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moon_pup posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:39am for Chapter 1

OMG I just love this and can not wait for more. You are the best,

Natalie posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:28am for Chapter 1

this is brilliant. i love it.

Christina Keimig posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:22am for Chapter 1

This is a total and absolute blast! I'm really going to enjoy reading it!!!

dstorres posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:15am for Chapter 1

A very interesting and entertaining story thus far. Keep up the good work.

Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:13am for Chapter 1

Got a good laugh, thx. Hope to see more of this. Now what about Snape? He does have the DARK MARK on his arm.... :) lol

Love to see the dragon speak too him requesting a job as well. That would give dumbles a heart attack. lol

Keep writing..

Kaerion posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:06am for Chapter 1

I'll happily join the masses and say thank you for your (VERY high quality) older stories, and for your (still high quality; assuming that this one is representative) new stories.

So far, Hogwarts' Dawn has been a very fun and enjoyable read, even making me laugh out loud a couple of times, so I can only hope we'll see another chapter in the near future. It's obvious to me that the lack of your usual beta-team doesn't mean that the stories themselves have to be any worse than your previous work (even if they might be slightly worse when it comes to misspellings), so I can only repeat: You have nothing to worry about, and if anyone feels like complaining, you can safely assume that they're ungrateful bastards, and keep on writing for your own enjoyment. :)

I have no doubts that I'll still be enjoying the vast majority of your stories, as before.

So thank you, again, and keep up the great work! :)

willyjoeshow posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 2:04am for Chapter 1

Different, Crazy, Different, Good story. Oh and did I say Different? Can't wait until next Chapter.


shankstar89 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:55am for Chapter 1

omg... awesome story ! never heard of a businessman harry potter story thats not cliche

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:55am for Chapter 1

Great start to the story. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it and am eagerly looking forward to more.

okcyn posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:49am for Chapter 1

This is twisted, evil, and funny as hell. I love it.

ChrisLeBron posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:48am for Chapter 1

Utterly beautiful. Normally I'd say something about making sure Harry's good fortune was balanced, but who cares? Frankly, this is the best of a serious and crack fic together, and I can't wait to see more.

White Knight Leo posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:47am for Chapter 1

Wow. Pray continue. I have no criticism to offer, as realism is obviously not the largest part of this story. Its mild crack, and its wonderful.

ficbob posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:46am for Chapter 1

Awesome. Amusing and a very nice extended cast of characters.
Good God please continue this.

Michael10 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:44am for Chapter 1

This is a must continue. I see a beat down in Snape's future when his anger gets the better of him and a four on one bodyguard battle royal sees him drawn and quartered. keep up the awesome work.


RobF posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:43am for Chapter 1

Awesome. Can't wait for more.
The targeted insanity of the twins was perfect. I also liked the fact that you had them speaking properly (in complete sentences) and still finishing each others thoughts. Most writers get that wrong.
Excellent chapter.

BloodRedJawz posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:40am for Chapter 1

LOL this is an amusing story. betaless or lightly betaed, your work is still amazing and error-free (or at least, if there were any errors, there wasn't anything that stood out).

01.hari posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:35am for Chapter 1

This one is quite unique. I don't think I've read book4 variant like this. Pace of story is good, communication between characters funny and story quite enjoyable. This isn't low standard story prior to others just having differently written and with different feel.

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:34am for Chapter 1

Hey this is brilliant! Now first of all, I saw your note and while it saddens me that your glory days of writing as you said is over, still I found this and your other writings to still be quite good and often times brilliant, especially the hp/adams family saga you have going....

As to this here story, everything was great, at first though I thought the ideal of hiring and then giving the weasley twins full access to harry's vaults was the most idiotic thing he could do, but you pulled it off to be the greatest thing he could have ever done....those lessons especially the last one with kate were extroadinary, hell I wish when I was 14/15 a woman had taken me by the hand as it were..... also dobby and what he did for a hangover cure, havent laughed like that in awhile.... oh and that bounty was also sure come up with some amazing things in your writings, most authors are basically copying your ideals while you come up with original ideals all the time....

And as far as you thinking your writing aint as good as it used to be, man you need to throw that ideal right out of your freaking head!!!!!

One last thing, in my opinion which I reckon dont really account for much, I think your one of the best or at least top 5 hp fanfic writers on the net....others come to mind would be radaslab, bobmin, kinsfire sorta but he do tend to get rally maudlin way to damn much, but still....there of course are others but you get the message....

Hell I usually rate authors stories as: As Good As Jeconais, or Better than Jeconais, and that last rating dont get used that often.....

So quit rapping yourself over the head, you might not write another mega-hp-saga again but your still one hell of a writer.....

Anya McLerie posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:34am for Chapter 1

Oh, dear sweet heavens --- this is a GOF I'm going to love!

slashslut posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:34am for Chapter 1

what a wicked and utterly brilliant take on the tri-wizard tournament! love that harry has hired bodyguards; goodness, why didn't anyone think of this sooner!!!??