Hogwarts' Dawn
Chapter 1
By Jeconais
mariegilbert posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd June 2010 5:37am for Chapter 1
I love the way you write, and cannot wait for further chapters! Any idea how long this will be?
Anansii posted a comment on Saturday 15th May 2010 12:04am for Chapter 1
Snicker... Do continue.
Amoral Philosopher posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 6:48pm for Chapter 1
Very nice beginning to a new story. You are right though about your plot being kinda shallow. It has the depth of a puddle, but comedic entertainment the size of an ocean. An added bonus to keeping things shallow and not to serious is that you can get away with incredibly cliche plot points like time dilation devices. And since this story is primarily humor based, anything that seems too unrealistic can be chalked up to comedic moments similar to sitcoms. That is all I have to say for now since I still need to read chapter 2. I'll review again after that.
Sarah5 posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 1:18pm for Chapter 1
A story with shades of seriousness and humor it balances the tragedy and angst filled stories. How did Fred and George get the Goblins to reveal anything? Why doesn't Harry have Family Grimoire or perhaps portraits that could help or teach? Can Sirius get a mind healer he is surely bipolar and he needs to recover from prison. Your hang over cure is funny.
Dragen posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 10:53am for Chapter 1
great start to the story mate, I can't wait to see what you have planned next, I feel sorry for all those that cross Harry and his friends. With the twins on his side and what they did so far, smiles evilly :P Keep up the great work
lexluthorthefirst posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 9:25am for Chapter 1
Crackfik extrodinaire!!! I laughed myself silly for a good 90% of it. If you reread it and change a couple of the wrong words you use, I won't even be able to complain about silly mistakes!!! Not that I am right now. You definitely have the weasly twins down pat!! Now, I ask myself if you can do Luna as well?
nxfavre0965 posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 4:17am for Chapter 1
Can I say that I really love your premise?
Hangover cure Dobby-wise apart, I really like your story with all its contrasts. Sometimes, the way Harry acts looks like a mobster, a Don, and then in the phrase or paragraph, you have him squeaking in a new situation waaaayyyy out of his comfort zone :D
Now I'm off to chapter 2!
Hey, when's the next one coming out?
noylj posted a comment on Friday 14th May 2010 3:55am for Chapter 1
What good is Kate if she isn't going to be "hands on?"
I mean, Harry might as well read a book and skip all the tension and frustration.
Thanks for keeping MoRon out of things, at least so far. A fic without MoRon or Mollywobbles is a story with a leg up on the others...
cjonbloodletter posted a comment on Thursday 13th May 2010 1:34am for Chapter 1
awesomeness acheived
flymolo42 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th May 2010 7:00pm for Chapter 1
It's not studious literature, but I love it. It would be funny if Draco tries to hire advisors to copy Harry, but I can't think of who they should be.
Anxiously waiting for more.
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 12th May 2010 1:58pm for Chapter 1
You know, if this Ginny really is 'the psycho-stalker from hell', then she will notice that the twins are arranging Harry's 'romantic education' and will be really peeved about not being included. . . .
Geddon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th May 2010 11:17am for Chapter 1
Nice to see some new fics from you, good work as always.
michaelsuave posted a comment on Tuesday 11th May 2010 6:27pm for Chapter 1
Excelent story so far, can't wait to see where this goes!
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Monday 10th May 2010 7:20am for Chapter 1
Good story. Great laugh in quite a number of places. The twins are always a great laugh and they really do think outside the box they live in.
Like 'Stoffe', I too am an avid H/G shipper, but this story has the beginnings of a great story (like TMW).
Can't wait for more. :)
Stoffe posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 8:57pm for Chapter 1
Okay, that was absolutely insanely awesome! Wonderful new take, and you still have the crisp sense of humor that made TMW awesome. I can't wait to see where this goes.
Alas, as a hard-core ultra-fluff H/G shipper, I must object. I usually don't even look at it if it's not. Consider that high praise. :) Well done, I'll be eagerly anticipating updates :)
darkdeva posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 6:38am for Chapter 1
Holy shit monkeys this is hilarious. I love a good semi-crack!fic. Good work.
stephen kempey posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 1:41am for Chapter 1
a great start to a promising story. only one problem it seems ton need a great deal more. love the story.
MadMax666 posted a comment on Friday 7th May 2010 10:55pm for Chapter 1
Love it!
Personally, I never understood why Harry didn't ask the twins for help during the Tournament in the first place. After all, they were friends, they were older and knew a great deal of magic, and without Quidditch to occupy their time, what else did they have to do?
Waiting (im)patiently for the next chapter.
burtikus posted a comment on Friday 7th May 2010 7:17pm for Chapter 1
Loved the first chapter - very promising new story. Can't wait for more, and thanks.
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Monday 5th July 2010 7:51pm for Chapter 1