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Silo posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 7:23am

kool update i wat t see more

longhorn posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 6:54am

You still have it, man :-P... your writing flows and you're a wonderfull story-teller. I've read something once, a while ago, in some A/N: non-HG post-HBP stories require something really big to happen to make it possible. I'm sorry to say, you've chosen the wrong "really big"... In order to make Harry/Fleur possible, you put so many characters through the meat grinder, your story is like a death penalty for the potterverse. Basically at its end the only character still standing (partially) is Fleur. So we have to see how the Weasleys (the foremost embodyment of a straight spine) are all relegated to the garbage bin - including Ron which has been Harry's best mate for 6 years. Including Ginny. By distroying the Weasleys in this way you've destroyed Harry and Hermione as well, because what does this say about them, after being best mates for all those years? Don't forget Harry and Hermione have been part of the Weasley family for so many years? If they can turn their backs to the Weasley after such a mistake what does it say about them? I think you got it wonderfully right from a narrative, story-telling pov (which is to be expected of you) but you got it awfully wrong from a character/personal/human pov. Your characters in this story are pitiful.

In all honesty, I find I enjoy a lot more the stories you wrote a couple years ago then what you are writing these days. I admit, in the same time, two flaws in my own "reader" ways: 1. I am not into "literary subtlety", I can not read a story only to admire the wonderful way it has been written putting aside the subject matter - I like better a less wonderfully written story that has great ideas that go the way I like the potterverse to go, that superb stories that do not. I'm not sure I got this clearly: I get emotionally involved and then I forget the form for the fundamental; 2. I am a HG shipper and I find it difficult to read other ships - this is not to say I do not, I've read some other ships, I try to stay away from HHR, but I find for example H/Daphne quite interesting. Also I dislike H/Tonks. And... Lavender, man??? Are you sure you didn't pick her only because she hasn't been picked before? Other ships I do not dislike by default are Padma and Susan. Gabrielle is ok. On the side, imo Gabrielle is like a Ginny without the Chamber thing. Why would we pick Gabrielle when Ginny is so much more? Yeah we know so little about her and that gives you the freedom to make her whatever you want... Is that it?

Anyway, congrats for another story, but this is not your best writing, imo.


joeBob posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 6:30am

The Weasels would never take advantage of Harry financially. That OOC-ness left a slight bad taste while reading but it was still a good story overall.

The characters were believable and nicely written and the Harry/Fleur/Hermy stuff was great. (Too bad you omitted the smut ;-)

The Ron and Hermione situation seems like a natural progression of canon. Of course Ron would boink first and think later. That JKR can say that is what love is like, explains a few sad things in her biography.

Jack B Nimble posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 5:33am

Heheh... Nice.

I'm glad you minimized Fleur's accent -- much easier to read.

The relationship between Harry and Hermione was a great touch. So many stories lately have lost the possibility of friendship, especially with girls. The girls Harry's age either become idiots or join his harem. This was a nice change.

The Weasleys... great fun. Again the cliche of late is that they are all gits, except the twins, or Bill, or Charlie. Nice change, and a bold one. You seemed ease up on Ginny, but only to allow that the silly young girl didn't realize what was going on... nice.

Overall, good to see something new posted. That it is so good in its own right just makes it that much better.

brad posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 4:35am

Ah, good on yer, Tim. Here I am, Friday night, the day before DH is released (9am Saturday here), feeling quite mixed up - pretty bad day at work, explosions and recriminations everywhere, clashes with management - plus flustered at all the nonsense that's been going down in the HP world recently, dodging spoilers and all - and this pops up, totally unexpectedly. A bit of Jeconais reading tonight was just the ticket to unwind and relax. Your writing has a unique 'flavour' that was really what I needed. Thank you!

As to the story itself ... I was puzzled at one stage as to what you were going to do with the other women in the story, but then you straightened that out. I admired the idea that Harry had matured beyond Ginny - that's a nice bit of characterisation, that - and, of course, the sincere and solid H/Hr friendship you portrayed punched one of my buttons nicely. Of course, it would have been nicer if they'd bonded *romantically* ... :-) Nah, forget that, just kidding, this was great as it was designed, H/Fleur. And I fully expect to be reading H/Hr tomorrow from Ms. Rowling herself, of course!

(Well, I've got my fingers crossed)

I was worried that you were going to have Hermione be childishly jealous of Fleur, given her initial reaction to Fleur's tale of what went on that night ... very glad you didn't write it that way, and let Harry's best friend stay true. And bravo! on her getting the prophecy out of Harry ... the prophecy is one of my favourite parts of HP canon - I will *never* understand why JKR emasculated it so in HBP - well, maybe I'll find out tomorrow - and it's always great (another button pushed) to read of Harry's best, brightest friend tacking that problem.

I was wondering just the other day what had happened to all those stories you'd listed as in the queue, so it was really a pleasure to see one of them at last.

And interesting that you state that H/Fleur is now your preferred pairing. Is that *this week*, until you've written a couple more H/Fleur stories and then move on to some other permutation. :-)

I hope everything's going well for you; thank you for this story and the excellent timing of its delivery!

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 4:28am

J - This tale was awesome. Real emotional wrencher....I really felt with Fleur and identified with Harry and his response, to the party and then his response to how things were working out. Excellent dialogue and cool adaption of the plot/etc I really do dig these things that you crank out as a palate cleanser. Hope to see the harry/lav bit soon.

Off to play ostrich for another few days before I start deathly hollows.

bigzj51 posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 4:26am

Dude I can't say it enough you're the best. You just can't help it

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 3:57am

Wow, I really liked this, a great character piece, one where Harry is loved, and in love, of a familiar kind, and where Fleur, who is one of my favorite characters from the series, though she's still given not enough to do imo, and Hermione, one of my other favorite girls, get to talk with Harry, and discuss their feelings, and are able to make informed decisions. I don't know how the last book will end, though I have a feeling I'll be dissappointed at the matches, but as far as your stories go, you write some great stuff, and I always, always, look forward to more.

uten posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 3:26am

As usual, totally awesome. This makes an excellent substitute for book seven, and to be honest, I'd love to see the sequel to this. You made the pairing completely believable in context with book six. Superb!!!!

Jonathan Parker posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 3:03am

Yes, I too would like to read the sequel. Good job!

UdderPD posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 2:41am

I do not normally read FanFic stories that are annotated 'Angst'.

However I learnt not to ignore any HP FanFic written by your estemed self; and I am very glad that I read this one.

It was excellent...ThankYou


dakinumas posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 2:20am

great story with reality feel to it, I like it.

Erik GL posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 2:13am

As always I love your work Tim. I think it was well done. I do think that Harry *will* be upset when he finds out that Fleur was testing him. With as many people as were told it's inevitable that it will get back to him. On the other hand I think he will understand after it is explained. I am *so* looking forward to HEA probably more so than The Deathly Hallows at this point. I'm more than a little scared after HBP to see where JK Rowling is going and who dies.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 2:02am

What a great story, I've got a feeling that I've read something like this before, but I can't remember where... But at the need of the party everyone was killed, do you know what story I'm talking about?? As I've been looking for it.

How could the Weasley Boys (spceally Bill) lie to Fleur about not have a Stag party.

I understand where Harry is coming from about feeling betried about his money, he give access to his vaults to help them out not spend it on things like new brooms and strippers.

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 1:11am

A nice story. Keep writing.

badboyjazz1735 posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 12:52am

Please Turn this into a longer story, the fic was a great read and the writing was superb.

The harry/fleur pairing was exeptional because it wasn't the typical veela cliche (if u know wat i mean)

PLEASE!! do think about extending this fic into a long story such as Hope (Which i think is the greatest fic ever written)

Anyway thanks for ur dedecation to your work!

yours Faithfully

Lira posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 12:47am

Wow. Impressive! Love it! Hope to see the next chapter soon! :D
I'm glad you gave Harry the classe to refuse her instead of going fully with Dumbledore's marriage contract and it being activated by the sex!

rune1806 posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 12:35am

hi a very well writen story. i liked your take on the cheating, my x did that and i feel the same way i could forgive just about anything else but not that.

matthiasblack posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 12:12am

Well you and your betas did a fantastic job. I am glad to see a fic about a responsible Harry and his relationships with everyone. I was actually kind of glad there was no smut as that takes something away from the fic. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of your work.

Bobboky posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2007 11:48pm

nice work