see what happens as the first task comes around, how Harry's "lessons" will progress, and what all will go down as each side of Light and Dark start to realize that this wasn't what was supposed to happen.

gadriam posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 7:15pm for Chapter 1

WOOHOO! Feel the love, admiration and a years supply of sunshine rain over you! May 48 forgotten goddesses with great endowments bless your keyboard! A worthier cause for overuse of exclamation marks has rarely been seen!

To sum it up in a more prozac fashion: Great job. Keep it up. I'll be here for all of it. No rush, but please....


Alysson posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 2:11pm for Chapter 1

I just re-read the chapter (again) and, yes, I still laughed aloud.

Someone made a comment about Lady as opposed to Ma'am or Miss. The four minders using 'lady' is so in character for a couple of Essex goons that it hurts.

Your comments about "quality of writing", however, are way off the mark - even without a beta the content and style are far, far better than many post-beta, gamma and delta works of fiction. Let's just face it, you have it (whatever it happens to be). So ... let's see another chappie cobbled together the same as this'un soon ... any time in the past 24 hrs will do.

Justin posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 2:08pm for Chapter 1

can't wait for next chapter.

Illusia posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 1:00pm for Chapter 1

OMg. This made me smile in so many places :)
Unfortunately, stories I've read recently all seem lacking in humour dept. So I'm thrilled you're writing this.
It's very plausible that the twin would be able to do this. And then when they do, Harry's luck just attached to everything and warps it so much more profitable, in every way.
I was sorta worried for Harry when the twins began to use that much money so I hope you'll show what goes on with the meeting Harry's supposed to have with his financial advisor.

twilighthost posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 12:42pm for Chapter 1

Loved it, really fun. Hopefully it won't be too long before the next segment.

TALM posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 11:02am for Chapter 1


Dracolych69 posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 10:38am for Chapter 1

This is just beautiful. An honestly new idea. Very nice to see them. Eagerly awaiting the next one!

darthloki posted a comment on Saturday 1st May 2010 9:15am for Chapter 1


This is awesome. Very funny.