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Ronna posted a comment on Monday 16th July 2007 5:07am for El Abismo

A huge thank you to Jeconais for letting me translate his wonderful fiction; I did it the best I could, and hope it doesn't let anyone down.

Beau Wolff posted a comment on Sunday 15th July 2007 3:00pm for El Abismo

Lloro, porque no entiendo español.

anonymous5 posted a comment on Sunday 15th July 2007 2:06pm for El Abismo

Delightful translation - really keeps the tone spot-on! I haven't had this much fun reading Spanish since Garcia Lorca ten years ago.

jferg24 posted a comment on Sunday 15th July 2007 7:50am for El Abismo


Sean Melton posted a comment on Sunday 15th July 2007 7:41am for El Abismo

Err, es muy beuno.