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The Resident posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2007 4:58am

Even the little you wrote was interesting to read. I also appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain why you abandoned it. Most often, a writer will just abandon a story and not even let anyone know it has been abandoned, let alone explain why. You are truly considerate of your readers. Thank you.

Neva Kee posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2007 12:40am

I can see why this one was abandoned. While it is an amusing thing to spend an afternoon daydreaming about, it would become very old very fast if everything constantly became better just because Harry says so. Otherwise this was an enjoyable way to spend a half hour:)

LifeScientist posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 10:35pm

While I understand your reasons for abandoning this, I think it too bad that you chose to. It has some real potential, particularly as this is one of the few fics that I've seen where Harry gets some real mentoring from his older girlfriend. LW's fic on this site is a noteworthy exception. I hope that someone else will pick this up from you as the possible tale does deserve to be told
Thanks as always for a great read.

Yayness posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 10:22pm

Most definitely disappointed that this is abandoned, but you do have a good plot going. Although, it would be hard to say where it would go if it were not abandoned.

I find it really interesting that you almost always put girls as Harry's most reliable confidantes.

Once again, wonderful job.

Sonicdale posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 5:30pm

One aspect seemed to jump out at me, over all the others. GoF Harry sure matured quickly from the beginning of this story to the Harry you have at the end. I guess Harry isn't completely incompetent, but it sure seemed so "easy" for him to mature so quickly. But then again, getting a Veela girlfriend might do that. :)

Good work. Pity on the abandoned idea. Think you might pick pieces of this and continue it in the future? Good luck on the other stories.

pfeil posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 2:03pm

I was enjoying the humourous parts, but when you've been nice enough to give such a thorough justification for dropping it, I can't really complain.

Maybe you can drop Fleur from the story and pass it off to Kinsfire? I'm sure he could come up with something interesting with the 4 girls -- and he'd probably end up with Angelina, Alicia, and Ginny in there too, by the end >;)

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 1:29am

I was going to argue that I would like to see this story continue until I read your author notes. I agree. It would end up a rehash of a lot of other stories out there. Of course we will miss out on some really good "jeconais" ideas that would have grown out of the story but the main story line would have run out of gas. Thank you for a glimpse into the "writers delima" that we don't always see. It makes me appreciate the stories that are completed even more. I look forward to whatever you decide to write next. pms

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 6:50pm

Yeah, I can see why you've abandoned this one, it's well-written enough to read well, but it never really "jells" and, as your A/N's point out, there's several things wrong with it.

Still, it's an interesting read and does stimulate a few thoughts. I don't seeDumbledore as a demon, but I do see him as a very fallible man who few, if any, are willing to subject to the necessary scrutiny and criticism that keeps one from going astray with great confidence. This does, or should, come back to bite him quite painfully several times.

rottenking posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 6:16pm

i really liked it...shame to see it abandond

Chris19 posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 5:58pm

I'm beginning to wonder if somehow writing a realistic Fleur/Harry GoF story that doesn't involve some sort of mating is an effort in the impossible.

This story depressed me... Fleur/Harry is probably my favorite pairing, and I have yet to see many stories that do it justice. This one had the potential to do so, and I started to like it a great deal the more I read it, but then I remembered it was abandoned >.>

I have even attempted to write outline after outline of a GoF story with this pairing, but the avoidance of cliches and overall difficulty of making the pairing realistic given Harry's age makes it quite a chore.

I find myself startled that I didn't notice the shrinking idea was identical to a trunk in almost every way. Actually, it's probably just that the usage of trunks is so prolific that ANYTHING different makes me happy.

I hold hope though :D. I really can't wait for someone to come up with a good story that has Harry/Fleur in this position.

Great start to this story regardless, good luck with all the future attempts.

Kortir posted a comment on Friday 24th August 2007 8:19pm

I appreciate your assessment of the reasons why you abandoned this one. It's true, though I enjoyed reading it anyway while the story lasted. If you ever do try it again, I would love to see a full-length Fleur/Harry fic that kills the standard cliches about mating and such. I also enjoy reading about Tracey, she's one of those characters who has a lot of potential because she is much too underdeveloped as a character in the canon books. I can't say I've ever before seen him take Cho aside after Cedric's death and explain what happened either, that may be a good part to save for use in a future story. I liked how it fit in, and how things worked about between them afterwards.

Darke Gray posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 11:43pm

While I understand your reasons for abandoned this story, I am a huge fan of the Harry/Fleur pairing and as you stated, it is really hard to find a quality story with that pairing, that isn't a 'I need a mate, lets fuck' type story. While the 'My Lord' thing has been nearly done to death, this still was a good story and maybe you could of brought Fleur into the 5th year a different way, like have Dumbles hire her as a teachers assistant to get on Harry's good side or make up for his past actions, which would also set Umbridge against her cause she is a half blood. Anyways, I really enjoyed this start, and like I said, I understand why you are abandoning it but I wish you would start another Harry/Fleur story. I really enjoy your writing and hope to see more stuff from you.


Midnight posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 9:22pm

I had to double-check who wrote this after reading the first few pages, it seemed alot more like a Kinsfire Fic than a Jeconais Fic.

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 6:28pm

I did like the smaller self twist. Can't recall coming across that before.

Hoss posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 6:02pm

Good fun to read thought. And I liked how you got fred and george on the train. Thank's

Lady_Hope posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 5:52pm

*sigh* i guess i'll have to except that i wont be getting more of this. i agree that there wasnt much you could do with this story, but i wish you could have rounded off the ending a little more. that would have been more satisfying. this ending left me with a sort fo "dang it, why did it have to end there?" feeling.

oh and you REALLY dont like dumbledore do you?

Ken Warner posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 1:54pm

i quite understand the reasons you share, but appreciate you sharing this segment anyway - it was quite enjoyable on it's own.

warm regards

Silo posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 10:29am

but it is a grat storie y not see if some one wants to take it up

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 7:01am

Cheers J, for at least figuring it out in only 65 pages. The story intro and setup itself I thought was neat but I do see your poitn/issues with items 3-6 (dumbles). I like the dialogue and the play parts of the story as usual. Cheers on punishing the twins especially. Can't wait to see whats up next....

LoVeBiRd posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 2:57am

i liked it, but i totally agree with your points down the bottom. it was an interesting read, but it has been done a lot of times ... one of the main things i love about your work is that its always different and not cliché ... so i understand .. but its still a good read.
